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Everything posted by Tay

  1. I remember one of the members on this forum having something snap on the car whilst on the track??? from what i remember he checked and double checked everything before going out and the part that snapped was a pretty new part. You're never going to be 100% safe doing anything...
  2. ah man...I hate the rain. but on the bright side i don't have to wash the car
  3. Irfan, have you considered fitting one of those retractable front plates?
  4. go on, tell the truth. You just sit in it and make vroom vroom noises
  5. I've had more people driving up my back side since i've had the Z that in all my years of driving. it's bloody annoying, so much so i might get one of those cheap programmable LED displays so i can write messages to them. Just take it easy, The closer they drive to my bumper the bigger gap i leave to the car infront. It's safer should the traffic suddenly stop on a busy motorway and it has the effect of making their blood pressure go even higher. I find BMW drivers and white van driver are the worst offenders on motorways and kids in their 106's round towns.
  6. nice choice of car, beats paying ££££'s for the supercharger upgrade. I'd be interested to know why the light came on...hope you get it sorted easily. take a trip over to JapFest on Sunday?
  7. sorry if this is hijacking the thread but couldn't resist. I've seen it all now, I know some of you say your car is a girl but come on, bonnet bra??? really???
  8. I wouldn't call the Z an uncomfortable car but wouldn't put it in the class of a grand tourer or anything. It takes me a while to get comfortable, I'm not a large bloke 5' 10" and 12 stone but find that right hand side of the seat digs into my leg so i shuffle around allot. When I first got the car i found that I was getting aches and pains in the back of my legs and the small of my back. It could just be a coincidence or just getting used to a different seating arrangement but stretching my legs daily has sorted that problem out. On long drives though I find that i'm getting very very tired. I'm starting to get used to it now and don't feel as tired but initially i was shattered after a 4 -5 hr journey, something that i never experienced in any other car even after a 8 hour drive. I'd give it some time as it took me about 3 months to get used to the car. I'm ok with it now and have had very few comfort issues for 6 hour journeys. My setup is to drop the back of the seat right down and the front of the seat right up using the seat adjuster knobs on the right hand side of the seat. I find that it drops me back into the seat and supports my legs which are straight. I'm not as tall as you are so this may not help.
  9. Fingers and toes crossed!! Otherwise i might invest in some snow socks I'm still looking for a sub 1k 4x4. not too worried about the snow cause i can work from home whenever i feel like it but want to do some offroading and it means i can be more mobile when it floods.
  10. had my car for 8 months now but haven't managed to read mine yet.
  11. A quicker option to the ipod hack could be on of those tapes with the 3.5mm cable already attached, I've been using one for ages and apart from the cable hanging out of the tape deck slot it's pretty good. They cost about a quid from tesco. wasn't aware of the ipod hack until today but won't work for me as i don't have the centre cubby hole to hide things in.
  12. lets hope that we don't get any snow this year eh?
  13. very smart. looking forward to seeing the end result.
  14. I would have to say no, make the car look like it's frowning.
  15. dunno what to say cept gald you've got gap insurance and hope you get it sorted with minimal hassle. when you say somehow, do you know what the some in the how was and what went wrong for you to lose it?
  16. I realise this is an old post but searched for this issue and found the exact problem i'm having. I can view the site on my 8900 but the user control panel link and messages link (top left under logo) doesn't appear. I haven't been able to find any other link on the page to access the inbox or control panel. It's only annoying when i'm out and about and get an email saying i've got a pm. i've accessed the inbox and typed the url straight into the bb browser but instead of getting an inbox i get an option to send a pm. if i try to click on the inbox link on the left nothing happens. Is anyone else having this problem and is it possible to get the message sent as part of the email notification that a pm has been sent?
  17. +1 I asked the question a while ago and was told with some decent tyres and taking it easy it should be no problem. I'm thinking about picking up a cheap disco with 8 months mot (minimum) remaining cause the roads around me flood allot this time of year.
  18. sweet, congrats on the new purchase. I need to earn more and get myself an upgrade too
  19. Tay

    went for a drive.

    you're changing up waaaaaay to early...
  20. good buy me thinks, he's broken it in so I shouldn't have any problems. now where did i put my cheque book???
  21. me too mate it was horrible seeing them eat cats and mice etc!!! Hmm ok then looks like I need to wait until you lot watch it on Sky then tell me if its worth buying the DVD set!! I've seen some adverts, coming soon to channel one (virgin 1) on freeview.
  22. Why would you do that??? One of my reasons for getting a Z is that it only had 2 seats. If it had seats in the back then i defiantly would not have bought it. Didn't ever plan on having more than 2 in the car, was persuaded to give a lift. The lack of space didn't disuade them, although they've not tried it since ! I hate ferrying people around, love having a car with just 2 seats so I can happily say no chance!
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