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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Also... in Brum, where have you said you are keeping it? Might be worth getting a quote for it being garaged... and if it is lots cheaper, RENTING a garage to put it in. (If you don't have one) Where about's in Brum are you? Postcode?
  2. NEVER take online quotes are the final price! Need to call them and do the leg work if you are serious... Also, pick a car with a reg you know and tell them you HAVE bought the car. Some sneaky gits charge you MORE when you say you have all ready bought the motor because they know you MUST insure it!
  3. Hey Scott... Thought of moving? 23 is an expensive age to insure a Zed at... but your postcode won't be helping much... But... WELCOME! Get lots of reading done before you get your Z... so you are ready for when you do!
  4. I must be missing the idea of what the garage is then... Isn't it just a page with detail of your car on? Same as a build page? Like the one in my signature?
  5. Had a searchy on here and found a lot of TALK about the differences between the <06 and >06 air box. Basically it is just the Velocity stack/trumptet thingy. http://g35driver.com/forums/intake-exha ... ote-2.html Currently I have a CAI / intake / pop charger (NOT put on by me) and I am looking to go back to stock. There is a BIG difference in prices for secondhand <06 to >06 boxes... So I was wondering if anyone HAD managed to add the stack to a <06 box and managed to dyno the positive results vs standard? Anyone managed to do this... or hear of anyone doing it? Or have an >06 COMPLETE airbox and feed pipe setup going for less than £100
  6. If you want to do a "build" page... just start a thread and put all your stuff on it.... Easy as that really..
  7. Top write up Ian! Looking super cool... great to see the progress from start to now (no, I didn't say finish, as I am sure you haven't!) I will MAKE you take me out in it next time I am down..
  8. Wait.... it's a Veilside kitted motor ALL READY.... And you are talking about mods? .... You disgust me...
  9. You guys have the "highest beer bottle" competition when you get there?
  10. WOW!!! Only 8!!! Yeah, I up my posts per page on other forums as I have a super quick BB connection. When it slows down at weekends, I turn the number of posts down if needed. Like I said... scraping the barrel for forum issues. You guys run a tight ship!
  11. "OEM" is the new modded..... Once you put lots of goodies on, it will still be worth the same as it was before. So people strip them back to standard anyway and sell the goodies they put on. Ask P15UL T for details! If you are using the 350 as a gateway to the 370... i.e. you want to sell it eventually to get the 370, then I would keep it standard and save your cash... Just keep her lovely and stock. then when it comes to selling her, she will be more desirable than the stock one's you are up against in the selling stakes. You can still spend PLENTY of cash getting them to standard and keeping them mint... AND have fun.
  12. Can I alter the number of posts per page anywhere? On my reef forum I can set it to 100... so I have to skip to new pages less (How lazy am I ... the forum MUST be good if this is all I can moan about!)
  13. DOH! Well spotted DBlock... mine was the DEH-P880PRS Close but no Cigar!
  14. That's for the Muppets who don't know what they are doing
  15. Get some games through the App Store... I HIGHLY recommend "Hedgewars" which is basically worms... very cool, specially the online stuff
  16. "Velocity stack" That's the words I was after
  17. VMWare is for running windows on... like Parallels or boot camp... Did you buy the MBP to play games on? Strange choice for a gaming machine.
  18. http://g35driver.com/forums/intake-exha ... ote-2.html
  19. I think here is a little bit of a gap in the market between things for under £20 and things over £100... Couple of little things like the grounding kits or something might be a good idea. (Although I suppose that would be closer the £20 mark) Also, there is the chance for someone to make a LOT of money by proving (dyno I suppose) that they can provide a trumpet/cornet (what ever they are called) kit type thing to convert a pre 06 air box to the same gains as a post 06 air box.
  20. What is winding you up about it? Do you use VMWare?
  21. Maybe Microsoft ARE moving forward with Win7 then?
  22. Has your Mac gone bad yet? (I'm guessing not)... and has your PC? (I'm guessing yes) That's my point... There IS no App store in 10.5.*
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