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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Try something without the word banker in... like personal financial adviser or something... Maybe the EAST Midlands... but not over hear in the West Midland... low risk over my way
  2. Wanna give us a ball park on the NOS setup... Plus how much it costs when you use it... And what the difference in insurance was (Who are you insured with too?)
  3. They are... have you SEEN the crashes/speed/stupid stuff the American kids do in them?
  4. What do you do for a living? The WORDING of your job can also make a BIG difference.
  5. Sorry dude.... Want me to clean up my posts? I did the same with my thread... wanted a serious "build" section where I put everything... then everyone posted all over it! Maybe we need some sort of "garage" page or something?
  6. Pretty sure that was the FIRST time I have been right on here And I think Wasso is the Fruit loop for NOT posting an OEM/Stock photo The flaming man WASN'T in the original?
  7. DBA's with Ferodo Pads are the current flavour of the month. I am VERY happy with mine! Have a look here... viewtopic.php?f=41&t=50477 or speak to ZManAlex
  8. That would be his carbon fiber boot... sans spoiler... wouldn't it? Plastic instead of glass too?
  9. Depends... what discs do you have? Ando is selling these pretty cheap... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/110699330048
  10. Well, gimme a shout when you hear anything if you do need a box to try it out on.. I will BUY a pre 06 for you to use!
  11. See... THAT is the innovation we need! Need a paying Guinea pig?
  12. SURE they will go for more than I have bid... But if not, I will get a BARGAIN
  13. Going for a blast round Europe? I recon you should stick new pads AND discs on ... Better safe than sorry. New pads at least....
  14. Nope... that sounds about right.. Post 06 motors are the wrong side of £460 a year!
  15. Yeah... the pop chargers just give a good (quote/unquote) sound... which I don't want. Dyno's have proved that putting a post 06 box with the trumpet onto a pre 06 car (that DIDN't have the trumpet) gives between 3-5bhp... and makes a much nicer sound than the pre 06 box. Oh... spoke to that guy about the eBay one... it is a pre 06... i.e. non Velocity Stack box Anyone?
  16. Not putting myself forward as a SQL expert... but it is kinda my job If you need any help with optimising SP's or indexing tables or anything... shout me
  17. Well... if it can be done... then cool. but I don't think it is something the forum specifically needs myself.
  18. Apparently... in low risk postcodes... the price for parking in a garage goes up, as it is more likely to be scratched/damaged, whilst being stored and put in/out of the garage. Where as in a high risk area, it is lower parking it in a garage as there is less risk of it being vandalised/stolen.
  19. you can input every mod from superchargers to a decal. add the cost etc, where it was bought from, who fitted it etc, and then link to it reviews you might write for the garage that did the work, to a review of the place you bought it from etc. But you can do that on a build page... Still don't really see the point myself....
  20. Pretty sure I couldn't be bothered to fill all that in Plus.. does it go down to every detail on the car? Every mod you have done? Would be impressed if it did
  21. I'm not trying to be patronising but there is a big difference between a powerfull RWD and FWD. FWD are kiddies toys that can be thrown into corners at any speed, RWD requires some respect. right, that did sound patronising, wasn't meant to but the point still stands I meant reading for when you get it ... for modding , working on it etc... But Husky kinda has a point.... a 300bhp FWD can be driven by pretty much any one, at speed. Chucking it into corners and such. RWD is a different kettle of fish. Scared me a time or two!
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