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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. slimjim

    Wanted, exhaust.

    viewtopic.php?f=156&t=50387 MINT condition...
  2. That is spot on... But also 90% of all other hardware (well, peripherals) work with Macs as well. As I am sure you know.
  3. HA HA ... no problem Matt... Problem is... Macs are VERY intuitive. It's just we have all (again, me included) been taught the PC way. i.e. you have to do A, B, then C... they repeat B and C, but in the opposite order.... unless XYZ = ABC... Where as on a Mac, it just works. It is VERY frustrating when you first use them... but you just have to trust them.
  4. +1 I'd LIKE to be rid of the PC's as they are far more complex than the Macs for no reason. But everyone is brought up (me included) on PC's ... so they "understand" them better.
  5. Sorry Dan... just wanted some help with my OS
  6. That price if for a single machine... multiples are obviously cheaper and you can have as many "users" on one machine as you like... (And a Mac an handle it!) Yup... two buttons for a long time... the mouse is just designed so well it LOOKS like there is only one button. Function AND form Problem with IT departments is that they are scared of them. Plus it is different applications of the two things for different areas. I do bitch about my PC's I have ot work on... but they are servers running in hospitals and alike. so the staff don't have the knowledge to run Macs. If they did, the software I write runs a LOT faster and a LOT more stable on a Mac (well Unix) than it does on say Server2003/8, just because the OX is SO much more reliable and cleans up after itself PROPERLY. Im not saying you SHOULD use a Mac... just saying don't slag it off if you have no experience... which you probably don't as you would love them if you did
  7. People who bitch about Mac's have never used one properly. I have to switch between the two... I have an iMac for me.. a MacbookPro for work... but I have to RDP (cord) onto PC's... they are awful
  8. I had that head unit... with the iPod connectivity... it was great! but mine was a US model and only tuned into "odd" radio frequencies... which was a bit of a swizz.... But like Matt says... why that specific unit?
  9. I have a proper laptop... it's called a MacBookPro. I am talking about a proper COMPUTER... called an iMac. Even if I DO have to pay for both... it is £20 for each upgrade. Which is only a QUARTER of how much rip off Microshite charge for their shitty, non working, "constantly updating" (hot fixes) so called (un)operating systems.
  10. JUST got this back from the Apple forum.... https://discussions.apple.com/message/15364438#15364438 Looks like I need to upgrade twice!
  11. Straight from Leopard? I thought you could only download Lion from the App store... which you only get in Snow Leopard? What about the licence I need when I DO get Lion? Single user or family?
  12. Sounds stupid... but a lot of people are put OFF by low priced cars.... (Myself included) See a nice motor for bottom end if not lower than you expect... and you just skip over it thinking "Well it is obviously cheap for a reason" See what I mean? Dropping the price may not always be the right thing to do... bump it up a couple of grand.... MIGHT work!
  13. I am running an iMac on 10.5.8 (Leopard I think?) Just got the email about Lion (10.7.X?) which looks cool Do I have to buy Snow Leopard (10.6.X?) AND THEN buy Lion? Or can I just jump straight to Lion? PLUS... looking at the Snow Leopard options... there is "Single User" or "Family License" Which do I go for? We only have one iMac (My MacBook Pro is works, so they sort that out) but we have three users on it. Do I have to pay DOUBLE just so I can have multiple users on the same machine? Or does single user mean single machine? Not very clear (which makes a change!) Apple! Cheers peeps..
  14. I think the Z4 looks bad even with the top down to be honest... the 350/370Z convertible look OK up or down... but the Z4 Coupe looks SO SO nice!!!
  15. The Z4 (NOT the convertible) is lovely... The convertible is all wrong and common as hell... Just my tuppenth....
  16. I hear that.... Blasted out my cone (ooo errr misses) with an air hose yesterday. No leaves in sight... But I am sure it made a difference...
  17. "Have you seen this dog?" AkariDesigns@Gmail.com
  18. Some good, some rubbish... Spotted a few of these today... some with specific people in users... See if you can guess any... Bad...? Overload...?
  19. Couple of nice motors... Are they REAL Cobra's?
  20. Top quality cheap way to keep your throttle body clean... Use NOS
  21. slimjim

    My Le Mans efforts!

    If you had described this... I'd have thought "Dear God, that will be cheesy and awful" ... but it looks super cool!
  22. Jackpot... If you don't ask, you don't get...
  23. they are oiled as standard Well, there you go, that could be the answer. When did you last clean the cone? Mine is a paper cone.... but it isn't a jtw.
  24. Where is Ekona when you need him?
  25. If you look at the prices of them... that should help you choose
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