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Everything posted by rothers2901

  1. Guys wont be attending the Sunday lunch, as we need to get back home early, Thanks.
  2. Beautiful if i had a colour to pick it would be this one. looks really
  3. Wouldn't like that trundling down my road in the early hours (Very Loud)
  4. Beautiful colour. If i ever change the colour of my Z this is it . As fot the rest of it, not my cup of tea, Sorry , but each to their own.
  5. We're all closet Magpies i think, anything shiny is good.
  6. Wax everything except lights and windows that is.
  7. Iv'e been trying differnt combinations of product to remove such scratches. I have now settled for Meguiars Ulitmate Compound then Meguiars 205 Mirror Glaze Ultra fine Polish. Applied with a DA machine.
  8. Not quite sure what time myself and LInda are travelling. We have the day off on Friday and i think that Linda want to stop off in Chester before hand. I'll keep you posted. It would be nice to have a few Z's travel to gether even if it was only from the Chester area.
  9. JUst given the Little lady a bit of a polish in preparation for the weekend, Hope the weather hold fine. Really looking forward to the meeting
  10. These people aren't the brightest bulb in the box. Just confiscated two off road motor cycles having watched youtube clips and other social media sites. Sometimes it's too easy.
  11. Guys i'm touched, thanks for the comments, got to work today though only joking love it really. Going to spend some part of the day giving the Z a good old polish in readiness for Wales See you all there.
  12. Tried to incorporate the whole proceedure but the new forum site doesn't allow to post unlimited pictures, hence the two threads to the proceedure.
  13. Welcome to the forum, there are quite a few of us in the Derbyshire area.
  14. WOW!!!!! there're bright. Great looking wheels but wrong colour for me.
  15. The question is probibly going to be best answered by some one who uses the Z as a daily commuter. I'm planning to do a few more miles this year mostly on the motorway and not at busy times. Is it best to drive with the cruise control on at a set speed or rely on the old right foot?
  16. Are you sure it wasnt your own reflection in a shop window :lol:
  17. Hoping to get the Cobra set up soon. Wont be going down the de-cat route though. I't sounds awsome. :thumbs:
  18. First race now copleted, Interesting new tyre regs with both soft and medium tyres being used. Plato starts off with a welcom win (Im a Big Fan) albeit only just. Andrew Jordan decides to do a kamikasi dive on the last corner nearly taking both out. Here's to race two
  19. Welcome to my world. Stupid, Drunk all the same. You cant reason with either.
  20. It's sound like your trying to set off in 3rd not 1st. This would equal slow accelaration and low MPG.
  21. Pure arrogance on the part of Vettle. Just another example of ("I'm bigger than the team"). He was lucky not to have been punched.
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