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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Wonderful dogs!!!! How are you getting them to the lakes? Boot is a little "snug" in the Zed
  2. "To the most beautiful moment in life. Better than a deed, better than a memory, the moment... of anticipation!" - Jacques
  3. I agree... lots of stigma round the Scoobies though... I mean I would be embarrassed to say "I have and STI" ... Maybe that is why they all wear caps... to cover their faces? Sorry... being serious, they ARE great cars... but thirsty as Dan says. Couldn't buy a recent one... they look like a ROVER!!! My sister had a Megan and I drove it once or twice and was astounded at how well it drove! Very surprising. I was expecting a price of crap... but it was actually OK! I had a Leon TDI and drove a few cupra's too... If you are going to go fail wheel drive and want a decent diesel... the fr(?) ones are supposed to be quick and reliable. And good for tuning (Look into Upsolute)
  4. ditto... I signed up when the program was good...
  5. For my AppleTV I ran/traced RJ45E cables through my walls to my hub in my office. I did three, one for the AppleTV, one for the PS3 and One for my TV.... What's a powerline? (Says the computer geek!)
  6. Yup.... Tell em to sort it out! What are they playing at?!!!!
  7. Hmmm... cool air induction kit is also less power and more noise...
  8. Yup... Plus all the online and on demand movies are top notch... as well as Video Podcasts etc...
  9. Thought the Mini was ugly, then I saw the Countryman... Thought THAT was ugly... Then I saw this... Think I am going to be physically sick.
  10. The AppleTV is VERY VERY good. We have the old HDD version. 160gig... top bit of kit. No idea what the streaming only ones are like though...
  11. You sure your left foot was to the floor? Done that a few times and could have sworn blind my clutch was down but it wasn't Would explain the total "dead" tries.... but not the starter with nothing kicking over...
  12. Sorry... I guess it is just like girls using make-up... looks good at the time, but after a while it just flakes off. Gotta keep re-applying it. Im on the look out for a new Alzean interior...
  13. If I am honest... NOT great.... I think the leather is just too past it. Wasso did a top job cleaning them up and I have been feeding them... but I think the years of neglect may have been too much for them.
  14. Not my cup of tea at all, front OR back... Friend of mine bought one when it first came out... all excited and happy with it... Just found out she is pregnant and needs to sell it... can't GIVE it away!
  15. Exactly... Plus, you still have to stump up the £500-ish road tax for it...
  16. Do some searching on the "Freedom Of Information Act"... Find the right department and send a letter to the cops... Something like this... but for your local force... http://www.met.police.uk/information/metric/index.htm
  17. I think he will have to drop it back down to £11k ANYWAY.... Like you said, buyers market at the mo... I would see how it goes. Im sure he will get back to you once he has some tire kickers who offer him £8k!
  18. Want to take it back to stock as that is the route I am going. Back to stock, get her as MINT in stock as I can. Just what I want to do Suppose I will be able to sell the AEM CAI once it is off! Might run it for a while on stock first, see how it feels.
  19. this... http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/list.asp?s=141 Being serious... to crack 5 seconds, you are probably looking at the wrong car... OR, you need to TRIPLE your budget. This car is a Grand Tourer... not a speed/racing machine. They are notoriously slow of the line due to their weight.
  20. Yeah... that kind of makes sense... Never seen a standard one, so I don't know what they look like Why would that be? For extra flow from a nose Snout thingy? Suppose I can always just re-cover it again... ?
  21. Yeah... rubbish feed back and pants adverts... Just have to see what arrives... and start proceedings with PayPal if they are not what I expect. (I expect at LEAST what is in the photo's!) For £40, I thought it would be worth a try.
  22. Yeah.. Anyone got any images of these on a (sensible) looking car? I DO use my rear 1/4's for shoulder checks... would fitting them mean I couldn't? "EDIT" I take it back... DON'T import them...
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