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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Probably best off taking me out of the line anyway, spent WAY too much on ICE this month to even think about LED rear clusters! Out of interest, what price are you letting them go for?
  2. "But I am doing dead on 70mph, so I can be in this lane" .... No, if you are doing 120mph on the motor way and there is nothing about, you should be in the inside lane. (If we take the speed limit out of the equation for a moment) I always come up behind them in the inside lane (as that is where I should be) move out to the overtaking lane, then pull back into the slow lane. All nice and safe with plenty of indication. Nothing to get angry about. The WORST thing round my way is the fact that the M54 is a two lane motorway! Now THAT is annoying! but I can't see anything ever happening to improve it!
  3. Cheers guys... A friend of mine "in the know" says if I want to do minimum, all I need to do is 50% of the large door panel, including directly behind my speakers as this will at least stop most of the beginning of the resonating as it it directly behind the speaker. Chris'I, totally see where you are coming from. MOST of the panels "ping" when you flick them, other than the wheel arches, as they are sound proofed all ready. But I agree that they could do with some more. Will look into the SecondSkin. I think I may get Dynamat for the doors... and then something else for everywhere else, as it it all pretty much horizontal and I have heard some of the other stuff doesn't stick as well (or is that a lie as well?)
  4. OK.... so my sub is going in the same (kind of) place as OEM. Not sure if my boot will need much, as the sound won't be going in there... or will be bass resonate from the sub in the sub compartment to the boot? Pretty much taken ALL the trim out from the seats back all ready ... So do I need super expensive dynamat? Or can I use something cheaper? I know you get what you pay for, but the dynamat is going to be VERY pricey if I use it...
  5. Trying to find some pics of how/where to put sound deadening into the car. Any one got any images or advice on what to use and/or where to put it? (For the purpose of making the stereo sound better after an upgrade) Cheers guys!
  6. I have taken a punt on one from China... £23 and it is the "more expensive" CCD style. Rather than the £18 CMOS (and yes, that is DELIVERED folks!) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0533965399 Pretty sure it will be 10 days before it turns up... but I am in no rush. Will do an install guide/photo's when I have finished. Just gotta buy a head unit now
  7. ChrisS is spot on... DB9's ARE wonderful! ... but not for a track day...
  8. Ricey... watshot... go have your tiffs somewhere else I will do that today, thanks Bronzee
  9. Nope, when you put it on it goes tight, no problem. Then retracts back nearly all the way, with the buckle hanging at the bottom of the seat. Guess I will just have to book it in and see how it goes.
  10. +1 on this... But only because I have done a TVR day before
  11. My drivers seatbelt doesn't retract all the way back at normal speed. Goes back about 80% normally but the last slack just doesn't retract unless I coax it. Anyone know if this is an MOT fail? (Due this month).. Or any suggestions on how to fix it? Ta...
  12. LOVING that colour... Very nice motor squire
  13. As Lexx said, do a good covering letter... and if you can, tailor it for each job you apply for. I also heard that a ONE page CV is best as it is more likely to be read. Although this might not be 100% accurate.
  14. Taken from the website... http://www.genesiscaraudio.co.uk/uk-en/ ... -range.php "Profile Four Ultra" The most flexible amplifier in the Ultra line-up can grow with your system. From running a Front system and sub, it can progress to front system bridged or all the way to full Active mode for a 2 way front speaker system. The inbuilt crossovers make changing your system layout a breeze. Summed Mono preouts allow easy connection of a sub amp as your system grows. Sub remote capable for Subwoofer control. High Level input for interfacing with your Factory Stereo Specification: 4 x 150W at 2 ohms / 4 x 100W at 4 ohms / 2 x 300W Bridged Smart Switching - Automatically routes the signal Parametric EQ (P Sub / P5) - Gives full adjustment of the subwoofer sound Thermal bias tracking - Eliminates distortion Flexi-mount system - For easy installation Vari-speed Thermal management - Quietly keeps everything cool DC Sub level control - Eliminates noise pickup Power Levels [2 Ohms] - 1 x 150W Power Levels [4 Ohms] - 1 x 100W Bridge - 2 x 300W THD - <0.1% Signal to Noise Ratio - 100dB 'A' Wtd Input Sensitivity [Volts RMS] - 0.3 ~ 4 Volts Current Draw @ 4 Ohms - 45 Amps Fuse Rating - 40 Amp Crossovers HP [All Continuous] - CH 1 & 2 - 30 - 6000 Hz Crossovers HP [All Continuous] - CH 3 & 4 - 20 - 200 Hz Crossovers LP [/- Module] - CH 3 & 4 - 60 - 6000 HZ Dimensions H x W x D [mm]* - 38 x 450 x 217 Weight [Kg] - 3.0 ------ I haev been told by people in the know to be careful as 9 time out of 10, the Genesis amps are OVER the power they state on the box
  15. OOOHHHHHH... Can you say CUSTOM fit? Gordon used to make custom Amps for cars too, any shape you wanted. Cost a FORTUNE.... looks like I got lucky here
  16. eeewww... Lexus tail lights? I think the only option now-a-days is http://www.flyeyeskit.co.uk as TomS mentioned.
  17. They actually look LOADS better than I was expecting. Just because personally I don't normally like them. But they REALLY suit the bonnet and the overall look. Congrats my good man... Hats off to you! So do you now remove the normal clasp system?
  18. The amp I have coming will be running my fronts AND my sub... I have something a little special in the post that I am hoping will turn up today
  19. My problem is... I LOVE Frank Zappa, therefore I LOVE Bozzio. but a couple of hears ago, he "headlined" Zappanale in Germany with his "big kit", which we watched being built He then went on to do an HOUR of solo stuff, with his 42 tunes toms. Which was AMAZING for about 15-20 mins. Then even the hardcore drummers got bored. S owe went drinking instead. The man is a genius... but never ask him about 'Punky Meadows' (Oh, and Terry has been talking to Nolan about building him something ) Yeah, saw them a few times, most memorable was at Nottingham Rock City and Keith was climbing and hanging from the lighting rig in the roof during 'through and through'. Crazy man
  20. "If I knew what to do, I'd do it!" - Lost at 22... classic tune!
  21. I need to try to get away form my addiction to BLUE LEDs.... My last car ice/light install was ALL blue led... scarily so ... I need to get into pure white... classy rather than chav
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