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Everything posted by Clarkie

  1. Finished: Still a few bits needing done to it, sorting out the ride height being the priority, and hopefully have some better pictures to put up soon
  2. Yup, I'm here. Sadly Zedless but have a stand in mx5 to make up for it.
  3. I've just had mine debadged, shall see if the bodyshop still has them
  4. I need to remove the wing mirror glass and internals so i can repaint the mirrors. Does the mirror just 'pop' off or is there anything i should be careful of when removing? Thanks Pete
  5. I'd be keen for one. Are these in stock in the UK or would they be imported?
  6. That's a set of BCs jacked up I've now set them almost as low as they can go on the rears and the wheel rubber is tucked up into the arches. Don't have any pics of that just now though.
  7. There's no choice for 2nd But i'd drive in 4th if being conservative.
  8. Any guys from here planning on going this year? I went last year and had a whale of a time, a lot of impressive cars and a great day out for all. Pete
  9. Thanks for your input guys. Shall go have a look at those sites.
  10. A friend of mine is wanting to hire a sports or classic car for the weekend in the Bristol area. Does anyone know of any reputable companies that provide this service. Not specifically a Lambo or Ferrari, but something like a Lotus etc? Thanks Pete
  11. You're a braver man than me! I must admit i was surprised to see a zed down that road never mind two.
  12. Pass your Zed everytime i'm in the Landy taking a shortcut Tackleberry. Sadly i refuse to take the zed down those horrible speed bumps!
  13. I remember seeing these a while back and wondered if anyone knew where to get some from. I've found some in the US but if i could get from the UK that'd be better.
  14. I've managed to scratch up my front light lens pretty badly. Does anyone know if there are replacement lenses available?
  15. I'm sure you could have that wall knocked down, rebuilt and repainted before the owner returns to move it!
  16. Massive thanks to these guys. Great interaction and concern from them regarding the successful delivery of a set of coilovers. Can't wait to get it all fitted!
  17. Don't use the handbrake. Do what i do and leave the car in gear. Although this can still leave the brake pads sticking, but i generally find just driving around for 5 minutes and doing a hard brake clears the surfaces and then all is well.
  18. Land Rover in 5th gear you mean But i agree with what you say, i can take my landy round a corner at 60mph in 5th and it'll stick like glue (albeit with the cab leaning at a 45 degree angle and me leaning in to it) but if you plant your foot in 2nd gear in the zed round the same corner of course you're asking for trouble. At the end of the day i think we've all found that point where we realise that rwd is a bit more exciting than we realised. I'm just glad i found that at 15mph on a wide wet road. Once bitten twice shy.
  19. The most economical speed on the motorway is downhill
  20. Keep it that way, i think i've only once been annoyed i didn't have a rear wiper but that was during a torrential downpour as i was trying to reverse in a dark carpark
  21. I can understand the issue with actively trying to change letters to read something different, but spacing shouldn't be a concern. You can read L33 TOX just as easily as L33TOX. Or M5 5OUP - M55 OUP. However cutting letters or adding on a dot here and there to change the letter should still be a no no. Also small front plates should be allowed. Or even better no front plate
  22. At least i can wear out the outside of my drivers side tyre to match my passenger's
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