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Everything posted by rothers2901

  1. Washed and polished the Z this morning (-5 degrees) simply because of the weather forcast was for heavy snow later. Have i wasted my time?
  2. Here you go viewtopic.php?f=35&t=55163
  3. Sounds a bit like a thrust bearing issue to me.
  4. I have a colleague who has just done this exactly, she got a 370Z convertable in white and loves it.
  5. Got to say realy enjoyed this episode. TG seemed to have lost it's way in previous episodes and i know that this was another road trip but some of the scenes made me chuckle and what cars to start off with. Loved the Knoble.
  6. The Engine Inn 'Naga' Curry - made with 'officially' the worlds hottest chilli pepper served every day - try it if you dare!!!! Massive Fail for me, dispite the local football teams encouragement. Great alternative to stay.
  7. Was at Exhaust Uk last Saturday (previously Used them) to get some advise on the Cobra system. The price was the same but fitted. Saying that it's still a very competative price and the system sounds quality. Well done Mate
  8. I'll take the Air Filter, Thanks. PM sent
  9. Wanted to take some pictures every month for next years calender. Think i'll give January a miss now. Awsome pictures Please dont take any more
  10. Try this. viewtopic.php?f=35&t=55163
  11. Try this. viewtopic.php?f=35&t=55163
  12. Sorry but I would say it sounds more like it was driver error, as in you were probably too close to the car in front. I am sorry to see your car like that but lets not have any BS. +1, Too fast, Too close, Wet roads = Worst Friday morning ever. On a plus though, glad everyone is ok.
  13. Just watched the you tube clip. The way i see it is, the train was in the station, it wasnt going anywhere. The conductor could have just simply rang fo some assistance either from a colleague or the police to remove the lad. Im sure that as a public place i.e the train, the employees or any other representative of the train company would have the right or authority to remove someone from their train if they feel the need to do so even by force if necessary (It happens all the time on football supporter trains). This is called a lawfull ejction and therefore the conductor would have had a defence in law providing it was justified and propotionate. The Big Man in my opinion had no right to do what he did (frustrating Yes). There were no threats of violence towards the connductor or to anyone else, nor any damage being done or any apprihension that anything would have been done so. Morally was it right? thats up for discussion, lawfully definately not. I'm not any legal expert on the laws north of the boarder, but what i do know, is that lots of laws covered in scotland are common law and this is to protect the public against breaches of the peace. In this case, my opinion is, a breach of the peace was clearly taking place. A good solicitor may be able to argue this fact. Being charged with an offence doesn't mean a conviction will be the ultimate outcome at court.
  14. Sorry if this offends but hey, It's only a fuel tank! You have to wonder how many times he's been stopped by the police...
  15. The skunk2 is 5/8's. Dont know what that is in cm's lol. But some people say its a tight fit with the bar. The problem isnt spacing it from the plenum but from hitting the bonnet. Not sure what material the strut brace spaces are, it would seem that the spacers are giving sufficient clearence to clear the plenum but then fouling the bonnet. Measure the clearence between the plenum and the underside of the strut brace, then place a peice of plastercine or clay bar on top of the brace close the bonnet, reopen the bonnet on measure how much the plastercine had been depressed. If the plastercine has been depressed greater than the distance allowed between the brase and the plenum then your stuffed. If not you may be able to shave something off the spacers. 5/16 is roughly 7.5 mm whereas 5/8 is double = to 15mm quite a difference imo
  16. The theory behind multiple vin tags are as a way of a little deterant. A thief now has the impossible task of removing every single identification mark without damaging the stolen property to avoid the risk of detection whereas a Police now only needs to locate and identify one or two of the marks to assist with a prosecution. Some of the tags are hidden away in hard to find locations and a location map is held on a data base when checking vehicles which have been recovered and their identity, changed.
  17. Bugger, Bought some yesterday for a christmas Present
  18. Report it every time. Yes it is something that is often at the bottom of the priority list of things to do and is dealt with on it's own merits. As a rule of thumb, compaints will only be followed up by sumons if there are independant witnesses to the incident who are willing to give statements. But in my exprerience if asked, the police will visit registered keepers address to give words of advise regarding the standard of driving. This generally carries a strong enough message, especially to the younger ones on the road.
  19. Just a quick thanks to Tim for arranging this seminar at Meguiars. and meeting some old aquaintances and some new forum members. It was very informative and a great place to get the heads up on new and up comming products. The car bonnet got the Meguiars treatment under the most extreme lighting possible. The car in my opinion isn't bad to start with, but under closer inspection showed even the slightest of swirls and scratches. The plus side is I now have the cleanest bonnet going, the down side iv'e got to do the whole car now.
  20. Very important that you report it, you have a duty to do so. Injury or no injury to the person. Save yourself even more aggrovation or even worse a trip to the courts should the doomer report it and you have failed to do so.
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