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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. 90% of consultants are **********'s.... They should have done their speech on a Friday afternoon (or any afternoon for that matter) when they are all out on the golf course telling each other how ace they are..
  2. Your Chinese supermarket sells Japanese food??? Yup... they sell most Asian stuff.... Don't all Chinese supermarkets?
  3. I will swap your a standard kit for my popcharger
  4. Yeah... the Muppets... Kinda like putting YOUR car for sale... then approaching you to buy it when they get a buyer...
  5. Hard to get hold of Wasabi though... it is usually just green horseradish paste... Luckily we have a Chinese supermarket our way
  6. Those things are quality.. Tesco do them in big packs....
  7. http://dvlaregistrations.direct.gov.uk/ Cheapest
  8. One of my dome bulbs has blown. The passenger side. There easy enough to replace? What do I need? Searchy just bring up something about blowing the bulb if you link to it for anything.
  9. Carded a 2007 Temper (Think that is the colour?) on the pub car park in Ironbridge
  10. I THINK it is cheaper to change your name than to buy most plates! Says me....
  11. This HAS to be a repost... Jump to 1:30...
  12. FYI... THIS IS THE OLD ONE, WITHOUT the Velosity Stack. Will still work... but won;t give you any extra power.... Unless RTBiscuit get's his arse into gear with the retrofit bolt on!
  13. Must just be me not knowing what I am talking about then
  14. Quite possibly. I just don't get him... he is arrogant without being THAT good. Sure, he had the skills when he won the championship... but he has gone off the boil for some reason this season (Bar his pretty incredible performance yesterday) But wasn't that just because he had put his main competitor (Lewis) out?
  15. Is it only me who think he is an arrogant useless Muppet... Who got LUCKY yesterday... NO respect for his team mate or pit crew? I mean he doesn't even know WHERE his pits are! and closing the door on anyone, let alone your team mate is a huge no-no... he KNEW he was there...
  16. http://www.teamjapspeed.co.uk/2011/06/b ... eza-found/ found...
  17. Totally agree with Wasso... but, is this a dealer? Says "Family car forces sale" so I presume it is a private seller? Personally, I would walk away. Someone who had let the car get to a point where it has a bald tire may/will have let OTHER things slide. Like services... or even oil changes. Not good!
  18. Ahhhh... Good point... http://www.howmanyleft.co.uk/?q=350z+nissan 625-2003
  19. Watch the cameraman in the blue.... and the rear wheel....
  20. Says my 2003 doesn't exist!
  21. Never seen that before! TF2 ... = A http://www.motorcarinsuranceuk.co.uk/po ... atings.php TF2 FTW
  22. They are... have you SEEN the crashes/speed/stupid stuff the American kids do in them? To be honest the build quality of the Zed isn't fantastic, (Slim) after seeing the build quality of your fathers car (Merc) there's a massive difference. I bet if you removed the drivers door from both vehicles. The weight of the Merc door in comparison to the Zed door I'd say could potentially be twice the weight. Why? Cos it's built for safety. I don't believe the Zed would stand up that well in a major crash, yet we all like to have some spirited drives. That's tempted me to investigate the NCAP ratings...... The Merc... built like a tank.. DRIVES like a tank If you want to see scary... take the FIBREGLASS body off a TVR... It's just a bunch of scaffolding... And DON'T look at the NCAP ratings for the Zed... NOT a good idea.. specially with NOS!
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