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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Yeah... get yourself a TRUCK trolley jack
  2. The Ultrcs ARE good... I had them before my PS2s... I had them shipped in from Holland I think (so Norway sounds right too) But the PS2s are SO much better. Can't explain it... Think my fronts were £190 and rears were £210... WELL worth it.
  3. Is your cone an oiled one? Was talking to a friend of mine who knows what he is talking about (he is rebuilding a 200ZX to stage 4 c550whp at the mo) and he said that if your cone is an oiled on, that might be the reason your throttle body was "Caked up" ... just from the excess oil being sucked through it.
  4. I heard he was homesick for his home country... When asked he said "Yes, I do Miss Wales"
  5. Pilot Sport 2's..... Dear GOD they are good...
  6. Yeah, do that anyway bud. Ha Ha Ha!! Thing is, I did that WAY before Ian did Won't be doing it again.... On one of my old cars, I used a dremmel and ground down the inside of my plenum/manifold intake. To be fair, this was because the original design was pants on the Volvo 440 Nothing like that I can do?
  7. Possibly something to look at then... And what is the idea behind the grounding kit?
  8. will look into it ... cheers Martin. Is this kinda stuff rubbish?
  9. This thread has made me want to ask a question... What CAN I clean on/in the engine that will help her long term? Taking the cover off to polish it is a top idea... although it will look good (Fine job you are doing Ricey!) it doesn't "help" then engine at all. Where are I presume the cleaning of the throttle body would do, because keeping it clean means let chance of rust/crap build up/stuff falling into the engine. So..... viewtopic.php?f=64&t=50328
  10. Following Riceys thread here.... viewtopic.php?f=10&t=50251&start=0 about if he should or should not clean his butterfly in his throttle body.... What CAN I do to my car to make sure it runs longer... and is nice and reliable. Going past the normal fluid changes..... Just been down to see a friend who has air-hosed my cone filter try to get it a little cleaner and I SWEAR it sounds louder now. So... is there anything I can do to help my car... long term?
  11. The BOSE setup IS good... WHEN it is working Just have to decide if you want to go OEM or get something new in. Do a search for "clunk" on the forum, work out what the issues is, then talk to ZManAlex viewtopic.php?f=10&t=50061&hilit=clunk As for brakes pads... ALSO talk to Alex.... DBA rotors with Ferodo DS 2500 pads QUALITY setup
  12. Good shout man but I think it might look a little odd with the purple now.........and I'm frigged if I'm respraying for a 3rd time! I think yellow and sunset wouldn't work.... If I am honest... I wasn't sure about the purple at first... but it is growing on me. Now I think it is ace... LOADS better than the Hot Orange... IMHO
  13. If you grab one of the mechanics on their lunch break.... they will probably pop over with a trolley jack and a torque wrench and do it for you for a tenner. Best bet I recon!
  14. RSLee is the man when it comes to fixing Bose systems... I hear Husky is looking at them too... For the knocking... as James B says ....
  15. Takes 2 mins a corner to put them on... But, I would probably take to to a garage and give them a tenner... that way they can torque them up for you properly. (Presuming you don't have a torque wrench?) Failing that... you DON'T have to do it in the road! Just nip to your nearest supermarket or McDonalds. Use the corner of the car park... IF you can get the wheels there too ... but then you will have that issue with the garage too. Should fit them 2 at a time at LEAST in the car. You can do two in the passenger seat and two in the boot... Depending on their size.
  16. Well, from looking at her, if it was £9999... you got a BARGAIN... Any less and it was a steal! Well done that man... Keep up the good work
  17. Good idea bud... Think I have a friend at a garage who can help...
  18. Starting to think my horrible filthy cone is suffocating my baby... (Put on my a previous owner) Anyone know a CHEAP option for me to sort/replace this? Obviously (I am going down the OEM route) I want a standard post 06' replacement box/tube/ panel kit... But is there anything cheap I can do for now to make it any better?
  19. Forgot to mention... that front bumper is VERY sharp! Friend of mine always says ... "It's not a proper job till Claret has been split"
  20. WOW!!! We never had anything like that when I was a kid! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB8Oixl4iI4
  21. Proper MAN's car.... Jag with a supercharger? In a lovely colour.... Very glad you didn't wrap it. Did you mention anywhere (ball park) what you paid for her? I think for a play thing she is lovely... got yourself a bargain. Wasn't sure on the interior at first... but then had a look online and some of the AWFUL wooden/fake interiors they do are terrible. LOVELY motor my good man, well done.
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