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Everything posted by rothers2901

  1. Not the news i was hoping for. 2 hours of polishing tonight to be ruined by the rain
  2. A bit Carlsberg in my opinion Probibly the worst mini ever
  3. Mate looked realy nice in the flesh on sunday, adds that little extra
  4. Can all who intend to meet at the Macdonald Tickled Trout Hotel Point © please post your names so that know who to wait for. The time is Between 1pm/2pm. 1. Rothers2901 2. Lincolnbadge 3. Ken 4. wasso 5. eck1 6. Andyvvc 7. Andy75 8. jetset 9. Roo
  5. Can all who intend to meet at the Macdonald Tickled Trout Hotel Point © please post your names so that know who to wait for. The time is Between 1pm/2pm. 1. Rothers2901 2. Lincolnbadge 3. Ken 4. wasso 5. eck1 6. Andyvvc 7. Andy75 8. jetset 9. Roo
  6. The only place i can think of is here.
  7. Coming home on a Saturday afternoon after the football match. The house is absolutely immaculate, just like the Z after a days cleaning and detailing and saying "well that must have taken all of an hour what else have you been up to for the rest of the day"
  8. I am the worst DIY’er on the planet, especially when it comes to electric’s. I’m ok with things you can see but the invisible ninja has taken its pound of flesh on a number of occasions. The two that really stick in my memory are. Just picture the scene married one week moved into a two up two down semi. The house was what any newly wed’s wanted. Second hand cooker and refrigerator, a hand-me-down sofa, combi TV+VCR and a washing machine with a plug. Then I noticed a lone electrical socket on the wall with a hole for the electrical cable for an appliance not using the plug. Off came the plug stripped back the cable and took the socket off the wall. Looked at the cables feeding the socket so instinctively put the live to live, earth to earth and the neutral to neutral. Job done. Waited for Linda to come home from work before standing back and admiring the manly handy work before inviting her to throw the fuse box switch just like smashing the champagne bottle on a newly launched ship. BOOM an almighty bang and flash from the kitchen, Plaster and dust everywhere. I had only wired the washing machine directly into the ring main input ports of the socket instead of the output ports of the socket. The end result was a new kitchen wall re plastered and tiled to add insult to injury my old man is an electrical technician who had the following to say, vivere e imparare figlio (Live and learn son). Call the people that Know. And more recently, a full bathroom conversion with the help of my nephew (top builder). Whilst installing the extractor fan (You guest it electricity again) I used the existing electricity feed from the old shower to feed the extractor fan. Nothing could be simpler (Not). Wired the dam switch the wrong way. Started to peal back the wires from the freed to supply the extractor with a chisel (Yes you got it, still live) the chisel flew out of my hand an flew across the bath room, it became embedded in the wall besides my nephews ear (very close call, barred from the Bathroom).
  9. Lincolnbadge is also meeting me at point (A). Depending on where you are actually, depends whether point (A) At 11.00 or Fox house inn at 11.15 is best for you. Your Choice
  10. As the title says. I seem to have lost the shortcut/dropdown list to each individual forum section, normally at he bottom right of the main page. any ideas?
  11. The guy's name is Atif, drifting around a rounabout . The car is a equipped with an aps twinturbo kit , dynoed at 440 whp at 9psi
  12. Here you go. viewtopic.php?f=35&t=4021&start=0
  13. Yeah it must be the Police's fault........ not whoever left it easily 'stealable'? It would have been on the ANPR system probably within 30 minutes of it being reported stolen (ie once a crime was verified) but as far as im aware ANPR cameras cannot teleport in traffic car re-inforcements? If you want to blame someone, why not try the little sc**tes that nicked it, who I fully agree will probably get a piddly little sentence if/when they are caught ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) i may be wrong but this car has no number plate to read secondly if it's more than just an Opportunist the car will undoubtibly be in a container. Not the polices fault that they leave the car in a position that it could be stolen, Let look at the owners and the multitude of security at Santapod, that the car must have past before leaving the race track
  14. I know that the ladies all want to take everything except the kitchen sink but, i did a 7 day golfing trip to Scotland with a friend and comfortably got 2 full size tour bags plus two travel bags in the boot. The boot is a bit like a Tardis really. My advice is to take the soft sports style bags rather than hard suite cases.
  15. Waiting fo the next instalment.
  16. Martinmac. As discussed in our earlier Correspondences regarding directional signs. I have again been in touch with Cumbria Council/Highways. They have no objections in you placing signs directing visitors to the meeting place. The guidence which i sent you earlier should suffice in aiding you positioning them.
  17. 1. Marzman Confirmed + Tracktime 2. Jak + 1 3. Tarmac 4. carlton x (hopefully) 5. Garetgax 6. Veilside z + 1 7. Lee@MK (Pending getting car finished) 8. Mrt 9. Simonzed 10. Peter10 (provisional at the moment though 11. CMCK13 12. George Dredd 13. Rothers2901 Confirmed +1 14. dobby + tracktime 15. Jameswinkless +1
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