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Everything posted by Tay

  1. some of the comments for the skateboard kid are hilarious. "now he's got a mangina"
  2. what was the deal with the kid on the skateboard? did it snap and cut his groin (*******balls) area? did they do a follow up on this?
  3. yep, says bad link for me too.
  4. i thought everyone has a workbench lurking around in the garage somewhere. Very useful bits of kit.
  5. I find jason potato a little annoying.
  6. You can fit a fair bit in the Z. I help my little brother get a room full of stuff to uni recently. I literally had to cram it all in and move the passenger seat a far forward as it would go but managed to get it all in I'm looking for some nice sticky tyres, i've got the potenza's at the minute. Never driven in snow but. I hoping it'll be a mild winter this year so the only thing you'll need to worry about is black ice I've never looked at the mpg. I can't understand why anyone buying such an uneconomical car would worry about fuel economy. All you need to know if that you'll need to have deep pockets to run it
  7. Tay

    Good deal?

    looks like a good price . still knock them down as much as you can, check the service history, take it for a spin etc...
  8. miracles do happen i suppose.
  9. I have just watched fifth gear and now know why the stig was silent. He makes a very crappy presenter. FAIL...
  10. good find, there is substance to my madness.
  11. judging by what i witnessed last night between you and someone who shall for now remain unnamed, you could quite easily fix that
  12. I just googled for examples to post hahaha hope you weren't google'ing from work.
  13. Ann Summers has a 90% sale on at the moment. get in there quick. won't just be a gift for her if you buy correctly
  14. Tay


    very nice , I can't believe you parked in a pond! good effect though.
  15. Tay

    more questions

    haha, yeah. no point having a kick ass stereo if you're the only one who can hear the thud thud thud...
  16. Tay

    more questions

    I wouldn't buy any, I do hate the water pouring in like everyone else but the solution is to keep the windows closed when it's wet or you spray the screen.
  17. the extra gloss sealant doesn't attract flies then? I wonder what they put in the resin polish that attracts them?
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