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Everything posted by jumping350

  1. did you check or change oil when you first got it? have you done either since you got it?
  2. H dev would do a top job so your in safe hands there
  3. If you can fit a lot yourself or all of it you do save a bucket load of £££ there
  4. had this recently with some wheels, seller had some weird setup on his account where they have to accept the payment or it just sits there both of us figured that one out after about a week he didnt even realise
  5. lots of light layers of about 4-5 coats getting slightly heavier as you get better coverage to make a thick layer that will then easily peel off. Ive done it a few times and when I pulled it off my wheels were gleaming underneath
  6. I actually did a lot of research on this before I got one for work, anything under 8,000Mah is probably a waste of time and maybe get 1-2 full charges out of it before you need to charge it again. Seemed a waste of time to me so I went for a 20,000Mah Aukey one and have fully charged my phone everyday for a week and got a good charge out of my other phone on top of that before power bank needed charging again. Granted it is a bit chunky but really is no problem putting it in my backpack, i now dont charge my phone off a socket anymore just charge this up once a week, best bit of tech I ever bought has lighting charge both ways/fast charge. A lot of these dont seem to put out the power they advertise so better to get a higher capacity one to start with https://www.amazon.c...B/dp/B0183K0GZC
  7. I forgot about these, these sold so Mods can lock when your ready please Thanks
  8. Had a bit of a clearout and some of these parts im never going to get round fitting/modding or have the desire since going FI. All parts came or are for a DE 350z Collection from Kingston area Surrey Aerokit Spec R-3 Side Skirts £170 collected Brand new never been fitted just a bit of dirt on them and will clean up fine D1 spec V2 Throttle Controller £75 + p&p Easily one of the best mods I have done on the Zed such a smart box of tricks that has given many smiles. Includes all wiring though I hard wired mine in but do have the OBD part somewhere il have to dig out so you can still draw power from OBD port however will have to ground it somewhere else. Working fine before removal no longer required as now mapped and FI Standard MAF £30 delivered OEM engine cover £20 collected I have the badge somewhere aswell but good for dipping/painting Bluetooth cradle £15 delivered
  9. P0134 Front O2 Sensor, Bank 1 High Voltage
  10. Cat doesnt seem to bothered I like it and sure does kick out some light even in the day time
  11. loving that I think a black/carbon rear diffuser would match it nicely but thats just me I two tone everything
  12. Good work i fitted mine in same spot but sadly im not getting a reading so have to pull it all apart again and drain oil to check sensor. For those that are interested a 60mm gauge should fit in there perfectly
  13. Need some bonnet pins I know it looks windy but on a standard car on another note I haven't had salt n shake crisps for decades!
  14. Well spotted nixy Great guy met him on numerous occasions RIP mate
  15. not sure if it helps as isnt your exact model but never know may help identify problem
  16. Sorry to see that Ersen mate, maybe worth tallying up what you got left, seats, interior, headlights, HR bonnet etc and then see how much insurance want for it and weigh it up. Such a shame your car was always well kept and shiny.
  17. or are you looking at your oil pressure gauge?
  18. What an absolute bugger! Good job Chris I feel that pain of removing the sump all to well for stupid reasons, and I currently have a mystery oil leak that's not coming from any of the likely suspects , ah supercharged zeds
  19. Looks awesome mate and pipes look GTR ish which is cool
  20. you already have an oil pressure sensor and a gauge in the cabin
  21. there buried deep in there somewhere and probably buried with crud, I remember having to use a ratchet spanner to get in there properly
  22. I usually unbolt all the mounts then take the rubbers off when off the car and bolt mounts back on, bit of a longer process but saves all the strain and swearing
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