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Everything posted by rothers2901

  1. here's some more Pictures. Laser alignment
  2. Thanks, Anyone who has seen it will tell you, first to see will buy it.
  3. Daughter, moved out so need another daily driver that Linda can use. I'm going to get a 370 next year after her wedding so seems like the right time to let her go. I'll be sad to see it go but as you know it will be a great buy for some one.
  4. Black 2004, 44k on the clock. New clutch, fly wheel, front brake disc pads, brake and diff oil change plugs, oil change all in order for my recent trip round France. Completed 2.5k in the sun with not a sign of any problems. No oil used cant fault it in any way. Wheels have just been refurbished back in silver. I have been a member on the forum for 5 years check out my posts and guides there will be plenty of pictures. £6500 Thanks martin
  5. Rubber steering arm boot. It looks as if the rubber has perished or not sitting properly
  6. http://www.nottinghamalfaromeo.co.uk/ Had mine done here last year brand new peaice of kit.
  7. Dave, keep the ratio mix noted down, they are the closes match I've seen to the original Ray silver. They may be others wanting to referb to OEM spec.
  8. Finally got round to fitting newly painted wheels. A big thanks to Dave @ Deepcar Autobodies. I had forgoten how good the silver looked.
  9. I may have mentioned this before but i recently went to a RTC where a mechanic took out a Impreza following an service, lost it on a S bend and ripped out the whole rear suspension.
  10. Gearbox and Diff oil change is straight forward. Firstly make sure that the filling plugs on both the gearbox and diff will undo the last thing you want to find is that you have drained the fluid only to realise you can not undo the filling plug. Put the Molly slip directly into the gearbox before adding the oil. The gearbox filling is a little tricky even with a syringe due to lack of access just fill with oil till it seeps out of the plug hole. dont forget to replace the drain plug before refilling. Brakes http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/32134-how-to-change-front-brake-pads-on-brembo-pic-heavy/ http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/22413-how-to-replace-rear-brembo-brake-pads/ http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/84969-how-to-oil-filter-change-guide/
  11. not quite sure what you mean by DROP THE CLUTCH do you mean depressing the clutch to the floor and the noise gets worse? if it is worse when you have engaged a gear and lifted the clutch then it sounds like the thrust bearing is worn.
  12. Sometimes it's just a matter of shaving off the excess exterior paint from the back plates. Iv'e had the same issues in the past. just file or grind the paint back till it fits.
  13. It came, it went. I missed the post now got to wait till tomorrow to fetch it from the depot
  14. I bought this. More than adiquate for DIY and occasional use. Compared this against my son in laws Snap On and came out with the same tensioning characteristics http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://imagehost.vendio.com/a/28304091/aview/sealey_ak224_torque_wrench.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SEALEY-1-2-Sq-Drive-Micrometer-Reversible-Ratchet-Torque-Wrench-27-204Nm-AK224-/390614708629&h=807&w=907&tbnid=nOnz4OL2vC0w0M:&zoom=1&docid=JnezrMlPijPXpM&ei=EzXNVMa5EcO57gb30oHAAw&tbm=isch&ved=0CC0QMygMMAw
  15. Should be straight forward if you've done the fronts before.
  16. I know you intend to fit the V2 version but don't think there will be any difference when fitting it yourself. Bought mine from RT Performance. Good fit as well. http://www.350z-uk.c...finally-fitted/
  17. Handled absolutely fantastic, when the track dried out and the tyres got up to temperature it stuck very well indeed. No understeer or oversteer but that may have just been down to us being no where near the cars full potential. Nice! Do you have any suspension modifications on her and what tyres you running? No modifications and running potenza's all round.
  18. Handled absolutely fantastic, when the track dried out and the tyres got up to temperature it stuck very well indeed. No understeer or oversteer but that may have just been down to us being no where near the cars full potential.
  19. Well that's that one ticked off the bucket list. Had a great time today with son in-law to be Steven. A big thanks to Ken, Andy and Lydia who braved the cold to come and support me and who passed on some excellent advice throughout the day. It certainly wont be my last, whether in the Z or a dedicated track car.
  20. 1. glrnet x2 2. GMballistic x1 3. Grundy225 x1 (Might have 2 ) 4. Keyser x1 5. Veeg33 x1 6. Scott_f91 x1 7.Andy James x1 8. Dunks x1 9. 14N x1 10. Sam McGoo 11. Mikeyazure x1 12. DoogyRev x1 13. Stoker11 x 1 14. Paddy78 x 1 15. tatooandy67 x 1 16.Gixxeruk x 1 17.Crb x 1 18. Steve916 x 1 19. SuperStu x2 20. Bizz 21. Wendy x 1 22. mrt x 1 23. 350zedd x 1 24.martinmac x 5 25. eatonm90 26. Kev T 27. Mudman 28. JetSet 29. Payco X 2 30. KyleR 31. Shezza x 1 32. Mike_89 33. Buster X1 34.richard.hezlett x1 35.Flex x1 36. Ebized x 1 37. ChrisS x1 38. Vlad x 1 39. Rothers2901 x 2 40.
  21. http://www.350z-uk.c...r-knob-removal/
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