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Everything posted by Clarkie

  1. Just noticed tomorrows dreadnought trackday has been cancelled. Will this be replaced with another session? Or is the weather gonna be pants?
  2. On my way! You better all still be there :/
  3. Thanks guys, did the reset today. Straight forward enough. Fingers crossed. Just realised i've forgotten to put the black sticker back on... Hmmm
  4. Tried it about twelvety times, finally figured it borked when the battery died, so disconnected the battery for 15ish minutes. Reconnected it. Worked straight away! Cheers
  5. Husky, i've had this installed for a while, worked perfectly. Recently battery died on me, however the HU still worked. However i went to use it the other day and when i press the tape button it just says "Press Eject" When you press eject the unit attempts to load/eject a few times then stays dormant till you press the CD or Radio button. I have tried the reset procedure with no luck either. Any ideas?
  6. Clarkie


    I like how super isn't 10p a litre price difference compared to the normal stuff any more. Makes me feel like i'm saving money somehow...
  7. Clarkie

    High Flow Cats

    Cheers for the replies guys, shall give it a good airing tomorrow get it bedded in 18th you say? Shall call them on Monday to book a spot! Might have to swap the front tyres over first though!
  8. Clarkie

    High Flow Cats

    Just had a set of Berk HFCs fitted yesterday. Car's sounding amazing. Quick question though, at about 4-4500 rpm there seems to be a sorta whooshing sound, but disappears to normal note either end. Is there a running in period for these or is there a certain resonance that will cause a difference in sound? Sorry for the awful explanation but i can't think of a sound to compare it to. Shall try and get a sound recording of it tomorrow.
  9. if you're quick enough to flip the switch as they're throwing you out then it'd work!
  10. I can just about fit my car into my garage :/ Amazing what can be done.
  11. i had a reading of 430 on my car today however i fear that a respray was the culprit. Rest of the car read from 90-120ish
  12. I love the sound of my K&N and i am just going to check the wiring looms this very minute!!! I think the issue with the pop chargers is the heat soak (or so i'm led to believe) so if you have a cai like the typhoon this can help with the issue. To be honest if you're that worried about the few extra bhp that the stock 06 airbox will give you you'll soon forget about it with the growl the pop chargers give.
  13. I really need to sell some bikes, but i can never bring myself to do it! Got the MsIsle, the Carrera LRS2, a Carrera road bike, a GT BMX and another Carrera BMX. And a shed full of spares too (hence the choppered BMX) The MsIsle's a full custom build too, was the first set of rims i ever laced and built from scratch. Took me 3 attempts to get the rear done right. I think i'd mount the MsIsle on the wall before i ever sell it
  14. Yup, 2003 (if i remember correctly) Ms Isle. Absolutely bombproof, had that bike running without any breakages since then. Still running like new...ish Was always keen on the Air-o but the Ms Isle just has such an amazing design i couldn't say no!
  15. Here's my current ride Here's my play bike, excuse poor piccy And the XC workhorse
  16. If you're after Hardcore 26" rims shire, then you can't go wrong with mavic ex721s (old d521s) I've had a set for about 8 years now and still running true. Mate them to a set of hopes and job's a good un! Halo Combats are good enough, but you'll find they weigh an absolute tonne. Looks like he's got a 3" tyre on there too, i hope there's chairlifts nearby!
  17. Thanks Alex, I had an amazing time last night! Glad the track stayed dry, as soon as you went a bit further north it was pouring down. Was great to meet some faces behind the posts and Alex is as charming in real life as he is in his superhero online persona! Thanks again for taking me round and showing how it should be done. Shall keep my eyes peeled for the next track day for sure! Now how much are these new clutches you keep rambling on about...
  18. Yes, 5 posts to be able to PM Welcome
  19. Ok Alex, i'll tell them you told me to cancel
  20. ARGH!!!! i've got the car booked in to the garage on Monday
  21. I'm going to Suprapod on the Saturday so hoping to pop up on the Sunday to see a few Zs too
  22. Any of you guys thinking of booking days in August? I'm keen to come alongsome day and familiar faces (screen names) would be nice!
  23. Ooo 350 skins you say? Where can one get hold of these rtbiscuit?
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