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Everything posted by Cal

  1. Just wondered what people have done individually to cover rear burger holes? I'm aware of the Tommy Kaira/likwidart badges just wondered what other people have done, post pics please I don't want to go with the Tommy K style... has anyone used a doorsill/strut cover Z converted to a badge? Thanks, Cal
  2. Cal

    Rear wiper delete

    Definitely colour code it, with my car being white I was fortunate enough to find white grommets
  3. SOLD to Bobby81... Mod please lock/close.
  4. Sold to Bobby81 pending payment...
  5. Provisionally sold to Bobby81.
  6. For sale, uber rare Impul spoiler... currently on my car and vinyl wrapped in 3M Traffic White. As far as I'm aware very few people have this spoiler in the UK or even in the US. I posted it on a few US forums and no one had seen one! Retailed new at 80,000 yen (£597 GBP) http://www.impul.co.jp/ Looking for around £250 open to offers, plus p&p.
  7. Looking for replica V2 spoiler with carbon blade and caps or Evo-R spoiler with carbon underneath. Have an uber rare Impul spoiler if anyone is interested in p/x. Cal
  8. CalZed, Conwy - North Wales
  9. Debating doing the splitter white... what do you guys reckon?
  10. Hmmmm black headlight housings needed... or possibly white as I havn't seen that done
  11. Cal

    Door handle

    Gloss black... also did rear strut cover
  12. Thanks all for advice/sympathy etc. I'm shell shocked and devastated. Dene was a nice lad... car seemed fine when I picked it up. Still waiting on the spare keys though Dene Zman has provided me with a quote for supplying/fitting engine, Lee is in Boro and Abbey are in Surrey... waiting to hear back from Lee re quotes/costs for engine supply/fit. Guess Falcon/Abbey are arguably similar distance from me (miles!) don't want an engine shipped here and a non Zed experienced mech putting it in. Should I be able to find this money I want it sorted properly. I really can't afford this right now, but... while I'm here. I'm a graphic/marketing designer by trade, so if anybody needs anything doing at all please get in touch as I need all the cash I can get right now Would post a few pics of my work for members on here and recent work for BlackBerry but not sure if this breaks the rules.
  13. Had it like a month... maybe slightly more, loved every minute. Really havn't thrashed it at all, loved it too much to abuse it. Z mech's have been in touch over PM but are miles away from North Wales, going on quotes received I cannot afford an engine/fitting. I shall get another opinion first but for now Iam completely stuffed for what to do. Thanks to everyone for their input and help, Cal
  14. Dblock; I shall get another opinion... just to be sure. andlid; I know... I wouldn't know mate, it doesn't appear to misfire... I thought it was fixed after running good fuel/injector cleaner through it, until the knocking became more apparent. Been advised it would be cheaper to replace the whole thing... not driving it at all, drove it to the garage and that's where it still is currently. Driving it very sensibly with the odd blast, can only just afford to run the thing lol so rarely give it serious stick, it's also limited being jdm. Skinted myself buying it just so I could have my dream car... really, really don't need this right now The car has always seemed a little noisy but I thought it was all normal due to Fidanza fly/box/ chatter.
  15. Mechanic reckons it's a failed crankshaft.... Awesome! Happy Christmas.
  16. Oil seems to be fine.... Vid below, hard to pinpoint where exactly the noise is coming from... also tried to get the exhaust popping in idle sound. Apologies for the poor quality.. http://s73.photobucket.com/albums/i234/ ... ocking.mp4
  17. Thanks for the replies guys, have a thread up and will post video now.
  18. Big thank you for everyones reponses/help... getting it looked at tomorrow. ZMAN; Cheers, will do. Bounty78; I hope so too Lee has contacted me about an engine, thanks for the garages link djrm; Oil will be first port of call, mechanic friend is looking at it tomorrow in his garage not too far from me. Ebized/Mark Abbey; Thanks for that, didn't spot the reply sorry... Think it was fairly low on fuel, but didn't put a huge amount of injector cleaner in... It was only black smoking pre the injector cleaner/v-power top up, it worked fine for a day. Then I noticed slight lack of power/the knocking noise when parked up. The exhaust makes small popping sounds in idle. Hopefully just a air flow/oil problem... fingers crossed hopefully know tomorrow. R35LEE; Cheers mate, I shall be in touch if it's bad... only problem is you're mile away! Chris 'I; Shall have to drive it 5 miles to my mates garage tomorrow... will check the oil before hand.
  19. Ok, posted in the 'should I feed my Z high octane thread' and also searched a fair bit... Last Friday had to put £10 regular 'Murco' gas in the Zed as I was stuck. Drove home fine, no problems. Topped up with V-Power and BP Ultimate, over Sat/Sun. Hour drive home on Sunday, not far from home noticed a stammer in acceleration, just the odd one... thought nothing of it. Got closer to home it started doing it loads, wanting to cut out in idle and loads of black smoke/occasional spark. Left it overnight, tried the same in morning, could not hold idle/black smoke. Day after poured in some injector cleaner and headed to the garage to fill it with V-Power... after a decent drive it felt good as new. Was fine for a day... Late today after being fine, noticed a knocking noise coming from the engine, got gradually worse throughout the evening where I had to just get the car home and leave it. Noise sounds bottom end, but could be up the top :/ depressing clutch just makes it easier to hear. Any ideas/thoughts/opinions very much appreciated, can do a video tomorrow...
  20. Ok, ran injector cleaner and v-power through it yesterday... cleared up and ran sweet as for a day. Now it's developed a sharp knocking noise under acceleraltion, kill me now.
  21. Shoved a jerry can of V-Power in, and Wynn's injector cleaner... same story, loads of black smoke and cuts out
  22. Just tried leaving it idle from cold now, splutters... Idles gently rises and falls in RPM, eventually want to cut out and battery light comes on.
  23. Car is home fine Pete cheers, the electrical power thing was literally just when it wanted to cut out in idle, it's fine holding power. Take it to the stealers? Or book it into local garage probably not experienced with Zed's
  24. Was in Ellesmere Port getting tyres for the Zed on Friday... was really low on juice, had to put a tenner 'Murco' standard petrol in my Fairlady to get me home. Been topped up with V Power and Ultimate since, but on the way home today the car had started to splutter/kangaroo and pass black smoke, pulled over and the car struggled to idle/electrical power dwindled. No engine lights came on as far as I know. Have I knackered my car? I have searched... come up with stuff like ECU reset, O2/MAF sensor, injectors etc... if anyone can help a worried noob I'd be extremely appreciative.
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