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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Been keeping the car in the garage. In order to do it, I tidied up the garage. Made a great job of it, put EVERYTHING away Came for a tootle out today down to the postoffice.... and noticed my wing mirror was wet. Thought nothing of it. When I got back, there was a patch of oil on the garage floor... drivers side but about level with my wing mirror. Had a bit of an investigation..... I had put all my oil, clutch, brake, diff fluid all up in the loft. A bottle of diff fluid had fallen over and leaked a small amount into the shelf it was on in the loft. Hence the wet mirror. Imagine if it had been brake/clutch fluid... in the MIDDLE of the loft!!!! All liquids have now been moved to the edge, so even if they did spill (which they WON'T now anyway) they would drip/spill to the side of the car. Wow..... what a close one!
  2. Im a kind of a self confessed "expert" on Floyd... They will never tour again, not together. I thought it might have been possible when Rik was alive. But no-way it will ever happen now. Rush!!! did they play YYZ? Dear GOD that tune is amazing.... Revolving kit for Peart?
  3. Push the button... the boot SHOULD "pop open" i.e. be released from it's catch, then with one hand, you should be able to open the boot. it does not open all the way from the push of the button.
  4. 1. Common issue... Ask ZManAlex for a kit to fix it 2. Get your boot gas struts refilled.... or try "the penny trick"
  5. We will be in Brum.... Had tickets since the day they came out! Gutted we missed the O2 spectacle with Dave and Nick but we knew it was going to happen there and no-where else. Such a shame about Rick... not just because it was the final nail in the coffin... but because he was such a great bloke.
  6. Couldn't make it this morning like I was planning too ... damn... Will have to be next year instead
  7. slimjim

    My New Car

    ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Nissa ... Cr_001.jpg
  8. How is a 5.0 Mustang forum a "rival" to us? Crazy....
  9. Mine seems fine below 50ish... Anything more and it's not possible to hear or be understood, either the system or the person on the call. Still pretty cool for standard though. (53 plate)
  10. Gonna have to give it some to post 50 NON SPAM messages before the weekend
  11. Tarmac, you bringing down a VAN as well as the Zed? Or are you just fitting everything to the car and selling it off bit at a time, to drive back "naked" and refit all the OEM stuff?
  12. Bottom. Thats what I've been thinking! Just wondered if anyone had put it up the top or does the eye level brake light get in the way! Go super subtle! viewtopic.php?f=9&t=48262
  13. Seems to be charging OK when driving... just popped out in it and it was fine, V's going up as I went. One thing I DID just spot... one of my dome lights is out. Suppose I could I have left it on (AGAIN) and it burnt out. Drained the battery enough to not let the car start, but let the ignition come on. Very strange.
  14. VERY weird... Left her on charge for an hour... came to try again, nothing happened Waited for two mins, checked the volt meter, looked fine, turned on the radio, no problems. Tried AGAIN... and it worked fine! Started no problem... and stops/starts no problem now. WTF could THAT be?
  15. Cheers guys... Will leave it for an hour and see how it does. I think a new one is on the cards anyway... read through the receipts and history and not seen a replacement at all, so this one is seven years old.
  16. Not driven my car for about 5 days. Remote unlocks the doors. Get in, interior lights are fine. Key in, ignition comes on. Dash lights up fine. If I turn the key WITHOUT the clutch down, nothing happens (as you would expect) If I turn the key WITH the clutch down, I get a bit of a click, but nothing else. Hooked up a charger and it says "charging" .... is the battery just low? (And probably on the way out) or do I need to start to worry abut something else? cheers guys...
  17. Would it be a real ball ache to fix my skipping bose and the bass that keeps dropping out in mine?
  18. Sounds good... Just stick you motor on jacks on the drive and drop em off... Think i'm going to risk it
  19. Have a look here... http://forum.bmw5.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f ... wdercoated and here... http://forum.bmw5.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=70050 Looks good!
  20. Wow!!! That could be the find of the year! Im gonna ring them today. Might pop down for a look tomorrow...
  21. Just lots and lots of cash... As BulletMagnet says... Money talks. Got my Zed for quite a bit less than asking, which I am SURE is linked to the fact I used £20 notes, rather than a faceless check that could bounce. Also meant I could drive away right there and then. Although andlid's idea of a 90% bankers draft and the rest in cash is a very good one. Saves carrying all that money around with you!
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