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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Still got this box Shaun? GIMME GIMME GIMME!!!!
  2. That is quality! Think I will have a mooch about on eBay, see if I can find one of those subs cheap Will also look for an amp. Anything other than the mrp500 you recommend? Any spec I should look for?
  3. Starting to thing I should bin the Standard HU... I could get a replacement/refurb for £270 ... but I think for a little more I could get a GREAT HU that would look the biz and do all the bluetooth, iPod linking stuff I want. As well as linking to the wheel controls (If I get a conversion harness thingy) What kind of price do you think I could get a 10w3v3 for? Pretty sure I can build a sub box, I made some custom fiberglass ones for my old DelSol once which was a b1tch, pretty sure I can manage and easy MDF one Oh... any idea where the designs are? Can't see any on here...
  4. No build pics but some pics of cover on/off: Felt pads stop the cover from vibrating, put some grease around where the sub box touches the metal cover to stop it vibrating That is pretty much EXACTLY the kind of thing I am after.... What is the setup then? Did YOU make the box? where are your amps... and what head-unit did you use? I really wanted to keep the standard HU... but that is starting to look like a real headache
  5. Second that!!! Boots, boots, boots! You can always hire a decent board when you get there and also play with different lengths, see what you like. You can easily take boots with you, at no extra cost (unlike a board) GOOD boots are gold and hard to find in hire shops.
  6. at least you can see yours is stealth Any more images? Build pics?
  7. Nope.... Will be mostly metal and classic rock. Pink Floyd, Led Zepelin etc.... Prefer a warm sound too....last time I bought speakers it was a LONG time ago and my fav were Rainbow components. Had a few JL subs too which I do rate. Might just take my sub section apart and see what there is. Any other tips other than the great ones so far?
  8. Thing is, with a box under the strut bar, you loose half the boot! Ikarus' install has one in each bin and one in the spare wheel too.
  9. +1 Plus.... errr.... your username might not help either
  10. But I DO use the boot... so I would want to try to keep away from using any of the space in the boot. Unless I suppose I could loose the spare and carry spray/foam for a puncture.... So many decisions...
  11. Yeah, I saw the Ikarus install... looks like he only lives 30 miles from me... which might be good if he is willing to help me My problem is, when I think stealth, I think OEM. Not JUST out of sight. And on top of that, the ability to go back to standard if I need to. I was thinking of using the other side/glove box for the amps, as I don't really use it. but then I spotted some guys had attached them to the bottom of the seats?!?! Is that something that is possible to do/a good idea?
  12. DBlock... great, you are here I am trying to decide which route to go down to be honest. I REALLY want a stealth install. Which is why I want the sub to go into the same place it is now. but it is looking like it might be an idea for me to have a "removable" one in the rear corner of the boot, for when I want to put lots of stuff in the car and not have the bass. Am I being STUPID even trying to keep it stealth with everything in the same place? If I was to go in the same place as now... Infinite Baffle would be best... but might rattle the hell our of the plastic?
  13. hmmm this is one... but NOT the one I was thinking of... http://www.incarexpress.co.uk/view_prod ... N35010W3BK
  14. Im sure there is a JL sub enclosure somewhere that JL designed themselves... Anyone know the name of it?
  15. bugger... probably need to plaster everywhere with dynomat then? Seen this... bit cheaper than the wickedcas... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350z-Coupe ... 54351#shId
  16. Did you miss the Jag vs GTR then? I'd rewind it to the beginning if I were you
  17. Did you not ask them? If prompted that we had an arrangement for 10% off I'm sure they will do the same for the new price Good point... Sorry!
  18. Just called up about this (Sorry for the thread revival!) NEW phone number for them (might want to alter the front post) is 01285 861 861 and it is £245 for a "like new" replacement on an exchange basis. Which is set to new so it will marry with your car. Wonder if we could get the 10% forum discount on the new price?
  19. Anyone looked at sticking a JL Audio 13TW5-3 in the original sub location? They are pricey... but I want to stick with the standard look. http://www.carradioskipton.com/13tw5-373-p.asp £400ish...
  20. HE HE .. yeah, posted on those threads just before you posted Thanks Chris... PM'd you too
  21. Anyone on here HAVE their policy kicking abut anywhere? I'd like to know the EXACT wording for the Plenum spacer mod, as I am looking to put it on with Admiral (Currently with them) but they ay they don't know what it is! Cheers
  22. Anyone have a policy with Admiral (multi car) and have a plenum spacer covered? Just called them and they don't know about it, so they can't cover it. Anyone know what I could tell them? Mentioned a remap/uprev and they said as long as it is 10% or less bhp extra from standard, IT IS FREE!!! For my car AND the beemer... Also, anyone have the D1 covered with them? Cheers
  23. I did mine the other day! Bought them from Amazon, great WHITE light from them. http://www.amazon.co.uk/269-Extreme-Pow ... B001W13PKS
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