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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Im gonna have a go at the weekend. My money says a pair of mole-grips will be the way to do it. Will report back when I am done. STILL want to know if it is "properly" adjust able though. AS this method seems to just move the position of the clutch itself, rather than the position of the bite on the clutch itself.
  2. Mega... did you never get the guide on the other thread to work? Need to buy some more-grips for the turning the rod?
  3. Yeah, think I need to bite the bullet and get Husky to do mine white...
  4. Cheers Planet... I think that is adjusting the peddle, rather than the bite itself. but it might be worth a crack. Anyone know if I can adjust the bite itself?
  5. Just found this... Can anyone tell me if this would help me... and how hard it is to do?
  6. Nope, no sales thread... I recon he has chopped it in for a 370 convertible!
  7. TalkTalk are cheap and "good" ... but have AWFUL customer service... AND charge you £80 to leave them! (My neighbor just had to do it) Check the fine print... may be different for different packages.
  8. Im sure the DEFO work!!! Just like those pieces of red string you tie round your wrist while saying a prayer help you massively...
  9. Bit of a weird one... but ... On the Zed, the clutch is pretty high up. Not right at the top (and not slipping at all) but very high up. On the 118d, the clutch is very low. Right at the bottom. I drive both and find it easy to switch between the two... but Tam only ever drives the BMW and finds it really hard to get the clutch right on the Zed and "hates" driving it because of it; and I KNOW if she drove it more she would love it. Then yesterday, her car went in for a huge service, replacing the turbo, gonna take 7-10 days for them to send of and re-condition the tubby. This morning when she had to drive mine to work she says she really hates it and is going to take the train instead! So my question is, can I alter the clutch to have a lower biting point on the Zed? (Might even prefer it myself to be honest) Then she would drive it more. Or would it just be a case of replacing it and seeing where the bite ends up? Cheers peeps No comments like "Why do you want her to drive it more?" please. I love her and she deserves to drive it as much as I do!
  10. JESUS!!!! REALLY!!! I got a link to the video from youtube this morning... Thought there had been a mistake! Awful to see it go bud. What are you replacing it with?
  11. In the context of both this and any other conversation, I wholeheartedly agree. I did my 22 years there... and managed to get out...
  12. Telford is worse than Stoke though. I mean Stoke is BAD... but there are SO many roundabouts here. When I first moved here from Stoke it was great as the Traffic flows well... But I think the Council got a deal on lights as ALL roundabouts here have them now, which just makes things REALLY bad...
  13. What LUNATIC decided putting traffic lights on roundabouts was a good idea? The lights over the D-road, nearest Junction to Stoke station, they take FOREVER to change!!!!
  14. Oh ... it's safe... Plus Alex "Super-Z" Man is strong enough to hold it up with a spare hand anyway... ..... Some say, he glows in the light, NOT in the day.... Some say he wears a kilt under his ZMan outfit.... and that he eats his old worn out tyres. ................ all we know is, he's called "ZManAlex" ..!!!!
  15. slimjim

    fuel economy

    Unless the VQ35 is a very unusual engine, it'll use less fuel (some engines even use none at all) under engine braking than it will at idle in neutral, so if someone is really wanting to hypermile then 1. why did they buy a zed, and 2. they're slightly better off engine braking rather than coasting. You're dead right about the cruising speed, the difference in MPG between 65 and 80 is huge, and it's much quieter and more relaxing too DB I asked THAT question a while back... about using engine breaking vs knocking it out of gear... General consensus on our engines was that it used LESS fuel under engine braking then being knocked out of gear.
  16. Wow... and I thought MY ICE install was hardcore Very impressive... keep this thread updated!!!
  17. It's only half a page on 63... 254 other pages of good stuff. Pretty good edition to be honest.
  18. All good advice... Will look into both options, States and local... Tarmac... what price do you supply them for?
  19. I love my new one... Subtle, understated, clean, great sound, great control... get one!!!! P4300DVD http://www.pioneerelectronics.com/PUSA/ ... H-P4300DVD Check out my ownership thread...
  20. 350Z gets recognition for a great door handle... Page 63
  21. Did anything turn up for extra on this my good man? HMC&E send you a bill for a hundred notes?
  22. Are you sure it is the engine you are hearing? Could just be your gearbox clunking... as they do. Do you get "awful" sounds when you select first/reverse from cold and raise the clutch, move 10 yards or so? It's the release bearing... THAT is a normal sound for the Zed
  23. You let them do this? I'd be so worried about damaging the roof! Looked like it was only doing 5 mph... Sure that would be fine!
  24. The passenger side section comes out... It looks like this: And it DOES fit on the drivers side too... But the "bose" cover on the left pops off.... where as there is a cupboard opening on the passenger side. This MIGHT be different on non-GT models.... Anyone know?
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