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Everything posted by Tay

  1. it was when i was a kid, would have to scan in some old pics at some point cause digital camera's weren't around in those days.
  2. all he ever ate was raw meat, maybe some fish sometimes, drank some water and a little milk every now and again. He was a healthy cat, only ever went to the vet once or twice a year for a checkup, there was never anything wrong with him. Would you call his diet balanced?
  3. ok should have said tiger. he was massive. people used to look at him and ask what breed of cat he was. We had him from a kitten and at first he wouldn't eat anything. tried every brand and every variety of cat food and he'd sniff it and turn away. Once we put the bowl outside (near a flowerbed) he walked over sniffed it and started kicking soil over it from the flower bed. The vet said not to worry and that he will eat when he's hungry. The only reason we found out that he likes raw meat was one day some meat was out on the worktop. Mum turned away for a second and he lept up to the worktop and scoffed the lot in no time. We unfortunately had to give him up as we were away from home more and more at the weekends and it wasn't really fair on him. My cousin said they'd take him and he ran away about a week after they took him never to be seen again. Shame really...
  4. Go to animal shelter get another one...I've only had Dougie since mid July. My last cat was run over July 4th - have never grieved for an animal like that not even my last horse- it was GUTTING. People thought I was a right cold fish just going straight to shelter and getting another but I needed a fur fix I still go to call Dougie 'Jack' every day and have the odd weep but has definatley helped having him around We gave up our cat years ago. Long story. He was ginger and white and built like a brick. Would eat nothing but raw meat. Ended up more like a lion than a cat.
  5. what is a head bonk??? something the RCPCA should know about You don't know what a head bonk is??!! You know when cats show affection by rubbing their head against you? That's called a head bonk! I can honestly say i've never heard that expression. It just sounds rude...
  6. Tay

    Woody's Sunset Zed

    Yeh I thought I'd copy . You cant get as close as you got, its all blocked off now slightly different angle and the chimney could have been a mahooosive aerial on your car too...
  7. I was going to ask the same question. I've noticed it over the past week or so. It doesn't appear that bad when i get in the car (demists fairly quickly) but when the sun shines i can see little stripes on the inside where the condensation has been running down the screen. very annoying. I've started keeping kitchen roll in the car incase I need to give the screen of a wipe (and one sheet of plenty does not do plenty like the advert say's, you need atleast two) In 5 years of owning a golf i never had this problem so thought it's a bit strange. I've only ever noticed this on older cars or the little cheap run arounds. The build quality of the Z isn't the greatest but the niggles i can live with as over all it's a damn good car.
  8. what is a head bonk??? something the RCPCA should know about
  9. There is a large patch of grass infront of my house and my annoying neighbour always brings his dog over to pee there. really pisses me off. there is nothing i can do to stop him...
  10. never known a cat to drool
  11. +1, never noticed. Another nice addition in the post 06 that i've noticed are the orange LED's in the side of the headlamp. Didn't know about it before i bought the car and noticed the reflection in the window of a shop when i switched them on one evening.
  12. Mascot?! I'd hit that cat! Just think of the scratches I'm not a huge fan of cats, they make my eyes go pink and my nose feel like it's closing up. their feet are pretty soft, the only way they can scratch the paint is if they end up with a big piece of grit lodged in their paws. He's never done it before. I think the auto glym super resin polish is attracting more than just flies... I like cats and hate dogs with a passion (smelly little shites who drool, pee and pant annoyingly...hate it).
  13. i'm not into modifying so one of the others might be able top help. I've got a 2006 model and it has the same orange reflector. you must be able to buy it as a spare part incase you or a stone crack it. what year car are you wanting to attach it too?
  14. you can't be serious... yup yup you're not serious? he's got handles on the inside so wouldn't it just be easier to open it from the inside? on a more serious note, are they hidden door handles as found on an alfa?
  15. are you talking about the vertical reflector in the front bumper or the orange stripe in the headlamp?
  16. got myself a little mascot for my car...
  17. People said that about the golf but it never was the case, I've seen a thread on here about swapping bulbs and don't remember them telling you to take the bumper off???
  18. it is silver but so was my old car and i have never noticed files all over it. It's the sheer number of them that made me notice it. I have washed the car and not applied it and there were 0 flies on the car, only noticed it again this week (polished over the weekend)
  19. Does her car have the nemo detailing on in real life?
  20. If you've only covered 2k in a year I'd have thought the insurance would be properly cheap. I've always been told that if you get limited mileage insurance you pay peanuts. On the subject of the car itself. Do you just see it as a way to get from a to b or see it as a hobby if you get my point? If it's a hobby that gets you out to meets etc.. then it's worth keeping but looking at it from a car to get you from a to b then yes it does and in style but... is this making sense?
  21. I honestly thought people would think i'm a bit mad for suggesting that the auto glym attracts flies. So pleased that others have noticed this too. I'll give the wax a try but to be honest after a wash and polish I rcan't be bothered to give it the wax treatment too. Might try it the once to see how i get on. My neighbours already think i'm mad so nothing to lose there i suppose.
  22. Hi, Can anyone recommend a body shop around the somerset/wiltshire area that would be able to sort out a couple of stone chips on the roof of my car. The chips are pretty deep and it's starting to bubble slightly. I had chipsaway come out just now and he turned away quicker than he arrived saying that he won't be able to get his heat lamps on the car cause of the position of the chips. I would like to hear from someone thats used a bodyshop and has had a good experience from them. Anywhere around the towns of Yeovil, Trowbridge, Corsham and Bath would be great. Thanks.
  23. and you need to name the bodyshop so others in this forum can avoid taking their cars to them.
  24. I'm confrontational. Have you got any photo's of the back end before that shows there was no scratch near the badge? I will be more than happy to have an argument with them...
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