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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Temps in Florida will be in the mid 30's (mid 90's F), so I'd say a soft top would be feasible, although it does rain an awful lot in the afternoons and evenings Pete Yup... there is also that issue. Too hot in the morning... showers in the afternoon-evening...
  2. Thanks for all the replies peeps! Yeah, I read your thread Captain... and I also posted on yours Stew! Gonna just get there and see what they can offer me when I get there. If it is under £100 for a Charger, I will go for it (ontop of what I have all ready paid for in my package) Other wise, I will save the money and spend it on Tam
  3. Not sure WHERE I would buy that kinda ting from in the states? Where are you gonna be bud? We will be in Davenport 30 mins from Orlando from the 28th.... That's what I was thinking.... Gonna be too hot for a convertible... Although I think Tam thinks it might be a cool idea. We might just have to wait to see what "offers" they have when we get there
  4. Good idea... Like what? Thing is, I am going for the "Stock" OEM look.......
  5. Yeah... getting excited now! We are going to be traveling a bit... as the villa is 30 mins away from International drive... But we will be parking up 5 days out of the 14 at the theme parks... so is there any point plumping for a better car? Should I save my £150 and have a P3 or something when I get back?
  6. Off to Florida for 10 days at the end of the month... We have a "standard "car as part of our deal. But I was thinking of putting a little xtra cash in to upgrade. Looking on the Dollar site, I could go for a Dodge Charger ... or a Mustang Convertible. Gonna be too hot in Orlando for the top down anyway June/July? What do people recon?
  7. I used to have Blue Flames on all my cars... No-one put a Blue Flame on a Zed?
  8. Very nice.... or an Amazon?
  9. Nah... im good. But thanks for the offer Ian. Hope you get a decent price for it....
  10. HA HA ... I should get commission! TOP bits of kit these...
  11. Appreciate the offer my good man. You get your full price. I have ZManAl to pay first...!
  12. +1 why do I LOVE those things?
  13. Looking very good marzman ... Top idea... but I would have to sink it ... and rip my dash apart in order to do it... One for the back burner me thinks... Cheers guys!!!
  14. Not impressed if that is "installed" Got a ball park now anyway... Cheers Ian!
  15. HA HA ... now how did I miss that Got any photo's of what is looks like installed bud?
  16. Anyone know how costly/hard it is to get a HUD on the go? Spotted this in the Wales pics and thought it was nice
  17. Git Yes yes... it's filthy, I know Will clean her up on Sunday
  18. Just don't hit 88mph...
  19. So... the REASON I did this (yes, there was a reason!) was to get at my leaking PAS RAD pipes... Looks like they are just loose and need tightening up. I put some jubilee clips on it THROUGH the grill a few months back. But it didn't do the trick as I couldn't tighten them up because it was too tight to get in to tighten them RIGHT up. I THINK it is just the top pipe connection that is knackerd as it is clean above there...... Anyone care to comment?
  20. Thought I would have a go... Seems to be a little different on mine to the examples I could find. Plus, no-one mentioned how the hell to take the damn washer jets! First off... something is wrong... Yup a big streak of bird crap... get that off first! Ready... Get me tools. 10mm socket Ratchet and extension for ratchet Unbolt all the 10mm bolts/screws from the front of the chin, holding the bumper to the @*!# shovel/undretray Start thinking "im sure this isn't standard" When half of the screws are out of place and the bumper AND liners are torn and out of place. Turn your wheels in. Pull the liner back. Get your socket in and undo the THREE screws. I sat with one knee holding the liner back against the tyre and could then use two hands All the other "how too's" said to only do TWO... but my metal sections were also attached with these stupid plastic sections. So I just removed all three bolts and it was easier to take out. Then, you crack MOST of the plastic pop screws to bits as you try to remove them. (I forgot to take a photo, so here is one I borrowed from Chesterfield's great guide, which I used.) Then it all just pops off and falls forwar (so be sure you have a rag on the floor for it to fall on and you have moved all the screws so you don't loose them and/or they can't scratch the bumper. THEN ... you try to work out how the HELL to remove the damn washer jets form the bumper! I fist disconnected the pipe.. before realising it was going to just drain my washer fluid So, what I ACTUALLY did was... take a tiny flat head screwdriver to the little catches on the inside of the flap... These popped of and let me unscrew the unit from the bumper, letting me take it away. Be ready with the cable ties to connect the washer to the metal loops under the lights. This way they will be out of the way and not siphon of all your washer fluid! Then... look at yur bumper and pipes... and realise it MUST have been in an accident at some point due to over spray on the pipes and GM coloured Masking tape... You can't really see... but here is why I took THREE bolts out each side. Plastic connectors keep the metal section connected to the bumper. Presuming this isn't standard? Anyway... this is what I was left with...
  21. Glad I spotted this... Just getting a quote on a 911 convertible for when I am there in a few weeks. Worth it for a laugh
  22. Classic... My old mans SL55 is weird... you can get in the car (if your card is in your pocket) as it opens the doors for you when you get close (dangerous, I think) then if you get in, you can just use the start button and off you go. BUT, if you use the remote to open the door, you HAVE to put the "card" in a slot that looks like a normal barrel in the steering column and turn it, as the button won't then work. Very strange.
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