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Everything posted by rothers2901

  1. I’ve never seen a more pointless, extravagant, exaggerated and contrived piece of rubbish in my life. The highlight of the programme was James May’s knock on the head, which I vainly hoped would have knocked some sense into him, and made him see what an utterly puerile, fatuous and entirely superfluous exercise the whole programme was. I don’t know what the whole exercise cost (I dread to even think) but the inconvenience to the authorities and Armed Forces out there just makes a mockery of everything our boys in the East are doing especially when making light of suicide and road bombings which have taken so many live of our troops. I'm sure that there would be 300 or so families who have lost family members in the middle east who would find this in extreme bad taste. I await the rainfall of comments and opinions.
  2. Sorry to here this, it's all too offten an occurance during this type of weather. Remember that during the freezing weather different parts of roads have there little own eco systems where the sneeky black ice looms. Dont take the Z out unless absolutely necessary. Get a shed for he price of a couple of tyres.
  3. very nice job, and a reasonable price if you ask me.
  4. Welcome Andy. Can i bring to your attention this thread to update if your interested. viewtopic.php?f=87&t=38910&start=0
  5. This is the only person i want to see in UGG's http://www.smh.com.au/news/people/ugg-p ... 16284.html
  6. Has anyone had a aftermarket exhaust fitted on their Z at ukexhaust.com in shefffield as i an planning on a upgrade soon.
  7. From 1 April 2010, anyone buying a new car will pay a different rate of vehicle tax for the first tax disc. These are known as 'first year rates'. From the second tax disc onwards, the standard rate of vehicle tax will apply. Not sure whether you can claim a pro rata amount back because the first year tax is an environmental implications tax and is possibly non refundable. Check with your local tax office.
  8. Very un-original IMO cross between all the aforementioned
  9. It would appear that rumours are that they could be fined for driving with snow on their roofs. Checked with Road Policing Unit said that there is no specific legislation on driving with snow on the roof of a vehicle, however if it slips over the windscreen, or flies into the path of another car, it could leave the driver open to being penalised for driving without DUE CONSIDERATION, DANGEROUS DRIVING, NOT BEING IN PROPER CONTROL OF THE VEHICLE, NOT HAVING A FULL VIEW AHEAD AND WINDOW NOT BEING SUFICIENTLY CLEARED. All which carries their own various penalties “Any snow left on vehicle bodywork, such as the bonnet or roof, could slide onto lights or windows causing dangerous obstruction to vision of the driver or signals to other road users. “Any large amount of snow could slide from a moving vehicle and onto a footpath or roadway possibly causing danger or injury to other road users or pedestrians.â€
  10. so the bose has finally started playing up...took a lot longer than mine did.Best thing to do,is remove and bin replaced mine with a sony single din h/u.If you want to take a look give me a shout. I dont have any problem with the Bose at the moment but reading threads its only a matter of time. Please pose pics if you have any.
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