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Everything posted by rothers2901

  1. Back in the UK following 2000 mile trip round France. see you all tomorrow.
  2. Have a look at my post at 16.09 it lists all the times and events on for people at the circuit.. I'm now confused is there racing the following week as the dates listed 18th to 23rd? i do see your earlier post states nothing on Friday 13th so should be ok for the museum visit. I just took that from the ACO web site. I'll check it out now. WOOPS..!!! Here is the line up of events from The Le'Mans Web site. http://www.24h-leman...m_2_2_1736.html I know i did exactly the same when planning my road trip round France. Thought the 24hr was the following week
  3. Have a look at my post at 16.09 it lists all the times and events on for people at the circuit.. I'm now confused is there racing the following week as the dates listed 18th to 23rd? i do see your earlier post states nothing on Friday 13th so should be ok for the museum visit.
  4. Thanks Will, it should have replied to the above. absolutely no idea my planning hasn't been best, didn't realise the race was on till later, just winging it. Any Ideas?
  5. absolutely no idea my planning hasn't been best, didn't realise the race was on till later, just winging it. Any Ideas?
  6. thanks for that. was hoping to visit the museum
  7. Anyone got any experience on what the traffic will be like Friday morning specially around Le Mans? Traveling from St Malo
  8. If you pack correctly and with a bit of a squeeze you can get 1 x wide wheeled power caddie (wheels off), 2 x golf bags complete with clubs (not Tour size but carry bags) 2 x weekend bags and a crate of beer in the back of a Z. I know done it several times now. There is more space than you think.
  9. Can you get into the Houx Annex without a pass/ticket to vist all on my way down to the Vendee?
  10. Depending on the type of proceedings acquitted defendants or private prosecutors may have: a defendants costs order, or order for prosecution costs which is an order for recovery of costs from central funds i.e. money provided by the tax-payer an inter-partes costs order, which is an order that the losing party before the court should pay the legal costs. Where legal costs are to be recovered, the litigator (solicitor) acting for the acquitted defendant or private prosecutor should have a bill of costs drafted and lodged with the National Taxing Team. Where proceedings are commenced on or after 1st October 2012 and a defendants costs order for payment out of central funds includes provision for legal costs (in the magistrates court or on appeal from the magistrates court to the Crown Court) the amount recoverable will be restricted to legal aid rates which is much less than private costs so could still loose out.
  11. Yes your legal fees are you responsibility so would still have to pay Unless you fall into the bracket of being able to get legal aid which i doubt. You could only submit evidence at court as my earlier comment re the sommons office do not do mitigation. Your question (would it count of anything against the police officer?) if the evidence you can submit is such that you can show reasonable doubt then its not about who is beleived. Another point to consider is that Magistrates only make decisions on facts not law. So in the event that you could demonstrate reasonable dout and the officers can only say what they have seen then the possibility is there for you to have a favouable outcome. Its up to you whether you think the potential costs outway the moral victory. But please be cautious in your decision making. If you loose you will not only be made to pay an increased fine but court costs for the hearing. A cost for this type of hearing about the £600 figure but it is flexible.
  12. Your quite right, but at the time and if the officers belief is such and is re-enforced by his observations such as leaning over the the other side of the car to get a wallet which looks as if the driver is fastening their seat belt what are they to do? Who says who is right? maybe AJRFulton wasn't wearing their seat belt? maybe the officer was mistaken? that's why you have options. Bear in mind that if you contest the ticket the the onus is on the prosecution and the burden of proof is beyond reasonable doubt and thus favours the defendant. If you could provide a reasonable argument that the officers were mistaken by way of a photograph with a driver in the drivers seat and a reasonable distance from behind then you could get a favourable decision. Let put things in perspective. £100 yes its a lot of money to have to pay if your in the right, no penalty points and not disclosable to the insurance. Go to court argue you case, have a day off work get a favourable decision (moral Victory) grea,t but still cost you £100 for loss of earnings plus a solicitor if you employ one. I just look at things objectively and realise sometimes life deals crappy cards.
  13. Does this mean I've got a couple of wrist bands for the band?
  14. Spotted Black Z with Nismo kit. Staveley Derbyshire yesterday evening. No VRM too busy thinking that someone had stolen mine :scare:
  15. I don't usually comment on such threads but. Don't wast your time writing the letter the summons office they don't deal with mitigating circumstances save it for court if you decide to contest the FPN. They are under no obligation to reply to you within the allotted time frame to which you have to respond to the ticket. This your responsibility to do so. Don't run the risk of not complying with your obligations because you haven't hear back from them in time. Pay the fine, don't pay the fine or request a court date to give your side of the events then raise the issues. It will be highly unlikely that you will succeed in your claim under these circumstances unless you can prove a procedural fault on behalf of the officer issuing the ticket. If you have a problem with how you were dealt with by the officer then complain about that separately through the correct channels. Life is like a good Sunday Breakfast. Sometimes when you drop your toast it lands butter side up (Great), sometimes butter side down (Crap) this is your butter side down moment unfortunately. Good luck in whatever you decided you may get a (butter side up) result.
  16. Just booked the Rose and Crown for me and Linda, Saturday Night so will be up during the morning. See you all then any wrist bands left Martin? will require 2.
  17. Thanks guys, do you have post code of the site. I had planned to visit the museum on my way south but due to my impeccable planning didn't realise the race was on so may not be a good idea. But would be nice to meet up for an hour or two.
  18. Getting close now, any chance of meeting up with anyone on the Friday? Anywhere round the Le Mans area.
  19. Stick with sky. All the other internet film providers are a total waist of time. Very poor selections in each category
  20. Don't know of any Z specialists in Chesterfield but there are a couple of race car prep shops. One of Whittington Moor, Eastside Rd just off Brimington Rd North and another on Fan road Staveley. They may be able to help.
  21. depending where you are situated could have a bearing where you go fuel and time costs etc
  22. I've just done my clutch and fly wheel. i decided to change it before my trip to France in 2 weeks and boy was i glad. i had no slipping, no loss of power a little high clutch position but the clutch plate was down to rivets. Surely wouldn't have made the 2k trip without failing. Just take it easy on the acceleration and no keen gear changes.
  23. O dear. 147mph without a doubt, will have been recordeded.
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