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Everything posted by rothers2901

  1. There should be absolutely no idling issues following a clutch change. That said, you do have to remove the exhaust. Make sure that the Cat sensors are connected correctly and were not damaged in the process.
  2. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/70229-how-to-change-spark-plugs-part-1-off-side-vq35de/ http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/70230-how-to-change-spark-plugs-part-2-near-side-vq35de/ The pipe you refer to is just a vacuum pipe and is nothing that will cause any issues if put back properly. hope this helps.
  3. The below was taken from the NISMO product shop. Genuine Nissan radiator coolant (L248SP) has advanced formulation for aluminum and cast iron engine parts. This Nissan radiator contains no amines, no silicates, which may harm water pump seals, or borates that may cause aluminum corrosion and pitting which would cause your radiator to malfunction quicker. The genuine Nissan radiator coolant is a 100% concentrated product which means it should be diluted to a 50/50 ratio. This mixture ratio ensures maximum cooling system efficiency and excellent corrosion protection for your radiator. The pre-diluted one gallon container is already a 50% antifreeze and 50% distilled water mix. Do not add additional water when using pre-diluted Blue LLC Additional Information for using Blue LLC Blue LLC and Green-colored Nissan LLC (P/N 999MP-AF000P) are compatible with each other: Blue can be mixed / added with Green Green can be mixed / added with Blue Shipping through UPS Only. CAUTION: LLC must always be used with demineralized or distilled water, otherwise the life expectancy of the LLC (Blue or Green) will be degraded and cooling system damage may occur.
  4. As per my recent communication, Do you have any better quality pictures. If so can you email them to me? I'm thinking that you will be taking a pretty decent hit on price if you trade it in.
  5. My advice is. remove the whole unit from behind the seat, unscrew the outer casing and prise the disc out. If this fails then a new unit may be needed anyway. a little like this
  6. Is it possible to sent some larger Pictures? plus some of the engine bay. I'll message you my email.
  7. SuperStu (2 wall and 1 desk) GMballistic (1 desk top) Veeg33 (1 wall and 1 desk) Andy_Muxlow (1 Wall and 1 Desktop) rothers2901 (2 wall)
  8. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/62786-nismo-n1-project-finally-fitted/page__hl__rothers2901
  9. At best it could be the release bearing. worst case scenario it could be the springs on the duel mass. either way its the box off.
  10. I've heard stories that they give you a reasonable price then after they take your reg fee (non-refundable), and visit the car, they then drop the price by a couple of k ? only what I've heard so hearsay only quite right. I sold an S3 not long back and tried WBAC they gave me a price based on information (very accurate) when i got there for the survey they offered a lesser amount. It was sinificantly lower that the first offer so walked away. Survey charge gone.
  11. As others have said around £600 for clutch and flywheel + Fitting I did mine in about 4 hours.
  12. Most Z's will have a duel mass fly wheel unless its been changed or up graded. if the fly wheel springs are not working correctly you may experience the symptoms you have described. I a lightened fly wheel has been fitted or a solid fly wheel this would probibly explain the speed the engine drops when depressing the clutch pedal to change gear. Like Brillomaster says the clutch pedal does ride high in the Z's but there is a difference between high clutch pedal position and a high bitting point. If the bitting point is high then i would say time to check out the clutch either way it may be an unnecessary evil to pull the box off to see.
  13. If it wasnt for the daughters wedding i would be all over this.
  14. Any pictures of the broken part. It may be, the bonnet release cable & leaver is not specifict to the 370 and maybe that one off a 350, Qashqui or Juke may fit.
  15. Arrived today. great quality and new format . Thanks Stu.
  16. Brembo rotors are 324x30 and the rears are 322x22. if memory serves me right the size is stamped on the outer edge of the disc. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=350z+brembo+rear+disc+size&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=639&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjLxsThl8bKAhXEfhoKHZ--CUMQ_AUIBygC#imgrc=uIa9vdK-yRIflM%3A
  17. The slightest of distortion of the disc will sent a vibration throught the streering. Time to change them.
  18. Any update on payment?
  19. http://www.350z-uk.c...__+rear +brakes http://www.350z-uk.c...__+rear +brakes Ewan and the guys should be able to sort you out.
  20. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/104188-dba-t2-discs-with-hawk-pads-new-combo-price-deal/
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