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Everything posted by rothers2901

  1. Fitted regassed struts this morning, the wife is very happy now that she doesn't have to hold the boot lid up whilst i load the shopping. Click image for video anal i know but so happy want to share my joy.
  2. Called in person to GSG this morning as i dont live to far away. They checked the presure before regassing. The standard struts should have been 400 PSI but was only reading 320. Regassed to 500PSI which is 25% above the standard. Regassing took 5 mins and the staff were very knowledgable on how much presure was needed for different spoilers Nismo, VS, etc. highly recomended.
  3. Always open to welcoming members fron one of the colonial countries.
  4. Used these several time for paint. You can take any colour you want and they will make it up even in aerosol form. http://www.auto-supplies.co.uk/
  5. wouldn't trust myself personally, but well done and be safe,
  6. It's the old farts on the road that are the dangerous ones so I think anyone over say 35 should have yearly reviews I'll be doing a 3 day advanced driving course at work next month which should be good, apparently you get some kind of certificate at the end but I don't know if it's IAM or something different. as for your comments 35 and over should have yearly reviews i am nearer 50 than 35 and in my proffession and experience younger drivers make up a very high percentage of road related accidents and far too many killed due to lack of experience and driving beyond there ability. Please dont get me wrong there are some very good and capable young drivers out there. The key is to be aware of your surrounding and expecting the unexpected. Anyone interested in improving ther driving technique would be advised to toake a look at this book. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Roadcraft-drive ... 0117021687 FIGHT! vs
  7. http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/mythbus ... -turd.html
  8. astra gsi 2.0 Turbo astra sxi 1.8 vectra 1.6 L cavalier 20L GLI cavalier 1.8 LXI Anyone see a pattern?
  9. research required it think before placing any order.
  10. After this revue i'm realy considering cancelling my 5* all inclusive Med cruise to sample the cluture, or maybe not.
  11. Nice one. Been working all christmas and new year, busy time of year in my line of work but am now off till the 18th of January so have a couple of weekends free.
  12. Next time you fancy another drive out there are a few in the area who would like to come and play. .
  13. We use these at work. Very reliable plenty of room and is as quick as you will ever want to go. http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/2012533.htm
  14. As the title says finally dug the Z out and went for a jolly. The scenery around Lady bower resevoir and the Peaks have been awsome. Now back in the garage washed and tucked away ready for the next outing in the newyear.
  15. Please dont get me wrong i am one off the many fans of the programme but i think they seem to have run out of ideas. There are only so many road trips you can do even if you employ the 'A Team' affect to cars which obviously are done with little imagination.
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