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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Yup.. the sides are inter changeable... I tried it when I had mine apart Only issue is that the "cupboard" section is part of the facia... so it won't be as finished of as well. i.e. the lockable section behind the passenger is part of the whole section... Will grab a pic to show you. But have a search though my ownership thread to see what I mean. Should give you an idea of what is where too...
  2. Ouch... £50k .... I'll take three...
  3. That would be why it is so cheap...
  4. Totally! When I had my SEAL Leon before, I used to drive everywhere like a muppet at 100 miles an hour... Never letting (well trying not to) be over taken... Generally driving like a bit of a prat. Now in the Zed I am MORE than happy to relax, chill out and let a million and one people come past me. Totally changed my driving style. Had a guy in a Mark II Fiesta want a go... looked 'suped up' .... so I guess he may have had the skillz to pay the billz, as it were. But I just didn't bother. Seemed to make him mad for some reason. so I am glad I did it!
  5. I would of raged if someone was leaning on my car lol Very weird... I'd have walked up to him and asked him if I could help him.... make it as embarrassing as possible for him. Muppet. I would never DREAM of leaning on ANY car that wasn't mine (wouldn't lean on my own either though!)
  6. Yeah, she needs to come to see you again SOON! As does the Beemer. Just need to get the paintwork sorted on the BMW.
  7. As there are "Non-Zeds" on here... Thought I would post MY shiniest thing on here Yup, my fish tank Can you say .. GAY!!!!
  8. Nice one Husky! Mine must be different as it is an 04 model... So, can you sort me out if it is an easy job? Or would the labour just be crazy on them?
  9. Thanks to everyone for offers of help, and to Sparky350z for the typed answer! turnedout that my main issue was READ THE FKING MANUAL! Basically, the first couple of times I wired it up, I has actually done it RIGHT. But I presumed it was wrong because the light came on when I tured the power on, with or without the dusk/dawn senson being dark. turns out my sensor takes 30-120 seonds to realise if it it day or night! I just had to be more patient and wait for 2 mins after I had turned on the power! guess that is the problem with working on electrics at 3 en a Friday afternoon!!! All working great now. Just need some less bright LEDS for it ats the ones I had on in it last night were CRAZY bright!!!! Again, thanks f or a ll the help.
  10. Cheers Vik ... flicked the trip in the fuse box a few times now
  11. I tried this.... (Presuming the black from the house was the one the red form the photo cell red went too) but it didn't work ...
  12. Got an easy problem that is baffling me on a Friday afternoon. I have a shitty light that I have taken off the front of my house. Wanted to replace it with an up/down light. Easy enough. But I am putting LED's in it and it want it to "always" be on when it is dark. So I have bought a photocell sensor. Problem is I don't know how to wire it together without it going bang! The light has three cables. Brown (Live) Blue (Neutral) Green/Yellow (Earth) The Photocell has three cables Red(LOAD) Blue(NIUT ?) Brown(LINE) The house provides FOUR cables Brown(LIVE?) Black(?) Grey(?) Yellow/Green (EARTH) Guessing the earths can go together OK.... and the blues... But any ideas on the rest people? Pretty embarrassing!
  13. That IS a point though... can I claim it on expenses? I will ask!
  14. Would have to be the passenger seat as the back adjusts manually on that side. Saying that, I have never sat in a scooby seat, they might be super comfy...
  15. If you can work out the right bulbs and the right way to replace thenm, I will be super impressed! Been asking Husky to tell me what to get for a while and had nothing back (the guy is pretty busy) so if you can work it out, that would be great! Would these help?
  16. Lizard... you have an office chair one? And you DON'T recommend it?
  17. I think I might be sick if I sat in an Impreza chair... Would I let one in my house? Good idea going for "standard" seats though bud... good idea indeed. I LOVE my GT seats in the Zed....
  18. Railgun... Quality! I know what you mean bronzee... by the time I have bought a base and a seat, I could have bought a VERY good fully adjustable office chair. Which I could change till it was spot on. Looks like just a gimiky thing....
  19. Sounds possible then... Will stick it on my HUGE bucket list
  20. BRIDES hurt like hell? Ouch, spend all that cash and they are painful after an hour... oh dear! Pretty sure there is a Cobra place about 2 miles from me.... I hear they do seconds too Suppose it might be worth a punt and get/make one. Then if it IS hell I can sell it on. As you have said, problem is, they can be comfy for 10-20 mins, then HELL afterwards. And I doubt they will let me sit in on in the shop for 2-3 hours Will continue doing research. Cheers guys.
  21. Right... no, I haven't taken a crazy tangent off from my quest for a subtly updated OEM car... I am thinking about building/buying something like this... So I would be sitting in it for LONG period... all day in fact while I am working. Should I just buy a "decent" office chair... or is this a good idea?
  22. I enjoy a spirited drive... but racing just isn't for me (I don't think) Would have to have a drive round it but wouldn't everyone get pi**ed off if I was just driving round enjoying it rather than trying to push it as hard as possible?
  23. Yeah.... knowing how the corners go must be a GOOD thing... even if it prepares you for nothing else... Or would it be better to go in totally virgin? I have NEVER played a game on that track... so IF I decided to have a go, would I be better off doing as Dan said?
  24. Just wait till you get everything in ... and it looks ace.... Then you open your sun-visor mirror and that awful YELLOW light comes pouring out... very annoying! But good choice on the lights... I might even finish my exterior off as well
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