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Everything posted by Tay

  1. Just put a screw or bit of dirt below the D to make it somewhat look like a P
  2. I think thats the right price, or atleast i hope it is. I paid £16.5k for a 56 with 33k on the clock, GT spec, sat nav etc...
  3. I could be wrong but i'm sure you can brembo's cheaper than that if it's just the pads. I don't know what changes have been made between 03 and 06 but my pads are very similar to the ones posted by lrh. People asked me this when i asked a question about pads but wasn't confident enough to look. Are you able to take the current pads off to look at them?
  4. Don't forget your clubcard points I've collected 858 so far this month and will get a money off voucher for £8.50...yay...
  5. LOL and most places can't even get a curry right!. The problem is that Britain is actually broke but won't admit it cause it'll make the whole double dip recession worse than they are predicting. I read something in the news recently about some councils switching off streetlights at night. Now you won't even be able to spot the potholes from a distance if you're driving along at night. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11209143
  6. There are some plates out there that i would buy, the only problem is that they'd cost more than a brand new Z so i can't see the point.
  7. Where are you based mate? Im in london and the roads couldnt be worse.... potholes everywhere... crappy repairs that break up and create larger potholes once it gets cold... I find it hard to get a decent road where there are no flaws in the work done... it may have something to do with the 10k a day damages if the roadworks company are late on completion! Saying that i quite like the firm ride of the Z, not too hard but feels as if your in a sports car, i quite enjoy hard suspension, but not like the GTR, god that is awful to drive on bad roads... 20" wheels with runflats and extreme suspension = I'm in yeovil, somerset. I bounce around so much sometimes that my foot keep moving up and down on the accelerator pedal and i feel like a fool when driving. I have to take my foot off and let it slow down before carrying on. People stop and look, so embarrassing. Some of the roads are so bad and potholes so deep that i have to cross the line on the road just to avoid them. There are even big potholes on the M5 and M6 now. It's feel horrible when you hit one at speed.
  8. good to know you're ok but dude 70??? it rained here on Monday, country lanes are pants when wet, you have to watch out for tractors and mud on the road, i didn't get over 50, was too worried about saying Bye Bye to the world.
  9. btw am i a z hopeful cause i'm new to the forum? everytime i see that the first thing i think is I'm hoping to own a z.
  10. Is it just me or does it feel like you're driving in a field in some off road vehicle? the roads are pants and getting worse...
  11. you've got the receipt for the service so i don't think it matters if the book isn't stamped. I personally wouldn't bother sounds like a load of hassle for nothing IMO.
  12. not everywhere. it used to be 97 octane in many places. I did note that in larger cities they had the 99 octane but now that it's re branded as momentum I haven't seen the 97 at any of filling stations that used to sell it, seams to be momentum everywhere now.
  13. what you've described doesn't sound normal. I have no clunk with the clutch pedal (just the brakes but that a different issue altogether). When i first picked up my car back in Feb, I on a few occasions smelt a metallic burning smell when i accelerated but i now think that it was either cause the car had been sat around at the dealership for a while or it was just in my head.
  14. who's wayne? can't pick up that name in any of the posts. I think i've gone blind....arrgghh I have always just washed and polished, looks good after a polish and when it rains the water beads and just runs straight off. Takes a few days of driving in the wet for the dirt to build up on it. Didn't know you need to seal then wax after a polish. Sounds like far too much effort as just hoovering, washing, cleaning windows followed by a polish takes me all day
  15. I don't think it's any different to the 97 octane that they sold before. If I have to fill up at Esso or Sainsbury's or something with their 97 I don't get any more miles with the 99 than with the 97. There are different ways of working out the octane value and depending on the method you use the values can be different for exactly the same fuel. As long as you don't use 95 octane you'll be fine.
  16. voted, you're joint first with mr smith (27.33%) followed by mr nandy in 3rd with 21.8% what do you win?
  17. I guess that they'll ask who the owner is and then say it's the owners responsibility.
  18. Tay

    My 350Z

    very cool pictures. what's the shark fin on the roof used for?
  19. do you need spare tyres and stuff for a track day then?
  20. You can always mention it to him and let him know he's the only person thats been near the car to see what he says. If you're sure it's him and he doesn't own up just finish with don't bother coming round anymore???
  21. Private company may not be able to enforce but a debt collection agency who owns the ticket because they've bought it off the private company can I could be wrong but I'm not sure they can sell it on to a debt collection agency. I haven't heard of an instance (except on this forum) where it has happened. The process that I'm aware of through experience is. 1. They send the parking fine and make it look official in an attempt to scare you into making a payment to them that they can't enforce. (The reason they can't enforce it is due to it being a breech of contract between you and the landowner who has set some terms and conditions. Under the terms they give you reasons for the fine but look for a reason why it doesn't apply. In this instance the driver was in the car. If they wanted him to move they could just wake him to ask) 2. They will send an invoice demanding payment. At this point i called the company and simply said "I'm not paying so don't send me any more letters" the conversation with the **** on the other end of the phone wasn't nice but I'm more than happy to tell people to go and do one. They tell you that you have to and try to sound official but they can't actually do anything. I ended the call with "i'm just letting you know that i'm not paying so that you don't waste your time, if you want to take it further then fine, goodbye". 3. They then sent another invoice to demand payment and the wording was stronger. I then wrote to them to tell them that i'm not paying and am willing to take it to court. this was over 6 years ago and i haven't heard from them since. I have some friends who have ignored the invoices demanding payment and after about 3 or 4 letters they stop. It is a little concerning when you receive the letter, I know i thought oh shite but fight it cause you're in the right. I'm pretty sure that they they won't pursue this... Also forget about waiting or letting them know that we're going to park for 1hr 59mins lets go and do it cause it sounds like a laugh.
  22. It's a private company. They can't enforce the fine so you're safe to just ignore it. They will write to you a few times then give up. I've had a fine from a private company before and just plain ignored it.
  23. was at vospers and the salesman saw my car and told me about some geezer who's traded in his z for an MX5. Is your MX5 better than the Z?
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