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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Spotted there is a manual over-ride in the boot too. A little white plastic bar you can pull to open it (behind all the trim) just in case it dies completely.
  2. HA HA HA ... nope, one tank. A "decent" size. Getting close to putting MORE money into the tank than it cost me to by the Zed... Been running it for nearly three years now. We spend at LEAST an hour watching it a day, even if that is just Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner sitting at the dining table watching. You better pop in next time you are this way bud.
  3. They are doing it matte black. Same as they wrapped the Evo in I think. Don't want anything flash. Just want it to look new and "standard"
  4. Another VERY expensive hobby of mine If you have a few DAYS spare... have a read through here... http://www.ultimatereef.net/forums/show ... p?t=281122 If not, just look at these
  5. Yeah, they said they were going to do that, but also said that it still might not stick. I trust them as they have wrapped other things for me before (Including my fish tank... long story) so we will just see what they manage.
  6. Too late peeps... dropped them off earlier at the wrapping place! Might pop down tomorrow to see how they are getting on. Take a Stanley knife and a screwdriver. They said they were worried that the covering wouldn't stick to the textured cover. Anyone rub down theirs before covering? Anyone have anything covered long term and it is still stuck down fine? They are doing the facial, the cubby hold flap and both the door/window sections. Using the same Matt black that they used for the Evo. viewtopic.php?f=21&t=52696
  7. You ALWAYS have a bloody answer don't you..
  8. Looking at mine they are properly melted in... no real way they could come off without snapping/melting. How did you get yours off?
  9. Just weighted the sub box... 10kg's!!! Will be only 1/4 filling the tank from now on then, gotta save some weight somewhere!
  10. I went with the D4300DVD because I wanted it to be fast menus and very good iPod connectivity. Will get a review done IF I ever sort out the system A few updates in my ownership thread
  11. FINALLY got the HU looking like it is fitting right... took me bloody long enough! Doesn't look too shabby... And had a go at sorting the sub too ...
  12. Yup, bought some Rainbows CS 265.25 Germanium's.... More to come on that in my Ownership thread...
  13. HE HE ... I am not having the surrounds wrapped, just the main section of the fascia, which I why I want to take the dials off..
  14. Taking my dash to be wrapped (I would make a RIGHT pigs ear of it!) and I wanted to take the dial holders off. But they seems to be MELTED on!!! Am I best off leaving them on and letting the place work round them? Or should I risk taking them off myself.. and if I take them off ... HOW do I take them off and get them back on again safely? Cheers peeps...
  15. WOO HOO!!!! Sucsess!!!! Right. Screwed it all in and it STILL didn't fit. Was only 1/4" off though. SO... I tried to work out that the problem was. The HU was too high up. So I looked at the screws I had fixing the brackets to the HU and they were the factory standard countersunk ones. so when they screwed down, then pulled the bracket into ONE position (i.e. too high up) ... I got hold of a few DOME head screws, same size and everything. Screwed them in but kept the bracket in a position I needed it to be in and it is now border line spot on... So the answer is... Remove ALL the factory cages, they are useless! DON'T screw it to the dash cover/fascia thingy... ONLY screw the HU to the cars brackets and the brackets to the car. Then put the fascia on and adjust the screws holding it to the bracket accordingly. Oh and also, DON'T try to do it at night when you are tired and just start getting angry as you will only make it worse.
  16. Thanks again everyone... Just going to drop the kids off at the pool... Then going to forget about the dash and bolt it to the car, then out the dash over the top and see how it looks. Photo's (Of the install, not me laying cable) coming soon....
  17. First off, thank you ALL very much or the replies... I started to get REALLY pi**ed off with it, so I left it for the night. Going to try to fit it TO THE CAR with the brackets tomorrow and place the facial over hte top, see if that looks any better. If I had tried it tonight I think I would have ended up with a smashed headunit and a smashed car.
  18. AARRRGGGHHH!!!!! How the BLEEEEEP do I get my BLEEEPING new HU to fit? Put in the Pioneer spacer from Sextons.... Got it all working fine.. but the holes in the damn braces don't fit.... LOOKS ace how it SHOULD be ... but I can't fix it to stay where I wand it to go!!!! Any suggestions people? Thinking about drilling the braces where I have marked them. Someone help me before I do anything stupid? Please help people... I am dying here
  19. I guess not? (I know he's not been on since my first message though) I thought cookbot had gone/emigrated to Australia/Canada or something? But I could be getting mixed up!
  20. Ian, you are bloody hilarious!!! Gonna try to fit the sub tonight. See if I need to trim to the edge of the box or if I can get away with just cutting and folding the cloth out of the way.
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