Hey all! As you can tell, I'm new here, picking my black 350z GT up tomorrow, can't wait!
I've browsed about and read quite a bit in this forum, thanks for all the info that can be found, but have a few specific queries I haven't noticed posted yet....
Ok, so the Bose needs to be binned, I got that much, and an Alpine is the way forward...
I have an iPhone 4 and have been using it in my current car (Celica) via Aux-In/RCA to Phono straight into the headphone port on the phone. This works a treat for playing my music AND crucially Sat Nav on display/spoken directions.
My question is, will the current iPhone compatible Alpines that connect into the Data Port of the iPhone allow for the display on the phone to have TomTom and use the inbuilt media player for TomTom to play through the system? I'm not too fussed about browsing library through the HU tbh, thats what the iPhone on its screen mount is for...
Any help is much appreciated! I had my eye on Alpine CDA-105Ri - http://www.caraudiodirect.co.uk/alpine-cda-105ri.html
Thanks so much in advance