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Everything posted by rothers2901

  1. Thanks, look forward to the update. Here hoping for a good fit
  2. In the market for a new front. Anyone bought one of these from EPracing?
  3. Embargo now lifted will now be attending.
  4. Still awaiting confirmation regarding leave, the 12th of August is the closing day for the olympics. Really hoping to make this weekend.
  5. Meguiars, Kestrel, Dodo all do Da polishers. I personally use the Meguiars but all will be fine. The results are far better than hand polising.
  6. Can they kick a ball at all? F@ck me and people tell me F1 is boring +1 Glad it's over maybe i'll get my days off reinstated.
  7. What a shower, Iv'e lost count how many times England have lost by left footed players missing penalties. Can't they kick a ball hard?
  8. Thanks. I managed to get this off eBay. Just randomly flicking through and spotted it. I made a snap decision to buy it as it is a genuine nismo so hoping it fits with no modifications but it will be test fitted before I spray it just to double check. Thanks look forward to more pictures as you progress
  9. i dont care what the colour is, wow, wow, wow.
  10. Dont worry Martin had past form of putting up tents. Just ask Liz
  11. Nice little project. Looking to follow suit in the near future. Where did you purchase the front from and does it fit well without too many alterations?
  12. viewtopic.php?f=56&t=62552
  13. normal tools required, plug socket, long socket extention and various other tools to remove items to gain access. Im sure there a guide somewhere.
  14. If i was a prospective buyer and saw the start and finish of the restoration i would have no issues in shelling out good money for it, regardless of the cat D status. There are a lot worse Z's that havent been damaged so hold out for a good price near the 7K mark.
  15. Is this your problem? If so show the dealer the video, it's self explanitory
  16. Martin, desparately trying to arrange cover so i can make it on the Saturday. I will be camping this year as you said you booked the wetheter . Will confirm a little closer the date.
  17. Mate always had full appreciation for your Z and the effort taken. It's just got better,Good work.
  18. There are numerous occasions when it's good practice to disconnect the battery before working on cars. Iv'e never had any issues when reconnecting
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