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Everything posted by Ricey

  1. Clear as fecking mud then. Good luck Tarmac!
  2. Do you need to be registered with the ICO as well if you're holding and processing customer data? At what point do you become big enough to need to do that?
  3. It depends on the type of data you're holding but basically if you are a company (not sure of Chris has formalised his business into a company) you will probably be bound by the data protection act and if you process customer card details via a merchant the PCDISS. As a private individual I'm not so sure that's much of an issue.
  4. If your storing any customer data now or in the future make sure you ask the question again as that is a whole new box of fecking problems
  5. Do a test first and see if you can cope with the ride quality. Get a pneumatic jackhammer and insert the tip into you anus. Turn it on and see how it feels.
  6. Runflats are the sperm of satan cooked for 8 hours and added to a tyre mould. They will annihilate any enjoyment of your car I promise.
  7. Cookie may have his old nurrish nav.......might need a new screen though because he smashed a screwdriver through it in frustration. Build one like Dave has done is the best bet.......or just go cheap and get Thomasthomaa
  8. No excuse ........ Kids need to learn that if you take the **** you get handed over to a convicted fiddler.
  9. Unless its a show car fecking horrendous chav crap.
  10. Give them over to glitter I say......bloody ungrateful kids,
  11. Can't do any harm having the brake fluid dropped too
  12. L&G are very well respected on here mate.....if your unsure then a known specialist may be best. I would trust the powerhouse myself but ultimately they are ford specialist (but they really know their onions).
  13. +1 what are you a cheap southern fairy!? Oh........right
  14. I was going to say navara.......Nissan or not you look the bollocks. Never heard anyone have a good thing to say about a warrior or l200......shame really as they're one of the nicest looking.
  15. I used to have a lurcher.......bestest most laid back dogs ever. Sorry for off topic op but the thread was always destined to be a load of balls anyway
  16. I want a whippet Stupid rabbits......I might get one and feed them to it
  17. Hates it he does. He only hangs around here because the jag owners club banned him after desecrating his engine bay with paint and carbon lol
  18. Not that I hold any great sway with them but they'll know Carla's car if you want to do some name dropping.
  19. Rich well hates the zed mate don't listen to him........or better still threaten his car with a match (it's made of wood)
  20. Not quite.......you blamed it on yourself and not the fabled 'diesel' (yes yes I've used that excuse myself as well before now!) Unlucky TemperZ but look on the bright side A. Your ok and so is everyone else. B. You get to go car shopping! 1 accident won't cause too much bother with the insurance.
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