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Everything posted by rothers2901

  1. You gonna meet us on the way up kidda? We're going on the Friday. What time are you leaving Ricey? Pete If your interested and the time frame is compatible viewtopic.php?f=57&t=45483 http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&sourc ... F8&t=h&z=8
  2. Mate Tarmac is your man if you are not in a great rush as he sold out of these. viewtopic.php?f=26&t=50250
  3. some pictures would show us how bad the damage is, so we can access! Access? or Assess?
  4. It may be the case that it does require a clutch although only done 30k. I all depends on the previous owner and how the car has been driven. A common way to tell but not conclusive is to put it in 5/6 gear leave the handbrkae on and lift the clutch slowly. If the revs drop off and tries to stawl then it's pretty much ok. If the clutch is slipping you will be able to tell by the way the rev counter reacts. Hope this helps.
  5. This is the link that i saw and PM'd him. You need to be quick. The third entry from Tarmac. viewtopic.php?f=9&t=50219&start=0&hilit=stubby
  6. Reception is very good. Tried it out on the drive but will have to wait till tomorrow to test out on the open road but very confident that all will be well.
  7. Simplicity it's self. Unscrew old one, screw in the double ended Brass screw as far as it will go, then screw on the Stubby. Job done.
  8. Promise, no buckets of mud at the Lakes please I think i may have reached the metal
  9. As the title says. Boy did it arrive fast. I couldn't have got it quicker if i had collected it my self. Ordered just after lunch yesterday, on the door mat at 9am a big to Tarmac.
  10. Wouldnt normaly advocate this thing on public roads, but AWSOME, drift champion in the making
  11. Mate, my advise is below the only difference is the use of the ultimate compound against SwirlX2.0. I think the compound may be a bit too aggressive but i'm sure someone will put me right. 1. Wash and dry off completeley. 2. Using the Yellow pad put several small drops of compound/Swirlx and apply to an area of a couple of feet square on a medium setting. Continue in the area till all of the compound has nearly gone, wipe off any residue with a dry micro fibre cloth. Continue this process till all of the car is complete before moving onto the next process. 3. Apply a good polish in the same way as in point 2 but using the Black pad until you achieve a bright sheen. It's the polish that gives the shine. 4. Apply a good quality wax again with the Black Pad and buff till shiny.
  12. I like this idea well fox house Or crosspool tavern will be easy enough to meet at Just PM'd you before seeing this, Fox house Inn @ 11.15 it is then
  13. Meeting points along the M6 is a good idea for people traveling from the SW of the county but it would be nice to have an agreed final meeting point so that we could convoy the last few miles. Martinmac said he would meet us at the services below J36 and guide us in.
  14. There is no point A) ?? I think it was a trick question, as there are only options for route B and C..... I had to look twice and work out what happened to route A! Not a trick question Point (A) is my home address on the map so if any one wishes to meet there first before moving on to point ( they are welcome.
  15. eck1. Cant remember exactly where you are located in Sheffield, but it may be an idea to meet up in the lay by on the right just after you go over the Lady Bower bridge, then we can tackle the Snake togetter.
  16. Martin, Absolutely epic organisational task done with skill and forethought. looking forward to the weekend & thanks to all who have helped.
  17. Nice one Wasso, cant wait to see your finished project in the flesh so to speak, great styling. Is the time ok 1300/1400?.
  18. Im open to any changes & not knowing exactly where each and everyone is starting from. I propose a couple of suggested meeting points. The first one, point ( McDonalds @ approx 12.00/12.30, for people travelling from the top end of the East Midlands, (Sheffield, Chesterfield, Barnsley, Rotherham Etc.) The ones travelling from the south of the area (Derby, Nottingham, West Midlands, Stratford Upon Avon Ect.) may wish to rendezvous at the second point © Macdonald Tickled Trout Hotel @ approx 13.00/1400. The meeting time are open to discussion Myself and Linda are planning to set of just before lunch 11.00am and then stopping for a bit to eat on the way at some point. So if anyone knows of somewhere to stop off shout up. arriving at Heaves just before tea. Post your prefered meeting point. Point (, ©. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&sourc ... F8&t=h&z=8 1. Rothers2901 ( + ©
  19. Off to a professional polisher is my advice. Do the roughing down yourself with the Dremel. The better the roughing process the better the end result.
  20. 1. Jak + 1 2. Tarmac 3. Marzman 4. carlton x (hopefully) 5. Garetgax 6. Veilside z + 1 7. Lee@MK (Pending getting car finished) 8. Mrt 9. Simonzed 10. Peter10 (provisional at the moment though 11. CMCK13 12. George Dredd 13. Rothers2901
  21. I quite like the look personally. I think the mat version suites better than the gloss it's more of a contrast.
  22. Looking for some advise/opinions. Im torn between the two. I realy dont want to have the hastle of buying the full front spoiler if it means loads of body shop time blending in to get a good fit. The other option is to fit a spliter. seen this on ebay. Has anyone had any dealings with this compamy? and what is the fit like? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350z-03-07 ... 3362110ea8 This is the look i'm after and would consider a second hand one if in good condition.
  23. Just to let people who may be interested, i will be bringing along a breath test intoxiliser machine to the Lakes so if anyone wants to be tested the morning after and before going for a drive the option is there. Best being safe.
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