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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Stripping... Well, been doing a little stripping to see what space and opportunity for ICE I have... Cheers to Chris I and Wasso for the help I needed to work out where to start! Only took me 30 mins once I got going. Space on the drivers side. I may need to remove one (or both) of the bars hanging down. But I need to be sure I have something to fasten it in with. Don't want a sub hitting me in an accident. Would hurt! Space on the passenger side, might be able to fit am amp in there AND keep the glove box. Hoping I can route my power cable down this white channel I found Works thinnest (worst) sub?!?! Sub box fits The Box IS in there ... honest Found the amp in the boot, while I was taking the trim off for the Akari boot light upgrade Filled the garage though, she will be parked outside for a while Anyone know what this box is?
  2. Any one tell me what this is? Thought it might be to do with the speakers, but no "BOSE" written on it....
  3. Well... here are my efforts so far Not bad for someone who doesn't know what they are doing!!!!
  4. I think it is more likely that my setup has died and yours is still going
  5. Gotta disagree with you there bud. The (Well my) BOSE speakers ARE that bad. They are bloomin' AWFUL. but your motor is built for power/0-60/ engine & xorst sound. You should stick with the monster you have I may uprev & plenum at some point but music is a HUGE thing to me, not having decent tunes in my car is awful. so Im gonna go down the Stereo route first
  6. Yeah, I want to avoid the under strut thing as it takes up space in the boot I DO use. No WAY you should do an install after the diet your Zed went on!!! Remind yourself how heavy amps and subs are! Might as well stick your OEM boot back lid on
  7. Weird... I was kind of expecting to find the amps here... Did you take them out? Or am I expecting them to be in the wrong place?
  8. woo hoo!! The ever reliable Wasso!!! Not expecting to find a bottle hidden in mine And I am SO dumb... never even thought to look in the service manual ... thanks Chris!
  9. I think the ICE is going to be a long term thing. Not exactly flush at the mo after just getting back form the states. Looking to get the HU when I get paid next month.... then things may move alone a little.
  10. Depends what the cone is made from... What does it look like? Where was the kit from?
  11. Why have a shed for moving crap around when you can just the Wife's car? God I hope she doesn't read that!!! If you have ACCESS to another car, I don't see the need for a shed. But if you don't you are best off to go for something like an estate so you have LOADS of room for moving stuff. Something totally the opposite to the Zed.
  12. Don't get caught speeding on the way there/back! Someone I know (NOT a friend, I hasten to add) went with his normal "I don't give a fook" attitude and failed... had to have the points Just don;t bite anyone Husky!
  13. 99% sure that certain 18" alloys won't fit over the Brembos... So I would have thought there would be no way with the 17's... sorry dude...
  14. Well, might as well keep 'em in my car. Anyway, people can now see what they are like from my photo's and they now have two choices. Your way if they need them quick and my way if they don't mind how long it takes. Will update this if and when they die
  15. Sorry dude... Found it anyway, will send it off with the rest of it when the replacement turns up
  16. Also noticed I never said that I had sorted out my rest boot gos struts to be re-gassed over at Derby by sgs-engineering http://www.sgs-engineering.com/pages/regassing-service They did a refill for me. Thirty notes sorted it Oh and 2 hints a) get someone to HELP you take them off, just to hold the boot. The thing is CRAZY heavy. take photo's of how they go on/what side. Not going to have my head chopped off by the boot slamming on it now! Good turn around, sent them off on Thursday, they arrived on Tuesday. Would recommend the service. Boot opens with ONE TOUCH now... not FIVE
  17. DOH! What is there ANOTHER clip missing from the middle of that under piece then? ... OOOOOOPPPSSS!!
  18. Well, I have used 3... and there are 5 left. So if I use two for the headlights, I could try to sell the other three for £3 including delivery, with photo's that prove they work. BUT... as you quite rightly say, I have no idea how long they will last, so I will just keep em in the car in case they blow next week... Including the ORIGINAL bulbs in case they die too
  19. Also, preparing for the arrival of an Akari Design strut down light. Managed to only snap one bit of plastic A bit from the section that covers the boot latch. Presume I can't glue it back on as it is the place where most of the pressure is applied... Guessing ZManAlex could source me a new one. but I think I will wait till I have "done" my ICE install and get all the bits I need in one hit. Anyway, the cover is off... and the rest of the trim for me to chase the power from the light.
  20. Right! HassanZ, my cheap as chips, tight ass, put a lump of coal in my wallet and a week later a diamond comes out, along with some moths.. LED's turned up on Friday. Only had chance to play with them this morning, so here they are! Photo's were taken in the sun... in the garage, so don't really show how bright they look. Will take a few snaps tonight. They even fit in the boot light, so I stuck one of them in there, as I have EIGHT to play with. Not bad for £5. Will just have to see IF they last Didn't get chance to put them into the Head lights yet, but I am hoping they will look OK with the metal side on them. MIGHT even spray the white bits grey/silver before I put them in... make em look even nicer
  21. Need to switch to the 370Z profile in your settings...
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