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Everything posted by Tay

  1. On the shopping list They didn't give them to you with the car?
  2. that would look good but i bet the smallest dink would show up a treat
  3. Tay

    Black buffing

    That looks amazing, makes me want a black car now. Is is the same stuff to get my silver one looking that good?
  4. It's pretty thick, the GSM ones i've seen in the past are just a couple mil thick but this one looks like it's about 5mil so i thought i'd ask. I can take a photo tomorrow if no one know what i'm talking about.
  5. Does anyone know if this is for the phone or is it the GPS aerial for the sat nav?
  6. Tay

    Car for the winter

    somerset is real crappy for floods.
  7. hope you get it sorted cheaply and with no hassle
  8. cause we live in a world where some little freaking git's who deserve nothing more than an ASBO and ankle bracelet are wandering the streets at night looking for trouble.
  9. Tay

    Car for the winter

    Yup, thats the idea but hopefully little to none of the breaking down... keep it for a few months then get rid.
  10. Tay

    Car for the winter

    noted, but i'm also thinking about doing some offroading. + last year the roads were flooded allot around this time of year when the rivers burst their banks. I nearly knack'd my old car by driving through some flood water that looked deceivingly shallow is wasn't. a colleague who has a defender said a good starting point would be a discovery, just seen one with 68k on the clock for less than a grand. might go and take a look, i'm sure it won't be around for long...
  11. I've noted a few people on the forum have said that the Z is going to be a nightmare in the winter if it snows so.... I'm thinking about getting a landrover discovery for a few months, maybe even do some off roading as i live in the sticks. I've seen a few on fleabay that are mot'd for the next 8 months or so but are high mileage. (it's what i expect as I want change from a grand). Has anyone had any experience of landrovers and should i bother? Opinions please?
  12. I dare you to put that comment on your facebook status
  13. the pictures really don't do it justice then TBH. Where can i see one IRL?
  14. Yup I'll go. Always wanted to go to Cuba. Free trip is even better
  15. Didn't know you could get them in that colour.
  16. Tay

    Intermittent noise

    I hear something similar to what you've described but, the only time i hear the grinding noise is if I've finished washing the car and left it to dry, the disks get this very superficial rusty layer. When i drive away for the first time and brake they grind but this quickly goes away. My old car (golf) did exactly the same thing so i don't think it's anything to worry about. The other times are when it's raining and it's been standing around for a a few hours, again the disks get an orange superficial rusty surface and the grinding noise goes away after I've applied the brakes for the first time. You could have a quick look to see if the disks are rusty looking cause that could be the cause. Failing that I don't know...
  17. thats brave of you. Hope you don't get any problems with it. Did you get it in writing that you can return the car if it's got problems they haven't told you about?
  18. looks like a cracking deal. where about's in Wiltshire are you?
  19. I was given a 1 year (up to 100000 mile) extended warranty when i bought my Z. It's a proper nissan manufacturers warranty not the aftermarket type. I'm told that it covers me for exactly what is covered under the original 3 year warranty. All the paperwork should be from nissan and it comes with a nissan warranty booklet. I think it's worth having as it gives you some piece of mind.
  20. only the photo's, I expect it's safer in some respects, but with the angle of the LED's to the left or right isn't that bad for traffic on either sides and are they road legal?
  21. I never "blast" a dry car with the pressure washer, any loose dirt or sand will potenially cause swirls. Snowfoam a dry car > Blasting a dry car Can't say I've had the swirling issue with any car I've owned. Lucky I love and have always owned Silver cars I guess
  22. Can you send me the details of the BnB please? Does anyone fancy a night out on the Saturday?
  23. Yup, with you there, I always use one bucket and rinse the sponge. I start with blasting with a pressure washer before the shampoo, start from the roof and work my way round the car gradually going down if that makes sense. I always do the wheels last and use the same car shampoo bucket, I never use wheel cleaning spays. I then give it a wipe down to dry it, clean all the windows inside and out with window spay and finish up by polishing. once the polish has dried and i've buffed it off I always give the windows a quick buff with the same cloth (the cloth with dried on polish). I find that once it rains the water runs straight off the glass. Make sure you don't get any wet polish on the windows as this can go hazy when wet making it very difficult to see out.
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