Plans coming along VERY nicley now...
Found the amp I want Should be here later on this week for me to test the fitment, which I think should be perfect!
Was trying to work out where I could fit the AMP. So I made a cardboard version of it to see where it could fit.
It KIND of fit behind the globe box completely out of sight but I think it would be a bit of a bitch to secure and wire it up...
Then I though, "I wonder if it would fit IN the glove box?"...
This way, I will still retain some space in the glove box. Big enough for my satnav to fit in (till I expand the HU to have SatNav too!) and it should be easier to wire in.
Also, if I mount the amp upside down, there is plenty of room for me to put in a couple of fans to make sure the amp doesn't over heat.
More to come....