Thanks to everyone for offers of help, and to Sparky350z for the typed answer!
turnedout that my main issue was READ THE FKING MANUAL!
Basically, the first couple of times I wired it up, I has actually done it RIGHT. But I presumed it was wrong because the light came on when I tured the power on, with or without the dusk/dawn senson being dark.
turns out my sensor takes 30-120 seonds to realise if it it day or night!
I just had to be more patient and wait for 2 mins after I had turned on the power!
guess that is the problem with working on electrics at 3 en a Friday afternoon!!!
All working great now. Just need some less bright LEDS for it ats the ones I had on in it last night were CRAZY bright!!!!
Again, thanks f or a ll the help.