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Everything posted by Tay

  1. I nearly put a car into reverse by reaching for 6th. Luckily as i reached and took it out of 5th i realised that there was no 6th gear (or reverse was where 6th should have been)
  2. Why would you do that??? One of my reasons for getting a Z is that it only had 2 seats. If it had seats in the back then i defiantly would not have bought it.
  3. The game where you set the speed of roads on the sat nav to 5mph more and then try to beat the eta is better
  4. Sorry to hear the sad news. My sincere condolences to Ian and Hayley's families.
  5. mine went down to about 30 miles left before filling up with 67.64 litres. Are you sure they are 80 litre tanks cause that means i had 13 litres left??? during the journey i was starting to get a little worried cause every now and again (on steep inclines / declines) the display would read 8 or 9 miles remaining which would catch my eye and then on level ground would count up one by one back to 29 /30 miles remaining. The 30 miles readout stayed on the display for about 20 of the miles making me think there was a problem so i was waiting for it to cough and stall. reading everyone else's comments it looks like i had nothing to worry about...
  6. Tay

    Insurance 350Z GT

    i got a quote from sky today and they were about a tenner cheaper than any other quote i've had. I'm going to try knott's tomorrow to see what they can do for me. I've always heard that 1 ticket makes no difference but like you i've had the experience of my premiums going up as a result.
  7. Tay

    350Z-uk stickers

    Unfortunately if you do that the plates are no longer legal believe it or not. Here's what the DVLA rules say: The British Standard sets out the physical characteristics of the number plate. This includes visibility, strength and reflectivity. The British Standard also requires each number plate to be permanently and legibly marked with the following information: * The British Standard number (currently BS AU 145d) * The name, trademark or other means of identification of the manufacturer or component supplier (The company that made the plate) * Name and postcode of the supplying outlet. My plate was manufactured by bestplate, it has the dealer name and postcode on it in the middle and on the right it says bestplate BSAU145d. Does this mean i'm not allowed to cover the dealer name and postcode up?
  8. Tay

    350Z-uk stickers

    rather than a window sticker a yellow and white sticker to cover the dealers name on the plates would be good?
  9. +1, in addition to the above the HPI check doesn't cover you for cloned cars as a friend of mine found out. a bunch of V5 documents were stolen some time ago so google it take down the serial numbers of the documents and make sure the V5 you're shown doesn't fall within the stolen batch.
  10. yep Or just remove the buld from the OEM unit... if you're going to de-badge n smooth out, remove all badges fit these on the side, why would you not remove the side indicator and smooth that out too???
  11. https://www.paypal.com/uk/cgi-bin/websc ... splay-fees getting a little off the original topic but heh... When i pay for something using paypal , I use my paypal account (it is linked to my bank account) but my barclaycard always shows the paypal charge. I can honestly say that it's never been more than the final fee on ebay. Even if my paypal account has money in, I don't recall ever seeing an option to use my paypal balance or charge to my card (it always charges my card like it's a default option or something) When i sell something the paypal account gets the credit and the final fee is always more than what ends up in my paypal account (I think they charge at this point) When I transfer a balance I can't remember if they charge or not.
  12. bought stuff from individuals too. The final price is always the amount that appears on my credit card statement.
  13. my barclaycard is linked to paypal to pay for stuff and i've never been charged a fee.
  14. 650hp fiesta. hmm poop, shovel....yes the fiesta is faster. not by any means this geezer isn't good but judging by the number of times he makes the little mistakes I would not like to be the one on the segway...
  15. You will find the GAP insurance much cheaper than quoted. As far as the tracker is concerned only get one if it reduces your insurance premiums and you can get the GPRS ones for a cost of 99p per day.
  16. Fuel economy???, Why did you buy the Z? Are you someone who keeps the average MPG display up? The Z isn't economical. If you're worried about fuel economy you won't enjoy the car.
  17. 1. Jak 2. Yokomo 3. ian.lewkowicz 4. Roo 5. MadMarky 6. Mitch 7. Chesterfield 8. Shire 9. Nismo'd 10. Tay
  18. It's nothing to worry about.When i got my first fine years ago i didn't bother responding. After the third reminder I received a court summons at which point I contacted them and paid the fine. At first they were adamant that as the summons had gone out I had to appear in court but a lengthy conversation later they agreed to just let me pay the fine. They are reasonable people (even if they are making money from my heavy right foot) I'm sure if you manage to call them you can get a delay. You do need to call and speak to them though...
  19. Just out of curiosity, how many years have you said that for? I've only this month decided. I've always love my line of work. I was never born to be behind a desk although only in the last twelve months have I been getting really annoyed of how in competent some companies can be. So I'm making plans to do something I enjoy which involves cars and have the added bonus of working for myself. I've already been enquiring about courses and qualifications so hopefully by early spring I want to be setup. The only problem is that I earn good money doing what I do now and I'm sure changing career will reduce my income. Although I'm planning long term to reap the results. One of the geezers I used to work with bought and sold cars for years, He left earlier this year and started doing it fulltime. Makes a decent living out of it from what I hear.
  20. Just out of curiosity, how many years have you said that for?
  21. see if you can get gold on crate crash.
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