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Everything posted by Tay

  1. I'm not even sure he owns a Z you know who he is then?
  2. I've never had a new screen fitted but am pretty sure that all their work should come with a guarantee of some description. It looks terrible and i'm sure that trading standards would have something to say if they argue.
  3. Wide-angle lens distortion. Corrected in Photoshop CS3: Wasn't complaining. it looks pretty good with an elongated bonnet Bad luck. hehe, now thats just wrong.
  4. Wide-angle lens distortion. Corrected in Photoshop CS3: Wasn't complaining. it looks pretty good with an elongated bonnet
  5. In the last picture, why does my bonnet look elongated?
  6. was nice to have met you and bob what time did you leave in the end? who was the mystery guest? or is that still a mystery?
  7. Tay

    New badge fitted

    looks very good on a blue car. I've got a silver one and can't see it looking that good.
  8. Tay

    New badge fitted

    Whats a TK badge? ... Does it look good on the car? I like the Nissan style ones with the Z logo and square indents best.
  9. Tay

    Car Tax

    i think you've been paying too much in recent years. I was told it's post 2006 that costs 400 smackers. I've just bought a years tax at £435. painful
  10. after last winter, yes i think it is, it cost me more than the shed is worth in just a wheel bearing. I want to enjoy the snow and ice in the winter i love it and i was gutted to be missing out a bit by having a rwd sports car. the shed is getting snow tyres! at 60 quid for the whole car in snow tyres i think thats ok the other factor is modding; how much, what type and how time consuming is it? most of the mods i do take lots of trial and error and time to get just perfect. ive had to do many an all nighter under flood lights to get her back together for a monday morning. something i dont have to do now why don't you get a 110 land rover with off road tyres. you could mod them both. As i live in the sticks and it floods loads round here, i've considered getting an old land rover for say 3-4k sticking some off road tyres on it and maybe a recaro seat. There is no guarantee that it's going to snow again this year btw... there appears to be a wide selection of recaro seats here http://www.mothercare.com/b/68213031?ie ... a33b8cb496
  11. Tay

    New badge fitted

    looks good, i take it the photo's are before the crack appeared cause i can't spot it in the photo's. have you changed the badge at the back of the car too?
  12. dunno, i'm not convinced that having 2 cars is worth the hassle tbh
  13. I don't see the point in having a second car. I bought the Z cause i wanted one badly and use it every day (even for a trip to the supermarket). I've had it about 6 months now and have already racked up 16K Will be keeping it for another 10 -15k then I'll decide on what to get next. My choices for around Feb -April next year are 370z C30 (diesel or petrol) A3 (diesel) Golf (diesel) XF (if I feel old enough) We'll see what mood I'm in when it's time to chop in the Z.
  14. I think you got an amazing deal the first time round, I paid about a grand more than what you paid originally about 6 months ago for a 56 plate GT spec with sat nav. What did give you for it just out of interest?
  15. Can you be a bit more precise please? Also what year is your car (yes I'm being lazy & not searching your first post)? The year of the car has a bearing due to suspension changes etc, etc. second half of the year 2006. it's not a comment about the car. the point of this post was to find out how bad the roads are and how bad it can be to drive the Z on them. When the roads are smoooooothh and there are still one or two fortunately (A36 leading into bath for example, a few really nice bends with a combination of good road surface) then the Z is a exceptionally good ride. It is literally when you get a few yards of very crap road and the car bounces around, your foot keeps coming off and on to the accelerator pedal do i think, what a crap time to buy a sports car. Must be some particularly bad patches round your way, i have never been on a section of road where the Z is bucked around that badly. It was a common occurence on my MINI Cooper S. Yup some incredibly bad patches, road surface is properly bumpy like it was underwater while setting. i've seen smoother dunes in a desert. The other crappy element which just makes your ears bleed from the noise is those long stretches where the road surface has worn away and not been repaired, with no sign of being repaired either. For those in the south west, the back road going into Bath, and the small sections of road on the 359 infront of the entrance to the farms.
  16. Can you be a bit more precise please? Also what year is your car (yes I'm being lazy & not searching your first post)? The year of the car has a bearing due to suspension changes etc, etc. second half of the year 2006. it's not a comment about the car. the point of this post was to find out how bad the roads are and how bad it can be to drive the Z on them. When the roads are smoooooothh and there are still one or two fortunately (A36 leading into bath for example, a few really nice bends with a combination of good road surface) then the Z is a exceptionally good ride. It is literally when you get a few yards of very crap road and the car bounces around, your foot keeps coming off and on to the accelerator pedal do i think, what a crap time to buy a sports car.
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