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Everything posted by rothers2901

  1. Im in 1/ martinmac+1 2/ Lexx 3/ Shire350z 4/ Ken 5/ haytonz 6/ Rothers2901
  2. Hi i have the following two items for sale. Both are surplus to requirements as i bought a job lot at an auction and these were among the other parts. Im open to any offers but must be colllected in person. Two Cats which have come of an 05 model The back box is in good condition except as you can see that there is an hairline split in the outer skin. I dont think the back box is blowing from this as there is no signs of any discolouring. If no one wants this in this condition its going to the scrap yard
  3. Mate, Bloody awsome, if only i had the courage. The rush must be exceptional, unfortunately i'll have to settle for driving the Z for my thrills
  4. In responce to T90zero thread it would be interesting to hear what other cars members had when they were 20. Chevette 1.3
  5. Hi and welcome . When i was 20 all i could afford was a a Vauxhall Chevette 1.3.
  6. So why arent they doing anything about it? They have powers to stop the problem you are having, yet they don't. The new additions will therefor help how? As another note - these additions may also interfere with events such as the Wales drive. 50 cars even driving fully legally but with loud exhausts etc could be construed as a nuicance to some, and what better way to up the stats than get 50 fines and tickets in a single swipe. It will be interesting to see how this develops, but I think there could be serious concequences for organised drives for car clubs. I can see that this thread could develop into a real tug of war, so off to work to help solve the problem. Not quite sure of the legal limit for the noise of which exits the rear silencer but it's about 90 decibels which is realy loud. Stood next to a Harley with staight through pipes which was street legal I would think that no one on the Wales trip would exceed this. My japspeed k1 was 112db in cabin on idle Ear plugs required then
  7. If only they did enforce the law, equally and fairly. +1 I have mates who are police and they would never be able to get cuffs on me if I resisted due to them being far too small and weak. Police don't had the correct education to analyse the law and that's why so many cases get dropped even before they get to court. My dog would help if you want to resit, oh and my law degree would help as well.
  8. So why arent they doing anything about it? They have powers to stop the problem you are having, yet they don't. The new additions will therefor help how? As another note - these additions may also interfere with events such as the Wales drive. 50 cars even driving fully legally but with loud exhausts etc could be construed as a nuicance to some, and what better way to up the stats than get 50 fines and tickets in a single swipe. It will be interesting to see how this develops, but I think there could be serious concequences for organised drives for car clubs. I can see that this thread could develop into a real tug of war, so off to work to help solve the problem. Not quite sure of the legal limit for the noise of which exits the rear silencer but it's about 90 decibels which is realy loud. Stood next to a Harley with staight through pipes which was street legal I would think that no one on the Wales trip would exceed this.
  9. Never been to the states then? Two weeks in Florida, one stretch of the I4, one accident a day. They weave in and out like a carpet makers apprentice, not dangerous
  10. Not if you live on somewhere where you have boy racers outside your door till the early hour playing loud music, handbrake turns and causing a nuisance. Sec 59 is designed to combat ASB whilst using motor vehicles. Anyway the new legislation would never remove the option of the individual to exercise their right to a day in court. As for issuing on the spot fine this has been going on for years, seat belt, mobile phone, parking, etc which now include theft, damage and many more minor offences which would otherwise take up valuable court time. Don’t let this thread become a place to voice your poor experiences with the police who only enforce the law not write them
  11. Looking forward tio seeing the end result of your project.
  12. Perfect can't wait, come on RT-Performance.
  13. Thanks Clarkie will keep you in mind?
  14. Anyone know the best place to purchace a Charge Speed rear bumper?
  15. Love the rear end. (Charge Speed) i believe. Saving for one myself.
  16. They must be giving awards to anyone . The pitch has only been down for 8 months, even my lawn would still look good after that lenth of time
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