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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. HA HA ... Just got a delivery from here... http://www.tshirthell.com/hell.shtml Won't post any ....
  2. Christ is this thread still going! How about this one... http://jdmattire.spreadshirt.co.uk/men- ... /color/319
  3. gotta be impossible to line up the stripes across all three sections. I think you did it spot on the right way! Would look good if you did it the other way, so they were all facing the same... but I recon impossible to get perfect... and would look awful if it was even slightly off. Great job!
  4. DOH! Realised as soon as I had done it mind
  5. Still easier than changing a few sparkplugs though eh Ian? It would have been any easy task had it not been for Pretty sure I can match you there... I changed some sparkies and put the leads back on teh wrong way! got 6 and 5 the wrong way round or something...
  6. Cheers... Two of the guys I trust most on the forum replying with exactly what I wanted. Sweeeeet
  7. I have this... http://www.350z-tech.com/wiki/index.php ... _%28G35%29 and this... viewtopic.php?f=35&t=19516 Anyone want to comment at all?
  8. Just had an unexpected "day off" thrust upon me... Thought I might use tonight to take the front bumper off my car and have a look at my leaking PAS rad. Couple of questions. 1. How hard is this to do? 2. How hard is this to do ON YOUR OWN? 3. How easy is it to put back on, ON YOUR OWN? 4. If the bumper is off, is it legal for me to drive with it off? (Not that I am going to, just interested) Cheers
  9. The wife's 1 Series has a start button. Put the "key" in (which is a fat credit card thiny) and push the start stop thingy on the dash. Pointless I think. Plus, confuses the hell out of me. I use it more than I use the Zed, so I get in the Zed, put the key in they try to press the non existent button on the dash! Or... WORST than that... first time I drove into a car park, the barrier said "Push button for ticket" so I pushed the one on the dash and stopped the car
  10. Times have changed... The insurance companies can and will use ANYTHING to get out of paying any out. Even down to pads and discs.... (Sure there was a convo on them having to be to a certain standard somewhere)
  11. I can't see the images - the page stays loading for ages. Well spotted HaydnH .... Updated so it works
  12. Im sure that will be the cheapest option. I'd go for that.... Would be great to stick a nice exhaust on. but then pointless as well. I am going for OEM now. OEM all the way
  13. Even the standard ones make the "Juke" look like an Aston Martin.... That makes it even WORSE
  14. If I remember rightly from Slims previous piccies he has the bolt holes through his nips to attach a strut brace!
  15. +1 Can't mess about with insurance. If you can't afford to do it and insure it. Don't do it or switch cars or switch insurance. Simple as that.
  16. Mark Kermode knows what he is talking about. Switch off your brain of these types of films...
  17. I went to my local TVR meet on Sunday http://www.jameshardacre.com/TVR They were saying how MONSTROUSLY expensive it is to keep/service the speed six's.... Which is why the Tuscan and Cerbera (the S6's anyway) are currently dropping like stones. and everyone is selling up. But that the V8 Griffith 500's are actually going UP in price at the moment... I am considering it
  18. http://jdmattire.spreadshirt.co.uk/men- ... -A15405619
  19. Im in Oldbury and Rowley Regis quite a bit... But it wasn't me
  20. Oh God... a Red Rose... Don't want to shatter any illusions, but I don't think a K1 will give you the sound you are after. Listen to Tarmac... Saying that, you will struggle anyway. the Zed is a GT car... nothing like a TreVoR. .... just drive TVR's... NOTHING sounds, drives, feels like they do...
  21. but if you are all ready up to speed.... and on the flat... you have to work less to pedal in top gear..
  22. I use 6th for 30... flats or going slightly downhill. (Unless I need engine braking, obviously) She is fine unless you need to power out, as Dan says.
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