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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. ... I knew that it wouldn't be the one people wanted
  2. What do you think the power cable to form the camera? Looking at one myself while I have the car apart!
  3. Doesn't surprise me.... Will get a couple of pics in the dark tonight if they are any good.
  4. 30 second job... Nice one Husky... Only thing was, I had to match black to red and red to black in order to get the LEDs... but John did say that might be the case.
  5. Can I install one of these on my missus!
  6. Well, at least ONE of us understands it Speaking of (too) Husky... Looking to fit the under strut brace lights he sorted me out with today! Install pics to follow (I hope!)
  7. We have a Weeener! Yup, will install it later today if I get time... Try to get the old one back in the post to you today too Jon (errr.... address?)
  8. Ohhh... I wonder what it could be! More info to follow
  9. I played drums for about 8-9 years. Started off on a shitty old brown beat up Premiere kit. Then moved onto a lovely black sparkle dusted Pearl Export kit. After that I managed to get a Roland TD-20... which was a great bit of kit! but I had to sell it to afford the Zed... a choice I am MORE than happy with! Although I HAVE kept my original "Jon Bonham Special" - Ludwig Supra-phonic with the internal damper hammer. It is as old as me, 1978!!! Any REAL drummers on here? I am in a band and my drummer (I am the vocalist) actually MAKES cymbals for a living. The guy is SO talented. Just made this crazy cymbal keyboard thing called a Gameleste for Bjorks latest album/single: Crystalline - (BEST YouTube video EVER!) More recently, with being a vocalist in the band http://www.jameshardacre.com/UA/ I decided to take some singing lessons... And I passed my grade 3 for Voice just after Crimbo
  10. I think these things are pretty rare, and some of you guys were after one? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0755639003
  11. Thanks billyokco, starting to come together in my head. Starting to think I might have not left enough length of cable in the engine bay before taping it all up But I do have to put a fuse there, so I will have to extend it anyway.... Suppose I could always just cut the tape off and pull a little more through. Kinda cheated with the power cable as it is from an OLD install on a previous car that I found in the loft. I think/hope that it is actually the perfect length. We will see Anyone heard of "Star Earthing" ... never heard of it myself till the other day, but I ran a cable just in case. Basically, there is a VERY good earth behind the head unit. Directly to the same panel the main earth is on from the battery(Or VERY close to it) in order to make sure the standard head unit doesn't get any interference. When you ground your amps in the boot to the chassis, the current has lots of panels and welds to cross to get back to the battery. So you run an earth cable (very thin, 1/1.5mm) from the new earth you make directly to the main HU earth, that was a small amount of the current goes down it to the GOOD earth, which cuts down the interference/whining you can somethings get. Obviously what you REALLY want to do it have the amp RIGHT next to the battery/HU and power straight from the battery and earth ONLY to the HU earth. But in the real world, 99.9% of the time that it just impractical. Apparently Audiphiles do this "Star Earthing" all the time in Home amps/setups. And can PROVE it makes a difference. Was very easy for me to run a tiny extra earth cable with the power lead. So I did it, just in case
  12. Power cable and star earth cable laid Just used the good old "wire coat hanger" trick
  13. Easy as pie Just used the good old "wire coat hanger" trick And I THOUGHT this was going to be a TRICKY install
  14. Where is the best place for me to track the cables for an ICE install? Presuming the power is best off going down the empty white channel by the side of the passengers sill? Then for RCS and return to the speakers... Can I use the central section or am I best going down the other (cramped) side?
  15. What exactly MAKES it "Euro Style" .... Do they just think we all have VERY BAD taste?
  16. Very cool Anyone else think this was going to be about something TOTALLY different? http://tinyurl.com/3kqgv5x
  17. Cheers notfub, I used to have a DEH-P880PRS which was VERY VERY nice...
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