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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Is this with the STANDARD setup?
  2. I hear what you are saying Coldel. Oh yeah... we are SCREWED this year as we have the Zed or the 1'er to drive in the snow. A3 tubby Q would be nice
  3. Plus, as you are only in Reading, you could pop over to Bath and get the company who are divorcing it to fit it for you. I recon they wouldn't change you too much... and you would be sure it would work
  4. It should fit... The BT and steering wheel controls are standard across the GT and no GT (AFAIK) Just be sure you can get it cleared/divorced properly...
  5. But you suggested an Astra!! I suggested a 2.0T Astra or VXR, the VXR which is probably as quick as a Zed - you guys were going for a 118 Diesel! But you can't argue that the BMW is boring... and the Nova is good because it is quick. The Nova is MORE awful than the 1 series to look at. Plus it's a Vauxhall! Yes, the Beemer is over priced (as they all are) but second hand they all kinda equal out. No the Beemer isn't the best looking car either... Prettier than a Nova though
  6. DBA's.... a little extra but WELL worth it... Talk to Al, he does these... and loads of others in different price ranges.
  7. Have you tried driving one Col? They are LOVELY to drive...!
  8. But you suggested an Astra!! Mmmmmmm Nova's are beautiful....
  9. My wife started with a 1.9d A3, then moved onto the 118d BMW. A3 was very nice... but the 1series is LOVELY... Feels great to drive, even though it is a diesel. So the petrol's must be great! When we sold the A3, she wanted another one, but the 1series were coming up just as cheap, so we risked one and she loves it. ONE THING TO THINK ABOUT WITH THE BMW's!!!!! The rear Diffs tend to go. Ours did about 2 months after having it About £1200 to sort (£900 for a refurb'd one from BMW) Apparently quite a weak spot on them... Can't recommend the 1series enough.
  10. Dear GOD... HaydnH, how on earth do they know WHERE To fly... like between those trees and stuff? Do they do it with a parachute first or something?
  11. I saw one with two guys going over a fence somewhere... will have a looksie Like this one...
  12. I think you are right Chris... the standard alloys put me off Not played the game ... not what I joined for...
  13. A game on Google Plus.... Pretty sure it's a 350... Edit - As Chris pointed out, 350 not a 370, the alloys put me off (Plus an Octavia and a BMW 1 Series)
  14. VMware Fusion IS the way to go if you HAVE to run Windows (Like I do for work) .... I still only run XP in VM Fusion, refuse to move any further forward onto the bloated sh1te after that... But 99% of the time you NEVER have to run windows!!! SO WHY WOULD YOU!!?!?!?!?!
  15. Quality... balls of steel... Not good when it goes wrong... Same bloke, different experience
  16. Ooooh!!! Pics, Pics, Pics!!! We need to see how bd it was before you even started on it.... Has it been declared Cat D/C ?
  17. Just installed Lion on my iMac 24" .... WOW....
  18. +2 ... unit has to be "divorced" from the car before it will work with any other car. There is a company who can fix this.... Have a look here: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=15272
  19. I am 99% sure that those connectors only work on imports/american models... The only way in is doing the iPod "hack" ... Have a read here... viewtopic.php?f=35&t=47176 OR ... if you are MENTAL... have a look at my ownership thread at what you should REALLY do
  20. My flimsy security cable thing has broken (at the body secure point) so it can now come away from the neck when it is unscrewed. No biggie but a little annoying. Anyone know if I can reattach it?
  21. Why the hell not! We had a few "£10 off when you spend over £40" vouchers the other day. So we stuck the shopping thought in two £45 lumps
  22. You know you can get 5p Off fuel at TESCO with the relevent voucher... (I think you get it if you spent £50 in store) Just been in there and spotted that you can use up to THREE at a time... so you can get 15p a LITRE off Momentum 99ron!!! We spent about £60 a week in the store. So I managed to get 10p off today as I saved my voucher from last week. Just thought people might way to know. "Every little helps" and all that!
  23. Couple of pics from the other night after I realised I hadn't taken any of the Husky install!!! PERFECT colour for me... Cheers Husky.
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