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Everything posted by jumping350

  1. Thanks guys il get some more pics later on today as the sun is out, my mate took me out in it yesterday and he has fallen in love with it now and even tried offering his banged up land rover as a swap nippy little things on the revs though!
  2. Mx5 theres so many models of these cars Induction kit and upgraded HT leads bit of dress up but nothing major paintwork is great, its been put together well which drew me to it
  3. Il try and keep this brief but a bit of a story to it so il bullet point it to make things quicker. -Snapped Achillies Tendon - havent walked/driven for 6 months will slowly be coming back but told in my physios own words ' no you cant **** around with cars or lift heavy things till sometime in 2018!!!') -Subaru has run out of tax/mot and needs a lot doing to it to get it where I want, which now I cant do until 2018!! -Lost love of Subaru now and bored of it, been there done it, tick the box and move on i think - will strip it of good parts put back to standard and then sell it cheap running as a track car or someones project -350z S/C is staying but a bit too brutal to go straight back in and learn to drive after a snapped tendon especially being my right leg -Decided to get a runabout already done/modded but still a bit unique in looks but some other mug has done the work -Also was highly unsure of what to get thats cheapish but still a good laugh but wanted to get something that will motivate my rehab and help get me focussed on training and recovering quicker -Mainly it ticked all my childhood boxes, always wanted a black car, always wanted a convertible but not a ragtop, needed to look mean Slight issue is I now have 3 cars and one leg and I cant drive any of them so my man maths hasnt quite worked out here Enter the new daily driver...............
  4. hello mate im 10 minutes down the road drop me a pm and we can sort it
  5. Welcome, where in Surrey are you? engine light maybe due to new cats you can sometimes fix issue with a spacer for the sensor however without reading the code i am guessng, best to do a 'pedal dance' (google it) to get the code or if your not far I can plug my OBD2 datascan in to let you know it
  6. let me know if you still have this
  7. Mate sounds awful, after snapping my Achilles they let me run out of Heparin to thin my blood as I was at a pretty high risk of a blood clot where I had torn it and if it wasn't for my intervention I would have gone without! My advice write everything down then read it and see how much of it contradicts itself (usually a lot) then research and see what best solution is and argue with Dr's till they do what they are supposed to. Im lucky as my work pulled me out of NHS system pretty quick but only went there as I went to A&E as leg was ubered and it was 10pm Sunday and just needed it immobolised. Auto morphine machine...I see a mod happening here for increased delivery response
  8. yeah you can get cipher, heres a couple of videos I used too look at
  9. Ive got one of these, great bit of kit well worth the price tag in my opinion and was a life saver as Mark at Abbey was able to send me a base map to upload to ECU to get to him without blowing the car up
  10. Hi guys, thought I would give a brief update from the few small texts ive received, basically small amount is my fault but she says its more her and she needs space! that's it.... Understand people need space but you dont have to empty my house and do a runner when im not there and not tell me about it! TBH this is worse than just disappearing as with that I knew where I stood, now I have no idea and no idea when anything will happen. On the bright side I fixed my wheely chair at home, sorted out a route and can now get a cup of tea from kitchen to my living room now on my own without spilling or dropping it! (you have no idea how hard it is to do everything on your own with one leg and on crutches) She was meant to help me get to London today for an event as I had 3 bags, but I soldiered on by myself and honestly there are some really kind people out there who helped me carry bags/called station staff for me etc and generally just felt sorry for me Like everyone says you cant sit about and wallow for too long or it will drag you down, I am solely focused now on surviving and learning to walk again by myself which will be tough but guess its just another of lifes challenges that will make you stronger. For the record and I know it might be because all the drama that's happened to me recently but women ARE worse
  11. Thanks for all your words guys really appreciate it. 6 years 3 years she didnt live with me and 3 years she did with her boy staying on and off during that time but stayed solid for last 12months. It is crazy feeling to be fine and then gone,bit like my leg, one moment running around next cant walk for 6 months. we went shopping sat like normal she seemed fine
  12. thats the worst bit could had decency to tell me or talk about it
  13. nothing il suspect i may hear from her today,we have ups and downs but nothing major.no contacts son changed number but know where mum lives however cant get there. getting the impression i was a stop gap for them both
  14. aha so that would be the normal conclusion for this story, however I have one leg, I cant walk and I cant drive and literally been housebound with her son crashing in the next room for the last year (hes in all day) so there is no poking going on here and I havent anyway so thats not it, I generally like to think im a nice guy who tries hard/motivated and is quite easy going...apparently not.
  15. Yeah tell me about it! I dont know yet il have to hobble round when I get in from my one legged commute from work and have a look! I have noticed around £2500 missing from the account though!
  16. I had a pretty brutal one yesterday, ive snapped my Achilles Tendon and been in a boot for 4 months now, still unable to walk and my playing career is pretty much over now, my friend took me to watch a game yesterday came home and all the mrs stuff was gone including her! not answering phone and dont know where she is, as far as brutal goes this is pretty much the top of the list in my opinion, Ive done so much for her and her boy and this is my reward, im now on my own with one leg and all the bills wondering what to do next! You may see a supercharged zed up for sale shortly
  17. I dont own a 370z but pretty sure they are same as GTR and one time fire only and also there is an ecu which controls it which somehow fries itself aswell I think hence the expense! Someone with more knowledge will be along soon
  18. That is the exact bonnet I want! I have the same carbon one but without vents gets pretty hot under there with the Vortech doesnt it! Car looks awesome mate
  19. This may just confuse matters but this is how mine is
  20. with mine we cut the old A/C belt in half and taped that to the end of return line
  21. Thankfully I dont have to now its in my friends double garage sooo much easier to get in it now I haven't seen it for 3 months now though so really miss it! Evilscorp that intercooler is mahoosive Move it out front ilott you will get an element of heatsoak where it is now im sure, so out front at least its away from all of that
  22. boot struts have gone on upside down need unbolting and bracket needs flipping round the other way
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