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Everything posted by Cal

  1. Oooh purple! Very nice!!! :gayicon: My mate has offered to do them BLACK tomorrow as he has spare paint Simon+Kat I'd rather gloss black to match the wheels
  2. Noob question - is there a multi quote button? No problem matching the vinyl - it's 3M Traffic White... Just think they will be a ball ache to get into all the creases/edges... and the 3 little dots on the handle. I'm still undecided!
  3. Problem is the car is vinyl wrapped white... Been speaking to my mate the sprayer about colour matching it I really like the black though! It's tough...
  4. Desperate to get this done as the silver really doesn't go with the white/black theme... What do you think guys?
  5. Cal

    AEM Intake

    Open to negotiation
  6. Cal

    AEM Intake

    Came with my 03 Fairlady unfitted. Great condition, just needs a clean. No idea on prices with these, looked on the net and I've seen prices varying from £180 to £255. (Feel free to correct me on this). So I'll say £150 posted ono?
  7. Cal

    nismo v2 pics?

    Mine viewtopic.php?f=34&t=42640
  8. Cal

    Spare door handles

    Thanks mate that's really kind of you I shall PM you this evening for PayPal/Postage details. Cheers bud!
  9. Cal

    Spare door handles

    Spare door handles for 03 JDM (if they differ) Need to paint a set Cheers, Cal
  10. It's an Impul... And I agree it looks much cleaner without canards
  11. I think black too, especially as the car in vinyl wrapped white... will be an easier and cheaper job! Really not sure about the canards idea, I like how clean and simple the v2 looks. Post pics to try sway me Cheers all
  12. Thanks all, really pleased with it! Initial plans are, CTR aerial (sorted), new rear plate with plain text/no border/screws/bracket, and either black or white handles
  13. Well worth the trek to Barnard Castle to meet Dene and take this off his hands, top lad Send me the spare keys and other bits soon Taken on Llandudno Orme, where the old N.Wales WRC section used to be held... couldn't be happier with the car, don't miss the 182 one bit! I feel like a local celebrity driving this haha really turns heads, old and young alike!
  14. I've always liked the look of the Gia Cuzzo spoiler... but was informed they are only available in Germany? Do these look like reasonable copies? Very cheap... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NISSAN-350Z-BOOT- ... 2eb06aea93
  15. Going to view/buy a 2003 JDM Zed this Friday, recently fitted with Exedy clutch and Fidanza flywheel... Iam a complete noob with this stuff so could anyone clarify what is normal for me to hear? Cheers!
  16. Try this one mate...http://www.saxperience.com/forum/showpo ... count=1703 Thanks all
  17. Cheers all, JetSet; I'm by Buckley in Deeside most weekends playing either ice or inline hockey mate so may see you about!
  18. Thanks all for the welcomes! I'm hoping so doogy! I loved my Clio, I'm sure the Zed will be a great upgrade!
  19. Pahahaha! I know exactly where you mean! Right by my work... Can't wait to try it!
  20. Hi all, Callum Roberts 26 from Conwy, North Wales. Been a long time fan of 350z's! Been a French hatch fan boy until now having gone from a 106 GTi for my first proper car, onto my 182 Cup which I've had for 2 years and put a lot of effort into... The 182 is going next weekend, and all being well I'll be buying a tasty Zed from an un-named member on here shortly after! Can't wait to own a Zed, already got inspiration from some of the stunning examples on here! Few pics of my 182, went for lairy red wheels to kind of go with the R26R theme! http://www.saxperience.com/forum/showpo ... stcount=15 Cal
  21. Guides or search will help viewtopic.php?f=35&t=23355&start=0&hilit=door+handle+removal Cheers for that! Regards, Noob
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