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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Managed to squeeze a quick visit to the ICE house in on Saturday. They have setup the amp and unit a little better than it was but have said I need to move my tweeters. Kinda worked that out myself, as the tweets point innto the car and down. Where as they need to be pointing towards the screen/dash and forwards. Basically to exactly where the gauges are in the middle/top of the dash. I have a "dash kit" with the tweets which might do the job. Will try it that way first to see if it makes it sound loads better. But then I thin I maky have to get the fiberglass out and do some custom molding to make it look good too Happy they have said I am going in the right direction though!
  2. Looking great bud! Any photo's of the car "packed" ... so we can see how light it is possible to travel? Saying that, I presume you are stopping in hotels rather than camping? Lovely pics... I ALSO thought you had stuck a roof box on the blue bullet!
  3. AARRRGGGHHH!!! Sweeet! Presuming it is MTV only? Gutted... Don't have/want Sky...
  4. Out of interest for a friend of mine...... Do you do them for the S14a?
  5. WHAT!?!?!?!?! Didn't you jump in the motor and go to ask him what his problem was?
  6. Thought peeps would spot it Tidied up the amp now, so the cables underneath are covered and are all setup right. Just need someone who knows what they are doing to help me EQ the whole thing to make it sound good.
  7. Yeah, it's great.... HA HA ... you "doing" the ring? Well, I BOUGHT the chair for Tam... Speaking of Tam... look what she just turned up with.... That's right... it's finished! All the interior is now back together and screwed in right.... Just needs a proper setup/dialling in. But it sounds awesome all ready!
  8. DVD is showing... and yes, you WERE right, switched the cable to the RIGHT hole and it works perfectly!!! Nice one
  9. I will try that now.... but if it is wrong, how is it playing music and getting the album artwork?
  10. Think I have everything setup right, my iPod plays perfectly though the headunit. DVD works fine... all looks great. But my videos won't show on the screen. Sound works fine but the video doesn't show. I have the P4300DVD with a CD-IU200V cable. Here is the back of the HU... Pretty sure it is all plugged in right. Plus my "TV Out" setting on my iPod is set to true... Anything anyone can suggest for me to try?
  11. Cheers Pie Man... Anyone know Matt Bowey's exact username? There is one called "matt" and one called "Bowey"
  12. ooohhh... cheers Lee... Will try Matt... (What is his exact username?)
  13. Anyone know where I can get a PLAIN BLACK rocker switch from that will fit in the place where I currently have a plain blank next to my heated seats? I guess the blank/button is for the roof on the convertible models? Want to stick a rocker switch there, pretty much the same as the heated seat one. Power one way, power the other way, nothing in the middle.
  14. Thanks to THIS post... I checked my MIRROR fuse.... was blown! Must have gone when I was disconnecting the auto fold mirror setup when I was taking the door off to fit the speakers. Replaced the fuse... tried the HU and it works!!!! Rock 'n' Freakin' Roll!!!
  15. There is positive feedback for him on these... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/290356944483 Brembo Brake Disc BMW Z3 2.8i 24V CoupéRoadster 97 to 2000 .... £46 So it COULD be right....
  16. Yup... Well, Tam loves her pink chair I think she made a decent job of the soundproofing too! You can see mine here (Hey, you back from Belgium yet?)
  17. Have to say Paul... it looks amazing... The Green and the yellow were way to OTT for me. Good to prove what can be done. Just too F&F for me... That whole overall image of that in white, with those bits on is lovely. Classic and clean.
  18. Semi productive breakfast.... ................Hide and wire in the bluetooth unit - DONE (Well, cables chased anyway) ........Chase the mic cable to the top of the A-Pillar Speakers in.... Mic in... Thing that is scaring me the most is where the hell I am going to fit all the cables!!!! Spaghetti anyone?
  19. They are SUPER deep... Always think that "deep dish" alloys look deep on the rear and not on the front... not with those though, VERY nice...
  20. Anyone received a set yet? Or HEARD from the seller?
  21. ooohhh... where do I get it from on a Bank Holiday Sunday/Monday?
  22. How am I best attaching my MDF rings to my doors for my new Rainbows? I can use the three standard bolt holes but I thought I needed to seal it to (all ready painted the rings with wood-glue solution) to the door. With something like "no-more-nails" or something? Will be covering them with sound deadening of course... just at the back of my mind I think I need to seal them down to the door. Anyone know? Cheers...
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