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The G Man

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Everything posted by The G Man

  1. No, the point is that it’s a contagious virus. Not a genetic or self inflicted disease. the two people I’ve been watching and listening to, in the media, is the PM and FM, they are not sensationalising. Theirs is a very solemn set of pleas and advice. The tabloids and some other outlets are, without doubt, fuelling fear and disinformation.
  2. Agreed, but what I’ve said is fact
  3. Seasonal flu DOES NOT predict a worse case scenario of 80% of the population contracting ‘seasonal’ flu. This new virus does, no vaccine, vulnerable people, elderly, those with underlying health conditions are all in danger. Seasonal flu on the other hand WILL have some in those categories that are: a. Vaccinated or b. Have immunity. For those that believe that this is over dramatised, think again, no vaccine, no immunity, deaths could be in the 100’s of thousands if not millions. For some who do over compensate with higher levels of panic, can’t help it. The threat of death does that. THIS WILL BE LIFE CHANGING for untold millions, financially as well as in terms of health. The ‘blitz’ spirit won’t beat this, but taking the precautions being advised might.
  4. Glad I’ve been buying old cars then
  5. Is this peculiar to the 350? Both my 370’s used near to no oil in between services, my RX8 used nowhere near this amount and it was considered an oil guzzler Same with the Stang, it’s used virtually no oil, between services. I’d be concerned at the 1L/1000miles rate. I’d certainly be doing the card detection hack
  6. That feeds into what the original thread is about, dumb people Unfortunately, there are about 17.4million dumbasses in the country that we know of
  7. Yes, but even if it weren’t high flu season, delay would still be used if, like now cases are building. My point is, flu season or not, it’s part of the process.
  8. What I’m saying is that your own body’s immunity will prevent you catching C19 again, it won’t stop you catching a different strain
  9. .......and still people voted for these bastarts
  10. Also, we are about to reap 10 years of ‘austerity’ with a massive impact on our NHS
  11. Not sure that it’s delay due to ‘high flu’ season. My understanding is that it’s the next phase to stave off a massive impact on emergency services and resources. Not a ‘deliberate’ action to do anything other than follow the infection/ contamination model. Contain, delay, mitigate
  12. Article here https://apple.news/AOSm1aKHiRxKWnm-XYcnpvg
  13. *antidote was the wrong word, vaccination was what I should have said
  14. You need to look at how a virus works. You will not get Covid 19 again, you might get covid 20, or in other words a different virus. Same idea that you can’t catch aids twice. The experts in charge, pick a virus when it comes to winter flu, that they think will be the most common, then use the antidote that works with that particular virus, we both had flu jabs last year, we both got the flu, just a different strain. Corona virus covid 19, is a particularly virulent virus and, new. It’s a mutant of something that already exists, but completely different. Hope that makes sense?
  15. My Mrs, now a retired biomedical scientist, was musing the exact same thing last week Hugh.
  16. We had an upright fridge freezer in the garage for a couple of years, most aren’t suitable for ‘outside’ use, as low temps during winter just kills them. The little beer cooler will only have drinks in it and there’ll be no temptation to store food in it. I can also switch it off and just leave the drinks in it. I could do this with a normal fridge I suppose, but aesthetically, the Husky will look better
  17. ....and anyway, those chillers are bigger than ma garage
  18. I’ll be filling it with these Alex, no that pishy watered doon, tart beer, I dare ye tae drink 6 of these O
  19. Right, overwhelmed with your comments peeps I've decided to go with this recommendation: https://www.husky-lifestyle.co.uk/husky-black-drinks-cooler-hus-hy192/ Also started the ’cigarageloung’ first thing on the wall....... ’
  20. Yeah, 13 year old suspension parts on a relatively ‘enthusiastically ‘ used, car, will be needing replaced. Got some friends running this brand, not on a 350, and they have a good rep in the this area. https://www.pedders.co.uk/extreme-xa-coilover-kit_p4507716.htm Not the cheapest, but give them a call. Once my FRPP kit starts giving up, I’ll be looking at Pedders as a replacement. Asking the obvious here probably but did they check the wheel bearings? I’m sure Zman Alex or other traders will be along soon....
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