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Everything posted by jumping350

  1. get a few jumpers aswell and wedge it between bumper to stop it scratching bumper and your interior plastics when it moves slightly while driving
  2. good luck buddy I ran my first ever 10k last week granted im still an active athlete however my current sport isnt really long endurance and also did absolutely zero training, I ran round the park twice which equates to about 1.5km you will be fine..drink plenty tonight make sure you stretch well and take a very slow pace throughout its not about the time its about getting round the course in a way that's best for you during and after the race. From there you have a bench mark and can build on that for the next one Believe it or not the rain will actually do you good during the miles
  3. Not worth moving over to be honest these things can happen anywhere, I have another garage same distance down the road the opposite way and that hasn't had any reports of break ins for nearly a decade. Is sad though and a shame these things happen especially after the lengths some of us go to! I only moved into new garage a few months ago and secured this garage better than my other one and this one got hit! My borough has some guests at the moment and trouble has occurred ever since, so once moved on im sure will go back to quiet. If I left my garage door open not only would all my stuff be gone but so would the door probably
  4. ive taken everything loose out of the garage for now just in case, that was what I was worried about that they would just kick it or damage it instead. Shutters or some sort of security grill/gate inside is the way forward so they can go through all the drama of getting many locks off then open the door and be confronted with a massive gate
  5. I've gone security mad today so on the hunt for something up a level from what I had,will take a look at those diamond armadillo things they sound good. At least I keep the battery for the zed inside the house so they wouldn't be able to have moved it plus the brembos haven't been bled so wouldn't be able to stop lol. Very quiet evening so that was good. My take on all this is padlocks don't work anymore
  6. that would be awesome that would trap the little buggers, Im on youth patrol tonight have already done two rounds of the block yeah they were a good purchase though expensive and now there gone
  7. maybe the injectors might be causing issues also
  8. yeah they have been great and couldnt thank them enough, the house overlooks the area down the road at a weird angle so is a good spot for stalking seems odd as they haven't got into any of the ones they have tried but took the padlocks??
  9. So walked passed my garage this morning to find both my heavy duty padlocks missing from my garage door and feared the worse but the main lock was still ok as well as a sneaky smaller padlock I put in. So got really lucky Having seen me outside not looking happy one of the opposite neighbours to garage came out and said my alarmed padlock had woken up his wife and she called the police, she watched two youths scarper with the noise going with them and of course police turned up 10 minutes later she said! Saw the police on the way back from work and they said they are on the look out and sighed at it being only the start of the school holidays so im sure there is plenty more to come. Thing is they weren't lightweight padlocks and they got through them pretty quick which is worrying, if it wasnt for the alarm I dread to think,they would of thought jackpot! Neighbour told me that's the 4th garage in as many weeks that has been hit but appears to be random. Im thinking of getting shutters Lock up, check and double check and keep your cars safe everyone ..schools out for summer! Best part is I sorted out the neighbour some wine and beers for there efforts and they are now my watching eyes over my pride possession and will text me straight away if they see anything
  10. ah yes the porscharati z ...a fine example to be fair as grundy mentioned a lot of work has gone in to it
  11. 2 people in a 10 page thread said they didnt like the 350z and we end up as the cover picture
  12. jumping350

    Goodridge kit

    may not help but I changed my lines the other day and looks like the fronts are missing 2 lines and the rears are wrong, should be like the pic Coldel put up and have a 90 degree banjo bolt on it for rears, although mine were Hel lines they still had the same design as Coldels picture. I would say your missing the correct rear lines, 2 x front lines with banjo ends that go into the block connector and also 4x banjo bolts and 8x copper washes and maybe some p clips to hold the lines to suspension
  13. looks nice G still gonna miss your zed though but as practical goes that's a screamer, id say turbo it you already had to get rid of zed so why not.....im sure one of the traders could help That is mint though and the seats look really comfy
  14. has to be approved first wait a bit im sure someone will do it soon or PM you if a problem
  15. oh lol never mind then must just be noise if no leaks
  16. have a look to see if the rubber bit around oil filler cap is trapped between the plenum
  17. Rears went on today, cutting that brake shield was a mission! but all done and dusted now just need to bleed them another day swap discs for better ones and off for a bed in and test drive. 3 things I over looked and miraculously got away with 1.Rear Rota on the front which left me with mm's to spare from upper control arm 2.Front Brembo with Rear Rota (concave) also mm's to spare from spoke hitting caliper 3.Seem to have got away with tyre size choices and tcs seems to be happy looks even meaner now
  18. ive told a few people this morning I got in a scuffle with a cage fighter they didnt believe me...I need to come up with a more believable story! Do it today and post some pics !!
  19. cheers GM, yup on my head caught it on the corner of the garage door (it must have lowered slightly) Mrs took me in last night and they just put butterfly things on it. looks like ive been hit in the head with an axe Has your Type R turned up yet ?
  20. So started on the brakes (funny as this was the first mod I wanted to do when go the car 5 years ago ) ye olde pieces of crap Didnt realise how much bigger two piece rotors are Finally its on there Braided line routed though the P clip is wrong hole size so have just routed it for now till a bigger P clip turns up After a lot of cleaning got the clip out and installed the braided line Loving it. and the hub of the disc is gold and shows through the extra holes in the Rota think I need gold nuts now maybe I would like to say it went trouble free, well it did expect I nearly crashed into end of garage as I forgot about the pedal and that it had no pads! then walked in to the garage door and the mrs is debating taking me to hospital or not for stitches
  21. Another thank you to Adrian and Torqen for my bits and bobs...my list is now complete.....for now
  22. the immobilser fob but not sure a UK car has one?...do you just get all the lights on dash when starting and when you turn the key nothing fires at all??
  23. not to sure on the UK model but know the imports have had problems with the stick thing so maybe case with yours? i sure a UK owner will be along that may have suffered same probem
  24. do you have an immobiliser? is yours an import or UK
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