Can you be a bit more precise please? Also what year is your car (yes I'm being lazy & not searching your first post)? The year of the car has a bearing due to suspension changes etc, etc.
second half of the year 2006. it's not a comment about the car. the point of this post was to find out how bad the roads are and how bad it can be to drive the Z on them. When the roads are smoooooothh and there are still one or two fortunately (A36 leading into bath for example, a few really nice bends with a combination of good road surface) then the Z is a exceptionally good ride.
It is literally when you get a few yards of very crap road and the car bounces around, your foot keeps coming off and on to the accelerator pedal do i think, what a crap time to buy a sports car.
Must be some particularly bad patches round your way, i have never been on a section of road where the Z is bucked around that badly. It was a common occurence on my MINI Cooper S.
Yup some incredibly bad patches, road surface is properly bumpy like it was underwater while setting. i've seen smoother dunes in a desert.
The other crappy element which just makes your ears bleed from the noise is those long stretches where the road surface has worn away and not been repaired, with no sign of being repaired either. For those in the south west, the back road going into Bath, and the small sections of road on the 359 infront of the entrance to the farms.