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Everything posted by Tay

  1. it is a pretty aggressive polish compared to others I've used. I found that it removes tar spots that I haven't been able to remove with anything else.
  2. I only bought it about 3 weeks ago so i hope it's not out of date. The bottle doesn't have a best before or any other date stamped on it or the label. I think i'll go back to using the tried and tested turtle wax when it runs out.
  3. This is a very weird question but have to ask. Has anyone using this noticed that the car attracts loads of flies when parked up? I'm not talking the ones you kill that stick to the front bumper, numberplate and windscreen when driving but live ones that sit and walk all over the car. I bought a bottle of autoglym to try it out, was using the turtle wax polish which I've used for years and found was very good in keeping the car looking shiny and when it rained the water would run straight off the car. Since using the auto glym resin polish however I've found that the water stays on the car, it does bead and it's a nice shine after the car has been polished but the cars seams to get dirty quickly and attracts a noticeable number of flies to the paintwork. This never happened with the turtle wax polish. As a test I washed the car but didn't bother to apply polish and there were no files. washed and polished it over the weekend for the japfest and again loads of files are attracted to the car this week. Has anyone else who's used this brand noticed this?
  4. dunno if that is the right kit for the Z but do you also know about the high vis jacket and warning triangle requirement?
  5. Looks very nice but how does he open the doors???
  6. they will just ask for your username
  7. that is not the work of a professional, are you not going to say who you took it too? Hope you get it sorted with no hassle mate.
  8. Thats nice of him, a tank of fuel doesn't last long so ask him to buy you a fuel card didn't catch the reg, noticed too late and it drove by. I've PM'd exactly where a few minutes ago.
  9. hehe, yup thats mine, was in the office today. Did I spot you on the bypass on the way home by anychance? was on autopilot and noticed a GM Z, by the time i noticed it was too late to spot the plate cause it had practically driven by.
  10. I would say yes, if it's not a run flat then the tyre walls aren't strong enough to keep a tyre from being flat. You can get runflats in the RE050's saw a few on various websites when I looked recently. The only other thing is the gauge at the garage was faulty or something. I've got a digital one i use at home
  11. Had something vaguely similar on the way to work years ago. I was driving along the country lanes 60 speed limit when i catch up to some woman in a merc driving at 40. I drive up and down these roads twice a day and it takes over an hour on a good day so there was no chance i was going to sit behind her so obviously overtook. As I'm pulling infront (plenty of gap) she blasts her horn and flashes her lights, i thought plenty of gap heh... carried on. Then i come to a village, speed limit 30 and slow down. About 1/2 to 3/4 way through this 30 zone a silver merc overtakes me as i was doing 30, i though what a **** and i notice it was the woman i overtook earlier. Along comes a national zone again and she carries on at 40, I catch up and overtake. Again horn and flashing lights and i'm thinking CRAZY but carry on. Another 30 she overtakes me and when i catch up to her in a national section she's doing 40. I'm thinking defiantly crazy at this point. At the first opportunity overtook and same again (horn, lights). I made a rude gesture at this point and carried on. Didn't see her again cause there were no more villages. Very very weird experience...
  12. 3.5k when cold is too much for me. I don't think I've taken it above 2 -2.5k when cold.
  13. yep, started with shaggs, then kills, then gives birth too, then blows, then plays football then got bored with it. very good find...
  14. nice looks I haven't polished my exhaust yet, it's nearly black. Judging by your pic's it's a job worth doing.
  15. Am I missing something?, the doors on the merc are gull-wing?
  16. great pictures, it was nice to have met you all shame about the weather...
  17. there should be an auto power off/on feature. let me know if you can't find it in the options cause i was thinking about getting one. One of the things i love about my blackberry is the option to auto switch off/on at specified times.
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