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The G Man

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Everything posted by The G Man

  1. Who, Alex Ferguson? He'll do ok. There's about 6.7billion people who live where they live and wouldn't like to have someone who lives elsewhere, outside their country, that they vote in, having a vote, so a few disgruntled scots living elsewhere should really move back and get a vote if they feel that strongly.
  2. I don't get how that's cocked up?!? If you don't live in a country that's having a vote, then you don't get a vote. Similar that you don't get a vote in one constituency, but you do in your own.
  3. Welcome, I think the z cars made it further north, could be wrong
  4. Ochone, ochone, we'll supplement the pound with our porridge oats, can't say fairer than that Unfortunately, the level of support that 'call me Dave' gets, is from hoorays and Engurland supporting football types, all wearing their union flag shorts and knotted hankies, makes ya proud to be British. Works both ways on that front with support buddy.
  5. Media have a lot to be held to account for, not just this issue. If they hadn't been so negative in the first place and had been a bit less on the 'project fear' side of the argument and put a modicum of truth out, there might not have been as close a race. However, HAIRONYERTAJ
  6. Actually you'll have to turn your daftness up mate, I'm 4500 miles away at the minute. Civil dispute, it's difficult to type when I'm crying from laughing that much....
  7. Anyone would think that it was the Gazza Strip that was voting for independence. What planet are some people on? 'civil dispute' , that, the same as the last similar comment is f'kin hilarious, in fact, I'm gonna pass this on, too good to keep to myself lol
  8. No excuse now not to go and wash my car, get Neil to pick you up and he can give you a hand
  9. Its all a risk ... but my motto has always been 'I'd rather regret something I have done than something I haven't' Obviously the Euro would not be a preference Also I haven't exactly stuck to anything have I ? - nine months ago I was a 'no' - but then I brushed off my research 'skills' - and matured my logic in that a vote for independence is NOT a nationalist vote, neither is it a vote for Salmond or SNP policies. ( I think George just said something similar ^ above ^) I did Vicky, but it's a fact that most on the against side, certainly on this debate on this forum, either choose to ignore or are just completely ignorant of politics in Scotland regarding it's not about a single party or personality. In fact, there's the greens and a large minority of Scottish labour support independence, so far from a one trick pony.
  10. We would never ever know if we kept the status quo, that's a risk worth taking, it's not like the sea is going to swallow us up if we dare to try a little bit of thinking and acting for ourselves, anyone would think that the opinion is we're not capable of that. It may or may not happen this month, but it'll certainly happen in the near future. In fact it may be beneficial for it not to happen, so that more would wake up to another few years of lib/Tory/lab, take your pick from any of the three of them, coalition, and then realise that indeed, it is time for change.
  11. I had an Axail Flow short shifter in my RX8, quite simply one of the best mods I did on that car. I've recently purchased a Stillen one for my Nismo to give it a go, not fitted yet. I toyed with the idea for my last 370 and was offered one at a reasonable price, but didn't follow it up. Hopefully, the Stillen one will give the same results as the Axail Flow did for my 8, on my Nismo.
  12. Just looking a few posts back and, indeed, for most of the thread, it's patently obvious that all the chomping about Alex Salmond, shows scant knowledge of the debate. I'll put that in plain language again, it's about self determination, not the leader of any single party, something that, if you understood you would actually have empathy with the argument for. If that makes sense!?! (does to me)
  13. Whether an individual is happy or not, doesn't make any difference. There will be compromises on all levels, I'm personally quite happy either way and if you want to be a self determining nation, then you have to take the rough with the smooth. The argument about whether it's the Euro, pound or a new currency is immaterial, the desire to be independent and self governing outweighs this. Of course it's not at any cost, but the rest of Britain can't and shouldn't be complacent to the fact that we might ALL have to adopt the Euro, not a deal breaker for Scotland but a fact that the rest of Britain might have to wake up to. After all, when we all trundle over to mainland Europe, nobody chunters about using a euro instead of a pound.
  14. Had something similar happen on the motorway a while ago, guy was right up my exhaust as I overtook another car, driving like a bell end , so I pulled in and let him past, then he gives me a big thumbs up!
  15. What do they consider a safe wash? I'm looking for something more than that to be honest, wash, clay, polish, wax sort of thing. If it's a good enough recommendation, I'm not too bothered about the cost to a point.
  16. As the title states, looking for a good quality valet service, not a full detail. Someone who is reliable and will not use a bucket and sponge from the back of a pikey van. I've been away from my beloved Nismo for 3 1/2 months and I'm pretty sure she needs a good, proper, wash, clay and a bit of a shine. Speaking to my mrs on the dog n bone and she said she was thinking of giving the car a wash! I was aghast at this and told her no. I'm back home a week on Monday for a couple of weeks and I would like my car to be a shiney new pin, not the bug encrusted, crisp infested midden that it now probably is. I would do it myself when I'm home but I've only got a short while at home and we want to get away somewhere. Links would be good, my tinternet at the mo is ok but a bit slow, so recommend away please ta
  17. You're doing yourself a dis-service thinking it's 'all about the destruction of the United Kingdom', it's about a countries ability to self determine, not harm another country, why would you think that? So, by ignoring the question are you saying that you don't know why I'm disenfranchised? Currently we are both citizens of the United Kingdom. If a resident of the county of Scotland is getting a vote, why am I, a resident of the county of Hertfordshire, not getting one too? I genuinely don't get it. To answer my own question, I think it's because our weak, stupid Tory/Coalition government has allowed it to happen. ...and to respond to your point, you call it self determination, I call it dismantling. You've disenfranchised yourself, have you lobbied your MP for a vote on this, have you written opr petitioned to any government agency demanding an answer, or couldn't you be bothered. You called it destruction to start with, now dismantling, what's it to be? Far from avoiding any questions, I have done throughout this whole thread, but I can't for the life of me wonder why if anyone is that bothered about it, do sopmething, not sit idly by and mump on a car forum, get up off the keyboard and demand action. Otherwise, you, unlike me I hope, are going to be stuck with a form of Tory/some other random party coalition for the rest of your natural.
  18. Hmm, so being a small, oil and resource rich nation is a handicap and something no one would ever want to run the risk of? That's interesting. Having to 'apply' for EU membership, hmm, might workn both ways, the country, that may be called the 'UK' that is left, will not be the UK that is now, so, is that not a new country without a proven economy? Well yes, so we'll all have to 're-apply'. Is that what we're saying here, or are we basing it on, Scotland was never a part of the EU? I too think that it will be the pound, you know the pound that belongs to me and in my pocket as much as the rest of the UK, or is that another thing that Scotland was never fullyv a part of? Having to worry about the fluctuating prices of oil and gas is a problem that I'm willing to take on, only because 1% of something is better than 100% of nothing, the rest of whatever the UK will be called can rest assured we'll take this burden from your shoulders. Only because we care mind, unlike what Unionist politicians do and don't really care about North Britain. I, weandourfuture generations cannot simplyaccept the same old. You would trade an old car in for a newer version, wy not let a nation's people, trade in a particularly bad lot for something newer that might, just might work, it might not, but the old banger will never work properly again.
  19. If it's worrying you mate, to that extent, keep the blue bit and the queen, that'll not be a deal breaker.
  20. I know that Westminster has misled you and me for years, they do not deal in facts, just some power jostling every four or five years, and heaven help anyone that tries to rock their boat. And I do know with certainty, that Westminster has not improved my countries lot in all my years, last embers of empire you're witnessing.
  21. You're doing yourself a dis-service thinking it's 'all about the destruction of the United Kingdom', it's about a countries ability to self determine, not harm another country, why would you think that?
  22. Im actually speechless at this, if you really believe that then you seriously need to pull your head out Salmonds arse. Jesus. Yes in amongst some reasonable debate this seemed like a somewhat out of character comment which is completely baseless. In terms of tax contribution, Scotland under deliver vs the UK in terms of income taxation but over deliver vs the UK in spend taxation (i.e. alcohol + cigarette taxation...avoiding any stereotype joking here!). Overall Scotland on average commit slightly more in the way of tax revenues to the UK vs the UK average but that's if you work off the assumption that you associate oil revenues by geography rather than population - take out oil (due to reasoning previously) then they under deliver vs the UK average. That aside, to suggest England/Wales/NI would crash without Scotland is somewhat naive and I suspect it was GMan just slipping from his previously calm persona! Mate, read the earlier quotes, they're not mine, they're expert opinion, based on facts, written by south of the border SMEs, I know what I know and have probably got a deeper understanding of the facts than 99% of my southern counterparts have. Mostly because I care for my children and grand children's future. I don't blame any of you for anything, I blame your press to an extent and the London political class to a huge degree. Every one of the posts from my southern counterparts who have bothered to comment have negativity towards Scotland being an independent nation, why if we are just hanging onto your shirt tails would you be bothered if we were or were not a nation that's independent. I fail to see what their argument is. Some Dilbert up^^ there made the connection that the worldwide recession was because it was a Scotsman who was the prime minister at the time. If that's where the level of debate has gone to...... Anyway, if it's a yes vote, you'll hardly even notice, much.
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